Chapter 5

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Today was Wednesday, hump day as some may call it, and I was feeling great. Yesterday was just as good as I predicted and today was even better. Conversations at lunch distracted me so my eyes wouldn’t wander to the figures behind Stella and Anna’s heads. I still had to deal with it in clubs but it wasn’t so bad.

Whether I was alone swimming or with friends having fun I knew what was happening. I was running away from the problem. Thinking about it too much caused me to stress out and I didn’t like that too much. Not thinking about it made me feel empty and I didn’t want that either.

By Friday morning I still hadn’t come up with a solution. The first half of the day went by smoothly and lunch was in 30 minutes. The Geometry teacher asked me to drop off a piece of paper in the office for him. I couldn’t decline an opportunity to get out of class so I did as I was told. The trip to the office was quicker than I’d hoped so on the path back to class I decided to mix it up a bit.

Instead of heading straight back I took a bathroom break only to fix myself up. My naturally curly chestnut locks were flat ironed this morning to everyone‘s surprise. Unlike Alexis I had never dyed my hair before. I stared in the mirror at my plain and ordinary face, the only thing that stood out were my big green eyes. I wore light eye shadow or eyeliner most days but today I only had on mascara.

Leaving the bathroom I headed up the stairs that led to the cafeteria. I walked past and went to go up the next set of steps but ended up missing one. I landed on my knee and winced at the sudden pain. I heard an all too fimilar chuckle from behind me before I whipped around to spot the one person I was avoiding.

“You are really clumsy, huh?” Andrew stated more than asked. He made his way to stand right beside me on the left.

“I guess.” I said. My mind was blank and couldn’t think of anything else to say.

“I thought it was just a few careless steps when you trip outside during club time, but now you trip up the stairs. That totally gives you the title of clumsy.” He gave me a smirk when he stopped talking. My heart beat quickened at the sight.

I nodded in agreement and turned to quickly ascend the stairs once again. Talking to him now was not what I want to do so the only other option was to return to class. At this point class sounded good right now, a place where I was safely away from the one person causing me mental problems.

Footsteps sounded and were headed in the opposite direction of me. Good, he wasn’t going the same way as me, I thought smiling. Wait, where did he come from anyway? He hadn’t talked to me for two weeks and vice versa.

It was now lunch and I was seated like always beside Alexis while in front of Stella and Anna. Pete sat with Brendon across the rows to our left now that Andrew sat somewhere else.

We only had two minutes left to chat about random unnecessary things before 3rd period started. I looked up unintentionally and met eyes with Andrew. He mouthed the word clumsy in my direction. A small blush formed on my cheeks to his sudden actions. He sent me a small smirk before turning to Katie engaging in a new conversation.

What was with him? He ignores me for two weeks and is all of a sudden friendly with me. Well I had seen him staring at me quite a few times at lunch with an unreadable expression so maybe it was just me doing the ignoring. His every action confused me more as time went by.

Mrs. Pierce ended English class smoothly before sending us off to clubs. I walked outside to the track to meet the rest of the gang on routine. Right as I stepped onto the gated pathway a voice spoke.

“Hey clumsy, come here a sec.” Andrew called a few feet back on the right. He gave me a nickname? Butterflies filled my stomach as I turned and made my way to him.

“I have a name you know. It’s Lily Blake. And, um, where is, uh, Katie?” I said the last part as nicely as I could.

“Okay Lily.” the way he said my name made my heart flip flop. “And she’s got stuff to do every Friday now. I may be her boyfriend but it’s not like her presence is crucial for my survival.” I couldn’t tell if the last part was sarcasm or just him being a jerk. Either way he meant, when he said boyfriend my heart sank a little.

“Oh okay.” I started to turn but he stopped me by speaking again.

“I was just being sarcastic.” he stated looking awkward for some reason, he sighed and went on. “I was just thinking that you know we could hang out a little since we both know and chill with some of the same people.”

I was a bit taken aback at his blunt statement. He had a point but I looked to the left and saw Stella, Anna and Allen all eavesdropping on the conversation I was having. They all noticed me looking at them and shook their heads to answer Andrew’s question too. I rolled my eyes turning back to him.

“Sure.” I said in a confident voice but still blushed lightly. I made my way over to the trio, who were still watching us, with Andrew following behind me.

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