Christmas p.2

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Christmas Eve rolled around and Robin and Max were getting ready to head over to the Wheelers.
Everyone was told to dress fancy but to bring other clothes. Max got into a red dress that went past her feet. Meanwhile Robin was freaking out not knowing what to wear. The redhead started packing the car up with all the presents the two bought for everyone. Max bought presents for everyone but Robin only bought some for Nancy, Steve, Dustin, and Max of course. After getting all the presents in the car Max decided to go help Robin.
"Just wear the white dress" Max said as she walked into the room.
Robin groaned.
"I tried it on and it showed way to much of my chest!" Robin complained.
Max rolled her eyes. She didn't know why Robin cared so much. She never cared what people though about her..unless..
"Who are you trying to impress Rob?" Max smirked.
"N-no one!" Robins face flushed red as she turned away from Max.
"Get the white dress on Robin"
"Whatever" she mumbled as she walked to the bathroom.
Robin came put a few minutes later and Max's jaw dropped.
"You look amazing!"
Robin smiled a little.
"Now let's go!" Max said grabbing Robins hand and leading her outside.

A few minutes later they got to the Wheelers. The driveway was pull of cars so the two girls had to park along the road. Robin got out not forgetting to fix her dress she opened the door for Max and the two grabbed all the presents setting them under the Wheelers tree. Everyone was already there so Max quickly looked around for El.
Max turned around to see El running towards her wearing a green dress.
"Merry Christmas!" El said as she picked Max up into a hug.
Max giggles as she hugged El back.
"Right back at ya!"
The two girls laughed and El set Max down.
"I can't wait to give you presents!" Max said jumping up and down like a little kid.
El laughed a bit and grabbed her girlfriends hand leading her to the basement. The boys were all sitting there with a bottle along with Nancy, Robin, Jonathon, and Steve.
"Truth or dare?" Mike asked holding the bottle up.
Max and El shared a glance and nodded sitting down in a circle with the boys.
"Aren't you to old for this Rob?" Max teased as she sat down next to Robin and El.

"We will spin the bottle to see who goes first" Mike announced before spinning the bottle.
The bottle spun for a bit then landed on Lucas.
"Truth or dare Lucas?" Mike asked.
Lucas smirked as he turned to Mike.
Mike thought for a moment before grinning at Lucas like he had the best idea ever.
"Drink a whole cup of toilet water!"
Lucas groaned, flipping Mike off as he hurried upstairs to grab a cup. Mike went with him to make sure he filled it with toilet water. The two boys came downstairs a few minutes later with a cup of toilet water that Lucas started chugging.
Mike laughed as Lucas finished the cup with a disgusted look on his face. Lucas glared at him before spinning the bottle. The bottle spun and eventually landed on Max.
"Truth or dare?" He asked.
Max grinned.
Lucas smiles a bit as he started thinking.
"Rate everyone favorite to least favorite and why"
Max frowned.
"That's mean" she mumbled.
"None of us are going to be offended" Will said shrugging a bit.
"Whatever..okay uh-" Max looked around.
"Okay..Jonathon the least because like..I don't know him that well, then Micheal because he's a dick, Lucas because he gave me this stupid dare, Steve because he's like my older brother, Dustin because he's funny and always knows how to make me laugh, Nancy because she's like a sister and gives great advice, Robin because she's also like a sister but a best friend as well, Will because he is my guy best friend, and then El know.."

After multiple rounds of truth or dare the teens were all called upstairs for dinner or well to go to dinner. Robin and Nancy drove the girls while Steve and Jonathon drove the boys. The parents were happy to finally get some time together without a bunch of kids around. Max was sitting in between Erica and El while Nancy drove. Max smiled as she noticed Robin staring over at Nancy. The redhead leaned over to her girlfriend
"We need to get Nance and Robin together" Max whispered in Els ear.
El looked at Max and nodded slightly.

After dinner everyone decided to watch a Christmas movie. They all got changed into red plaid pj pants and black shirts. Max got a blanket for her and El and cuddled up into her.
"Maxine" El said looking down at Max's cut up wrist.
Max frowned and quickly turned her wrist the other way.
El sighed and held Max close.

Authors note—-
Going to update a two thousand chapter word tomorrow! Or the day after.

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