Chapter 21 - Carnival

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The weekend rolls around and still not knowing where Rufus is planning to take you, you find yourself staring at your closet confused at what to wear. In the end, you decide on a flowy sky blue coloured outfit and a wide brimmed hat in case it was outdoors.

Reno is already waiting outside as you step into the bright sunlight. He is leaning leisurely against the car and straightens up as you step towards him.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" He gives you a cheeky salute with two fingers touching the goggles he sports on his forehead.

"Right back at you. Although, I believe your shirt gets more and more open every day." You tease.

He laughs and makes a point of comically studying his open shirt as you get into the passenger seat and he skips around to the driver's side.

"Gotta give the ladies a little something." He winks as he drives you off towards the Shinra mansion.


You are in a playful mood as you get out of the car after teasing Reno about the deepness of the 'V' of his open shirt. You start to walk inside from the underground garage but Reno calls you back brightly to say that you will be taking the service elevator up to the helipad. Surprised and confused, you follow Reno into the elevator.

The sun is bright outside and so it takes a few seconds for your eyes to adjust when the elevator door slides open. There is Rufus standing next to the helicopter with Rude and Tseng busying themselves prepping for the flight. Rufus is wearing a light blue checked shirt tucked neatly into a pair of cream coloured chinos with a brown belt. He turns his tall frame towards you and gives you a rare carefree smile. He runs a hand through his fair hair, which under the bright sunlight looks almost silver. He holds an inviting hand out to you as you approach. You greet him somewhat shyly which confuses you as you have no idea what possesses you to retreat from his gaze.

"Hey Boss, the two of you match." Reno calls out, nodding at your outfits which can easily be construed to be a matching couple outfit. You say nothing but flush crimson and hope no one notices under the bright rays of the sun. Rufus gives a small satisfied smirk and helps you step into the helicopter.

"Let me." Rufus almost commands as you begin to strap yourself in. He leans in close and his elegant fingers make light work of the straps and buckles securing you tightly in place. You put on the headset and signal for Rufus to do the same. He places his headset on his head and begins to work on his own harness in the seat next to you.

"So where are we off to?" Your computerised voice feeds through the headset. Rufus smiles coyly while shaking his head and bringing a single finger to his lips.

"Everything is stored and ready sir." Elenor - another member of the Turks - voice comes through the headset. You look around confused as you did not see her on the helipad.

"Good. Team final checks and let's go." Rufus orders in his formal commanding tone. You roll your eyes at his curtness to his employees and quickly add.

"No idea where we are off to but thanks everyone!" You give Rufus a sincere smile which he returns. You cast your gaze out of the window as the helicopter takes off into the summer's day.


"No, no, no, Rufus, what are we doing here?" Panic rings out through your voice as you realise the helicopter is making preparations to land on the Sector 7 helipad by the train station beneath the Plate.

"Surprise. I thought it would be nice to thank your new friends in person and you get to see them too."

"Rufus! No..."

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"The way you speak about them it sounded like you missed them. You've been down since you returned so I thought your new friends could help cheer you up."

You open and close your mouth, unsure what to say.

"I'm sorry. It's a lovely thought. Thank you Rufus." You force a small smile. "I just thought I'd never see them again."

Rufus returns a small smile, a relieved look in his eyes.

You know you are acting like an ungrateful petulant child but your heart is beating out of your chest as you step off the helicopter. Your mind is a tangle of thoughts and worries. How would Barret react to Rufus? Are your friends in danger? Are Rufus and the Turks in any danger? How is Tifa coping with all this? Will it end in a fight? All of your friends' hatred for the Shinra company coming to a head with them harming the President's son, who just happens to be your childhood friend and you unwittingly led him here? Will Cloud be there?

"Are you worried for me or for your new friends?" Rufus asks inquisitively, trying to study your reactions closely.

"Both." You answer honestly as you chew on your bottom lip.

Tseng leads the way while Rude and Reno walk behind you and Rufus. You are uncomfortable with the confused looks and hushed mutterings of the locals as the entourage walks by.

"Hey. It'll be okay. I promise I'll behave." Rufus says playfully, bending down a little to catch your eye. "There's another surprise."

Oh no, you think internally. You are already stressing over the first surprise, you are not sure you can take another. As you turn around one more corner to the path leading to Seventh Heaven, you are surprised to see the street lined with multi-coloured bunting and bustling with newly erected temporary stalls with locals selling a whole range of knick-knacks. You continue down the street, your mouth ajar at all the market stalls. A large colourful banner stretches across the street with the words 'Moogle and Chocobo Carnival' written on it. The courtyard in front of Seventh Heaven is also lined up and down with colourful bunting with stalls circling all around. There are mismatched tables and chairs set up in the centre, where people who have purchased food and drink can sit and enjoy the hustle and bustle. You cannot help but smile at the scene before you. You look up at Rufus.

"You did all this for me?" Your eyes wide and emotional.

Rufus only smiles and gives you a small shrug.

Before you can thank him, a child's voice calls out your name loudly from the crowd. You turn this way and that trying to spot Marlene and her unmistakable voice. Before you know it, her little frame shoots out of the crowd and jumps up into your open arms.

"Hi Marlene! How have you been? I think you've grown since I last saw you!" You coo over the sweet little girl.

"Daddy said you weren't coming back but I didn't believe him and I was right!"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I couldn't say bye properly but I'm so happy to see you. I'm glad you haven't forgotten me!" You and Marlene giggle.

"Oh, this is Rufus, my... friend." You turn and tilt your hip so that Marlene can see Rufus. Rufus waves precariously and Marlene shies away tucking her small face into your neck.

You laugh.

"Don't worry, that was my reaction too when I met him for the first time. Rufus is a nice person when he wants to be." You say loudly, giggling and catching his eye cheekily.

"Marlene." Barret's booming voice is quickly followed by his large stature. You tense, worried about his reaction to Rufus. However, Barret merely greets you kindly whilst taking Marlene in one arm and hugging you in another.

(Cloud Strife x Reader x Rufus Shinra) A Bolt from the BlueWhere stories live. Discover now