💛Chapter four💛

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Chapter FourBad Weather: DBK's son

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Chapter Four
Bad Weather: DBK's son

"Am I in wattpad?"

3rd person pov;

"And I was like, 'Stop there, Demon Bull King.' And DBK's all like, 'You can't stop me! I'm cwazy!' And then I grabbed my staff, and whoosh! I created this giant mech!" MK summarize as he tell the stories of how he defeated DBK.

[Name] sigh sipping their tea that Sandy made for them, 'Am I in wattpad?' They thought as they keep drinking their tea, 'Hm... As much as I hate to admit I would like to have a Y/n life: Over powered, love by everyone, have a good backstory.. But this story might become cliche if it did...'

'Oh sh*t will I have the Samadhi fire? I hope not...'

"I've just pulled a quadruple shift at the shop. And I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day!" Pigsy exclaimed snapping [Name] out of their thoughts.

"Oh, Piggy, relax. A little time off never hurt anyone." Mr, Tang stated, "Yeah! A time off never hurt nobody." MK agreed.

[Name] ignore the chaos and look at the Tv, waiting for a certain red hair boy. They mindlessly sip their tea ignoring the other behind them.

Pigsy sighs, "Look, kiddo, you're a superhero now. You're going to need-" Before Pigsy could finish Mei interfere, "A cape! Maybe a logo, or a headquarters! Some vehicles, you know, all the stuff to help you beat bad guys!"

"No, what I was getting at-"

While minding their own business, Mei suddenly grab [Name]'s hood and drag them inside the small elevator, [Name] groan as they tried to move, "I'm kinda claustrophobic." [Name] stated, they were squeezed between Mei and Sandy's back.

The door finally open and all of them got out, "Welcome to our new team base!" Everyone awe at the base, even [Name].

"Mei, when did you make this?" MK asked in amazement, "How did you make this?" Pigsy asked in disbelief, [Name] chuckled resting their elbow at Mr, Tang shoulder.

"Logic Pigsy." They said looking at the Lego-Pig, "Say, Sandy, weren't you building a secret base for MK, too?" Mr, Tang whisper, Sandy look away, "Umm... no."


The broadcast of Redson ended and [Name] was having a mental breakdown, "Why are they so hot-" they murmur.

"Oh yeah!" Mei and MK cheer, "What do you mean 'Oh yeah'? This ain't an 'oh yeah' moment!" Pigsy exclaimed.

"Chill out, Pigsy. I'm invincible, remember? If he wants to tussle with the champ, then I say bring it!" MK 'reassure'.

"Yeah! 'Cause he's a superhero, yo! The Red Baby is gonna get M.K.O'd!" Mei stated grabbing [Name] and dragging them.

"Uh, you got a lot to learn, kid. Don't just dive head first in the danger- Wait, what did I just say?"

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MK laugh and jump into the staff, "Totally invincible!" He shouted as the staff extend, Mei and MK dragging [Name] who look horrified.

I mean who wouldn't be scared? You are standing on a STICK while you're a few feet above the ground and the only thing you can cling on is your friend.


"Not so fast, Redson!" MK shouted

"Noodle Boy! I thought I smelt some garbage! Turns out I was right!" Redson laughs.

"You're laughing now, but…I'm invincible! So yeah, you're basically toast. Prepare to get M.K.O'd!" MK shouted, [Name] back away knowing what's gonna happened next.

"Yeah, MK! You show him who's boss-" The staff was about to hit Mei but luckily [Name] grab her by the arm before it could hit her.

Pigsy screams, "Jeez, watch what'cha doing!" He scolded, MK scream giving the two an apologetic look.

MK swing his staff nearly hitting Pigsy and Tang but the two avoided it, except Sandy. The staff hit Sandy making him fall to the ground.

"Oh, my chakra!"

"Oh, no! You've killed him!"

"Eh, he's a big guy. He'll be fine." Mei assured putting Sandy small soul who were about to leave back to his chest, Mei rest herself into Sandy, [Name] sweatdrop and approach the two.

"You dorks done beating each other up yet?" Redson asked, MK turn to him, "Yes, and you're next on my list!" He throws the Staff at Red Son but the staff flags behind him and extends, jabbing him. He's thrown out of the Weather station screaming.

Everyone get into a stan except Sandy, "I guess the garbage takes itself out now!" Redson laughs as he approach the gang.

"Hey, uhm Mei. I think it's the better time to use your erm dragon." [Name] whisper looking at Mei who shrugged, "Yeah... About that-"


"I'm done." [Name] was tied upside down unlike the other, "That's what you get! How dare you peasant." Redson complain as he rub his black eye.

[Name] stick their tongue at Redson who look offended, "How dare you! Don't you know who I am? I Redson the son of the Demon Bull King will not be disrespect!" He shouted.

"Hot pepper." Redson hair ignite in flame glaring at them, "What did you say?!"

"Hot pepper."

Redson marched toward [Name] and as soon as he was close enough [Name] swing themselves headbutting him on his chin.

"ACK- YOU-" Before Redson could do anything, "Oh, Redson!" MK comes in being dropped by Monkey King, "Let's settle this for real. I won't let you get away with this." MK threatened.

"You're back to beat yourself up some more?" Redson cackle, "Hey. I'll have you know I can control my powers now. Only downside is I'm not invincible anymore, so I could die." MK stated.

"What?!" Pigsy screamed.

While MK and Redson were fighting like in the show, [Name] was trying to wiggle themselves out of the rope when they heard a small snap.


The rope snapped and [Name] fall to the ground head first, they groan as they lay on their back.

"You may have won this round but... you're still garbage!" Redson scream as he disappears in a fire tornado.

"Let's get this place back to normal." MK said looking at the panel then switches everything on the console back to normal, it becomes sunny again, "And that should do it." He said proudly.

"MK!" Mei scream as she slams herself into MK, Sandy follows, "Aw, you really did limit your power." Mei said, Sandy destroyed the rope and walk toward [Name] untying them.

"Yeah. Just till I learn to control them better." MK said, "And... how are you gonna do that?" Pigsy asked, [Name] approach them rubbing their head who still hurt by their fall, they put a hand on MK shoulder, "With practice and training, right MK?" They said looking at MK.

"Yup! Practice, practice, practice." MK accidently bumps himself in the head with his staff.

Mei, Pigsy, Sandy, Tang, and [Name] all laugh together. What [Name] failed to noticed is the white gem on their chocker glowing blue.

"Destiny will soon bring us together."


Heya guys! So, I have some question do you guys want Tang to be a love interest?

When do you guys think is the right time for the reader to discover their power?

Also, the reader will discover one of their power soon! Let me give you a small sneak peek of one of the readers ability.

This art is drawn by me, please do not claim it as yours

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This art is drawn by me, please do not claim it as yours. It's not the best since I'm still a beginner of art. In fact this is my first drawing.

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