- ''You two are sleeping in the double bed...''

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Just a little thing based on the segment in series 8 episode 6 where the boys go caravanning.


~ Candy

~ Candy

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"You two are sleeping in the double bed... I'm gonna ring the Daily Mail immediately." Jeremy jokes, once the three of them are settled down for the night in the caravan.

Jeremy, taking up a very small makeshift bed that would be much better suited to fit Richard, rather than all 6'5 of one Jeremy Clarkson. Leaving both James and Richard to share the double bed.

James and Richard have no problem sharing the double bed, of course they don't. But for camera's sake, and the fact that they haven't exactly let Jeremy in on their relationship, they've got to pretend that they don't like it. They've got to pretend that there's nothing going on between them.

Which is an easy enough task. They've been pretending for quite a while now, anyway, and so far, no one has begun to question anything. Not even Jeremy.

They're certain that Jeremy hasn't begun to suspect anything, at least. Because as soon as he does, James and Richard know for a fact that he would say something about it. Nothing negative, of course, or even publicly. They know that Jeremy won't react negatively if he was to find them out.

He certainly won't go off and ring the Daily Mail like he had just joked that he would in regards to the two of them sharing the double bed, anyway. Jeremy wouldn't do anything like that to them.

However, he may react a bit negatively to the fact that they've kept this all a secret from him. He'll no doubt be hurt that they've chosen to keep him in the dark in regards to their relationship over the past two years.

And they are going to tell him, of course they are. They just... haven't found the right time to do it.

"That does not look comfortable at all, Jeremy." Richard says, laughing a little as he watches Jeremy attempt to get comfortable in his little coffin-sized bed.

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"It's a damn sight better than having to share a bed with either of you two." Jeremy says.

"Would be a lot more comfortable sharing the bed with us, though, Clarkson." James says.

Jeremy briefly looks as though he's considering it, because there is just enough room for him to squeeze onto the bed alongside them. Especially with the way both James and Richard have chosen to sleep on the bed; in separate sleeping bags on either side away from each other with a small drawer between them. But ultimately, he decides against it.

"I am not sharing a bed with either of you two." Jeremy says.

James and Richard look between one another. They don't particularly want Jeremy to share the bed much with them either. At least, not on camera.... But they also don't want Jeremy to hurt himself in the night by his bed collapsing due to his weight. Because quite honestly, it doesn't look very sturdy, and Jeremy is far from a little guy after all.

"Jeremy, please." Richard sighs. "You're going to hurt yourself if it collapses on you."

Honestly, he doesn't even know why he really cares if Jeremy ends up hurting himself because of his own stupidity and stubbornness of not just sharing the same bed as him and James. And well, if it does collapse under Jeremy's weight, it would make for some good entertainment, despite the fact that Jeremy would no doubt get hurt.

"Relax." Jeremy says. "Everything will be fine."

Both James and Richard don't look too sure, but they don't bother trying to get Jeremy to change his mind about sleeping on that bed and to just join them on the double bed. Not much point in trying to get him to see reason in the situation anyway, so they just drop it, as the three of them finish up their last pieces to camera, before turning in for the night after the camera guys have packed up their equipment and leave them to it.


The next morning, Jeremy is the first one awake. And thankfully, his bed hadn't collapsed in the middle of the night. Which if he's being honest, he had feared it would, but he didn't want to admit that to either James or Richard.

Speaking of James and Richard....

The two of them are both still asleep on the double bed, and as Jeremy looks over towards them, it seems that Richard had shifted closer to James sometime during the night. Of course, that could be easily brushed off as Richard just shifting around while asleep, but with the way he's curled up very close to James with his head resting on his chest and James's arm around him, Jeremy isn't so sure....

They look, well... like they've been hiding something from him.

Like they could very well be more than friends and have been keeping him in the dark about it for god knows how long.

Of course, it could still very well be a case of unconscious moving around, but Jeremy doesn't think so.

And he finds himself a bit hurt that if what he thinks is going on is true, that the two of them haven't told him. Especially if it's been going on for a while now, which it possibly has been, considering the two of them have always been much closer than they ever have with him.

But he doesn't want to assume things. This all might be nothing, or if it is something, then perhaps they just haven't confided in him about it because it's fairly new and they haven't found the right time to tell him. And maybe they have their reasons for not telling him if it's been going on for years.

Assuming they are in fact a couple....

Considering Richard's divorce from Mindy and James's break up from Sarah a few years back though....

Either way, it doesn't matter to him. Yes, he's hurt that he's been kept in the dark if it's true, but if James and Richard are in a relationship together, it doesn't change a damn thing. He doesn't care if they're gay (or bisexual, maybe, based on past relationships). They won't be kicked off Top Gear, fuck no. He doesn't want to do the show without them. He refuses to do it without them.

And if anyone has an issue with that, then they've got to go through him.

There's movement from James and Richard, the both of them waking up, and not wanting them to know that he's potentially caught them out, Jeremy pretends that he's still asleep. Even though his entire body is aching and screaming at him to get up now and stretch after having crammed himself on a too small bed all night.

He doesn't want to let on to either of them that he knows about them... if the two of them are in a relationship and he's not just assuming things. He'd rather give them the chance to tell him themselves instead of him coming to them and telling them that he knows. Especially when there's every possibility that they aren't even in a relationship in the first place, and he very well might just be reading into their sleeping position a little too much.

Once it sounds like James and Richard have both gotten up off the bed and out of their sleeping bags, Jeremy waits another five-ish minutes before he gets up also, struggling a little to climb out of the bed due to achy and sore bones - which causes some laughing and teasing from James and Richard. He just ignores their teasing as he stretches, announcing that that bed was so comfortable to sleep in, even though it very much wasn't, and James and Richard know for a fact that he's lying.

They've got some time to kill before the crew will emerge from their own tents and caravans to begin the day's filming, so they get on with the rest of their morning until then. Richard going off outside to check on Top Gear Dog; who had slept outside in the awning rather than inside the caravan, while James sets about making some tea, and Jeremy goes outside for a quick smoke.

Both James and Richard join him outside soon after with a mug of tea each and one for him, and they just sit together at their small table next to their caravan. Just enjoying the peace and quiet while they've got it, before they have to freshen themselves up and get ready for the day's filming.

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