The Confessions

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There are:
•The Catholics
•The Orthodox
•The Protestants

The Catholic Church

Basis of Faith:
•Bible and Tradition of the Church Magisterium
•Pope as head of the Church,
•Priestly ordination,
•Compulsory celibacy
•seven sacraments
•permanent presence of Christ in Eucharistic gifts
•Trinity: Father/Son are equal and the Holy Spirit comes among them and "born" through them.

The Orthodox Church

Basis of Faith:
•Bible, mysticism and experience of the relationship with God,
•Patriarch as head of the Church,
•seven sacraments
•permanent presence of Christ in Eucharistic gifts
•"Firmation" immediately after baptism
•Trinity: The Father comes over all, through him the Son and through the Son the Holy Spirit.
All equal.

The Evangelical Church

Basis of Faith:
•independent regional churches,
•Chairman of the Council/Land Bishop as Head of the Church
•Ordination as a commission (consecration of the sacraments) of pastors
•two or three sacraments (baptism, communion, penance)
•The Presence of Christ in the Execution of the Last Supper
•nothing but God is holy
•Trinity: Father/Son are equal and the Holy Spirit comes among them and "born" through them.


I have to say, it's okay to be a Protestant, but I don't think the Church was found by God, but by Luther, and the Bible was changed by Luther.
I must also say that Luther's intentions were well-intentioned, but they have done damage to the Church and it has led to so many divisions and hatred among Christians.
However, I don't want to attack anyone.

_______________ Sources
•Grundwissen Katholische Religionslehre

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