Second Chance (Wednesday)

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Wednesday couldn't believe she'd admitted it. The words "I fell in love with you" slipped out before she could stop them. And after she said it, she realized it was true. 

Who knew she would ever fall in love with such an opposite of her?

But she forced herself to pay attention to the task at hand. She felt trapped being in the limo now, knowing it was one of the only safest places for them. She wasn't a person who loved safe, but she had Enid with her. The same protective instinct that Wednesday felt for Pugsley was taking over.

Wednesday was itching to figure out what was going on and that started with waking up Laurel. She had force-fed the solution to Laurel and it was supposed to wake her up in three... two... and one.

Enid jumped as Laurel groggily woke. 

"What did you do?!" She yelled once she was fully awake. She struggled against her bonds, but to no avail. "I almost had you again! I was so close!"

"To outsmart an outcast, you gotta outthink 'em." Wednesday quoted. "Looks like you didn't do that. Not that it was a good motto to live by."

"Oh you think you are so smart." She seethed.

"Outsmarting and outthinking are the same thing." Enid pointed out. Laurel glared. 

"Here's how it is." Wednesday said. "Either you tell us everything you know, or you will be dead by this afternoon."

Laurel sighed. "Wednesday, don't you think that's a bit dramatic?"

"It gets the job done." Wednesday replied. "Here is your first question: who helped you escape from prison?"

"I don't know." Laurel said. "But it was an outcast of some sort." 

"How do you know?" Enid asked. 

"Don't you see that this is all pointless?" Laurel asked. "Soon Tyler will be here and it won't matter anyway."

"No, he won't." Wednesday corrected. "He shouldn't be able to catch up with us until we stop somewhere, and he has no idea where we are anyway."

"He's closer than you think." Laurel's words made the hair on the back of Wednesday's neck stand up. Oh, how she enjoyed the feeling.

"Tell us who helped you escape." Wednesday asked again. Laurel had been lying when she'd said she didn't know. Wednesday could tell. Russian roulette wasn't for nothing.

"It was your stalker." Laurel said. "He's very tricky. I didn't even know who it was until he directed me to you."

"So you're just a pawn in his game." Wednesday said, more of a statement than a question. 

"Don't be so sure!" Laurel replied. "He had worked for me at Nevermore. He still works for me."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Wednesday leaned back.  Dorian's dead."

"Dorian is dead?" Laurel exclaimed. "Did you kill him?"

"Unfortunately, no." Wednesday said. "I didn't have the privilege of doing that. Someone else got to him first."

"Who? Tyler? He always hated Dorian."

"Interesting." Wednesday said. "But it doesn't seem that way. He was shot."

"So you want to know who else is involved in this." Laurel was finally putting the pieces together.

"Who else were you working with?" Wednesday demanded. 

"No one else." 

"Then who could it be?" Enid asked, looking at Wednesday.

"You better be telling the truth." Wednesday warned Laurel. "Because whoever killed Dorian is coming after you next." 

"Why?" Laurel asked. Wednesday could see the doubt in her eyes.

"What?" Enid whispered to Wednesday. Wednesday ignored her. 

"Yes." She said to Laurel. "Because they also killed Tyler. It's obvious that you are next. So answer me truthfully and I might consider helping you survive." 

Laurel gulped. Wednesday resisted the urge to smile. Spinning that lie was easy and now Laurel was scared enough to tell the truth. 

"I don't know anything else." Laurel said. "So I f you won't help me, at least let me go."

"We're not falling for that." Wednesday said. "You are staying right here."

"Fine." Laurel gritted her teeth. "But I am telling the truth when I say no one else was working with us, or knew about anything."

"Okay then." Wednesday said, reaching for her umbrella that sat next to her. She pulled out her sword that was hidden inside. "I guess that's it."

"Unless you want to know the only piece of information you may not know!" Laurel said. Wednesday did smile this time. Laurel's fear had finally taken hold. 

"Go on." Wednesday prompted, balancing the blade on her knees. 

"Goody's Book of Shadows." She said. "We made a copy with only the spell we needed. The real book was hidden." 

"And why did you do that?" Wednesday asked. 

"It was Dorian's idea." Laurel admitted. "He took it to his house."

Wednesday and Enid shared a look. 

"Do you know any of the other spells that were in that book?" Wednesday asked. 

"No." Laurel answered. "I was only concerned with the resurrection spell."

"Very well." Wednesday said. "Your not dead yet." She pulled out the rest of the poison from her pocket and sprayed it in Laurel's face before she could react. Within a few seconds, she was asleep again.

"What are you thinking?" Enid asked. "C'mon, I know you have a theory about something now." 

"I do have a theory." Wednesday replied. "Goody's Book of Shadows could have contained any number of spells. His killer could have been tracking the Book of Shadows and killed Dorian to get it."

"Maybe." Enid said. "That actually seems pretty likely."

"Then again we don't know much about spells. Or witchcraft." Wednesday pointed out.

"And yet you're still on top of things." Enid said. "You gotta admit that we'd be dead by now if you weren't doing everything. I couldn't have even made that lie to scare Laurel and make her tell us everything. You're way better at this stuff."

"You've helped." Wednesday put her sword back in the umbrella.

"Not a lot." Enid replied. "I'm lucky to have you."

"You wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for me." Wednesday said. It was true, and it had been on her mind since Laurel had barged in with the gun. 

"But you can't argue that you like it with me here." Enid leaned closer, their arms touching. 

"It does help." Wednesday admitted, not missing how Enid was flirting. "The vibe wasn't ruined, was it?" 

"Even you could tell." Enid smiled. 

- - -

Thank you to my new followers! I feel really weird saying that since I only got two, but considering I'm new here (I joined like a month and a half ago) it feels like a huge completion. You all probably think I'm pathetic, but thank you anyway!

Anywho, please vote and follow me if you like my writing! There's going to be a lot more to this story! 

Have a good week!


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