Different Part 4

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said y/n sadly burying her face in her hands "it's ok he's always like this" mina tried to comfort meanwhile up in bakugo's room. Katsuki was lying on his bed thinking, why did he yell at her he was such an idiot " UGHHHHHHH" he groaned "fuuuuuuuck" why did he have to say that to her face. A couple of minutes later mina walked in " bakubro what the fuck was that!" mina shouted "she crying because of you!, how could you!" "I get it! do you think I wanted to say that, I was fucking angry!" shouted Katsuki. (With y/n) " He's not worth it" said Tsu "I was only asking if he wanted to watch a movie" y/n said crying. He doesn't know what he is missing out on"said Tsu (yelling in the background) "we should see what's happening"Tsu said. (With bakugo and Mina) "your a piece of shit you know, why just why!? Why would you do that?" Mina said yelling.( Tsu opens bakugo's door) "I LOVE HER THERE HAPPY!?"yelled bakugo "w-what?" Y/n said. "Fuck""Bakugo thought "you love me?"asked y/n. (Bakugo blushed). Bakugo walked up to y/n and kissed them "w-what the hell!"y/n said "t-that was my first kiss!?" As they both blushed. Y/n looks away.

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