After meeting the bitches of this camp I decided to go for a walk with Will."So what is with this thingy on my arm?" I pointed to the sea green tattoo that magically appeared on my left arm.
"Well it symbolizes who your godly parent is." He showed me his.
"But you have two." I stated.
"Yes because my birth mother was Athena but I was blessed by Apollo." He explained.
"Oh." I said.
"Come on. We better go. Chiron will be looking for you. He will want to introduce you to the camp."
We walked to the 'Big House' and I met Chiron. When I was done talking to him, we went to the pavilion where everyone was eating.
"Ahem! Listen up campers! We have a new person joining us today! Her name is Dakota and she is the daughter of Poseidon!" He finished shouting and cheers were heard throughout the pavilion. I had to cover my ears. "Ok ok thats enough. I want you to make her feel welcome. We are all family and we all support each other. I don't want you to treat her any different than the rest of you. You got that?"
"Yes Chiron!" They said at the same time.
"Good. You may continue eating."
He turned to me.
"You will be sitting at that table." He pointed to a turquoise table with three people sitting at it.
The people were
1) Ryder
2) A boy with olive skin and dark brown hair with green eyes like mine
3) A boy with blond hair and blue eyes.
I walked over to them and sat down.
"Hey! My name is Jason. Im the son of Jupit- Zeus! I'm the son of Zeus." He introduced.
"Sup! My name is Percy. I'm the son of Poseidon too." he reached out a hand so I took it.
"And that's Ryd-" I cut Percy off.
"I know who he is." I said. I glared at Ryder and a dark, scary aura was starting to surround me.
I saw the boys staring at me. They shivered out of fear.
"Oh and uh just a heads up," I started, "Don't! Make me mad. Ever!"
My eyes flashed gold, green, and blue.
"O-okay!" The said in unison. All, except Ryder he just picked up his head and smirked then went back to eating.
"ARGHHHHRA!!!" I screamed in my head. He annoys the shit out of me!
I remained calm on the outside, but on the inside I was silently devising a plan to make Ryder pay. I smirked evilly as my plan fell into place. My hair was covering my eyes. I must've looked pretty damn scary because Percy and Jason were hugging each other and shaking while looking at me.
I calmed down and moved the hair from my eyes. We all continued to eat in silence.
When dinner was done, the sun was starting to set. I was heading back to my cabin when something hugged me from behind. I felt warm arms bare on my waist. I gasped to see Daniel hugging me by the waist. I turned around and hugged him back. I buried my face in his chest and started to sob. Tears started to slither down my cheeks and were soaking his orange shirt. "Damit Daniel! I thought I lost you!" I said in between sobs.
"Shhh it's ok. I'm here now. It's ok." He caressed calming me down. We walked the rest of the way to my cabin in silence. His hand fit perfectly around mine. When we got there I oped the door. Daniel kissed me, not long but passionate, and turned around he was about to spread his wings when..."Daniel." I put my hands on his shoulder, "Please. Stay with me." I looked into his watery blue eyes. He gave me a slight soft smile and nodded his head. I led him into my cabin and changed in the bathroom. When I got out I crawled into the covers and Daniel slid in next to me.
He reached over and laid his arm around my waist. I soon fell asleep after that.
I woke up in the morning with sunshine streaming through the windows. I tried to stretch only to find my space limited by an arm on my waist and a leg over both of mine. I gently moved his arms and leg away and walked out of the cabin. My out fit was a black crop top that said 'FRESH' and ripped jeans with black high tops (in media).
I went to find a quite place to listen to some dubstep and found a giant shady tree. I sat underneath listening until I felt a dark aura around me. I ripped off my headphones and threw my laptop on the ground. Ryder was sitting next to me. He stood up and walked over to me. He tilted my chin up so i met his eyes and whispered in my ear, "I know what your planning, and it won't work." then he disappeared.
What the frick?

The One From the Sea
FantasyIt started with the bad dreams. Then I woke up in a strange place surrounded by the wounded and dying. I was laying on this cream colored cot with a weird drink and food next to me. I was wearing an orange shirt with blue jean-shorts and orange vans...