kim sunoo
A cute bubbly extroverted goodboy who has alot of hardships but never thinks negative and keeps up his positive energy. even in bad days he keeps his he never lets negativity eat him up. he grew up extremely poor with his older sister and...
Jake's POV I was the first one to wake up I was shocked when I woke up first. Mostly jungwon and sunoo are awake and are jumping on the bed but today they were sleeping jungwon was sleeping on my chest and snuggling on me while niki and sunoo were cuddling. I removed jungwon hands and wrapped them around sunoo and left.
*After a few minutes*
I was cooking food for every one when I felt two hands pick me up and place me on the kitchen counter. Jake: umm hyung d-do you want some-something. Heeseung: I want you. *Jake gulped* Heeseung: I'm sorry i can't control myself anymore. *heeseung said and kissed jake hungrily* After 3 minutes jake broke the kiss. Heeseung: jake I-i love you. Jake: ...........umm. Heeseung: do you like ne in that way. Jake: umm ye-yes. *Jake said and heeseung smirked* Heeseung: so will you be my boyfriend. Jake: ummm su-sure. Heeseung: your so cute when your shy. Jake: can-can I cook now. Heeseung: ok but on one condition. Jake: what is it. Heeseung: I'll help you. Jake: sure I could use some help. Then heejake started cooking. They were done with cooking. Jake: I'll wake the babies you wake up jay and sunghoon. Heeseung: ok but first I want a kiss. Jake: but we just kissed. Heeseung ignored what jake said a kissed him. Jake broke the kiss after 3 seconds. Jake: I need to go wake them up ok. Jake then left to go to the maknaes. They weren't waking. Heeseung: are they awake yet these two are awake. Heeseung, jay and sunghoon entered the room and sat on the sofa waiting for the maknaes to wake up. Jake: they aren't waking up they are the ones who usually wake me up to cook for them but they aren't waking up. Niki's hands were wrapped around sunoo's neck and jungwon's hands were wrapped around sunoo waist and sunoo was sleeping as a statue in the middle. Jungwon: jake hung why did you leave I wanted my morning cuddle ms from youuuuu. *jungwon winned while holding Jake's hands*. Jake: what's up with you guys today why aren't you guys waking up. Sunoo: niki was sleeping in between me and jungwon and he kept on slapping us and hitting us while he was peacefully sleeping himself and me and jungwon were suffering and we couldn't sleep. Niki: you can't blame me ok I was sleeping and I didn't know what I was doing. Jungwon: and he kept on saying taki's name a d kept on saying i love you taki and I miss you taki and it was soo annoying. Jake: ok plzz wake no. The maknaez: NO. Jungwon: first you come and cuddle me. Jake: how about you cuddle with jay. Jungwon: wait he is awake where is he. * jungwon said and sat on the bed with eyes wide open* Jungwon then saw jay and ran to him and sat in his lap. Jay picked him up in a bridal way and took him to the guest room where he was sleeping. Jake: now you two wake up. Sunoo: jake hyung why are you waking me up I couldn't sleep cuz of him and slept well last night so you should wake him up and not me. *sunoo said and pouted cutely* Jake: omg how do I say no to you. Sunoo smiled and started sleeping again while wrapping his hands around niki. Jake: NISHIMURA wake up right now. Niki: but hyung you allowed them to sleep. Jake: because they couldn't sleep last night and you slept. Niki: argg fine I'll get up. *niki said and got out of the bed* Sunoo: but who will I cuddle withh. Niki: shut up and get up kim. Jake: language riki. Niki: whatever. *niki said and left to go to the bathroom* Sunoo: I'll also wake up. *sunoo said and left ti go to the other bathroom* Sunghoon and heeseung just gave BOMBASTIC side eyes to eachother and saw the drama in speechless shock. Heeseung: does this happen all the time. Jake: not really, mostly niki is sleeping and jungwon and sunoo wake up early and wake me up by jumping on the bed and shaking me like two babies but today because of niki they couldn't sleep. Heeseung: I see. Sunghoon was still just speechless.
Third person's POV
*Time skip*
Everyone was eating sunghoon couldn't stop staring at sunoo who a Was sulkily pouting while eating his food cuz he couldn't sleep more. Heeseung: me and jake have something to tell you guys. Jake was nervous as he knew what heeseung was going to say. Jay: what is it. Heeseung: me and jake are officially a couple. Everyone started cheering and started teasing them. Heeseung was cool and was happy. Meanwhile jake was shy and blushing under his hands which were covering his face. Sunoo: ahhh hyung don't blush it's okayy. Heeseung took off jakes hands from his face. Niki:hahahahahahahahha look at jake hyung he's all red. *niki said while looking at Jake's face* Everyone was laughing and teasing jake including heeseung except for sunghoon. Sunghoon was staring at sunoo with a small admiring smile on his face and kept on staring at. Sunoo then noticed that sunghoon was staring at him but he tried to ignore it he was afraid of making eye contact that he started turning red. Sunghoon noticed and smirked as he knew sunoo was blushing because of him and stopped staring at sunoo. Jungwon: why is sunoo hyung soo red suddenly. Sunoo: it's becau-because of umm la-laughing. Niki: stop lying me and jungwon saw sunghoon hyung staring at you as if the world doesn't even exist. Jungwon: and you noticing and avoiding eye contact and starting to blush. Niki: and sunghoon hyung smirking and feeling proud of making you blush. Heeseung: that sounds like a kdrama. Jake: and it seems like some is head over heels for sunoo. Jay: and it also looks like someone is in love with sunghoon. Sunoo: it-its not like that. Jungwon: oh really. Sunoo: please let's just eat. Niki and jungwon started teasing sunoo again. Sunghoon: didn't he say stop. * sunghoon said showing his cold aura to them* Niki: ahh sorry mister park we didn't mean that just don't jump on us okay. * niki said with fear in his eyes*
I came to pick up sunoo for school. He is usually standing outside but he wasn't. I waited for a few minutes but no one came out. I decided to go inside and check I knocked the door. His sister opened the door. Suhyeon: oh sunghoon-ssi didn't sunoo tell you that he is sick and he won't be going to school. Sunghoon: no he didn't tell me. Suhyeon: oh maybe he forgot. Sunghoon: can I see him. Suhyeon: he is sleeping right now but if you want to then yes you can go ahead. Suhyeon moved from the door letting sunghoon in. Sunghoon: thank you. Suhyeon: his room is that one. Sunghoon: okay thank you. Suhyeon: your welcome. Sunghoon went to sunoo room a d his room was filled with the peachy scent if his he saw sunoo sleeping while hugging something sunghoon couldn't see what sunoo was hugging as it was under the blanket. He removed the blanket and saw the penguin plushie he bought sunoo. He smiled while seeing sunoo hugging it. Sunoo room was filled with pastel and bright colours and he had alot of large plushies on the bed next him. Sunghoon: he is like a cute baby. &Sunghoon wispered while smiling* He then looked at sunoo's closet which had alot of pictures on it. He moved closer to see the pictures.
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