Chapter 07: The Bunker

Start from the beginning

It wasn't what you were expecting and you were still slightly on edge, or was that awe. But you decided although it wasn't a regular old house you'd initially imagined, it definitely suited Sam and Dean to a tee.

Sam gave you a tour of their bunker. You were generally good with directions but the similarity of all the hallways and rooms was definitely a challenge for you to remember. There was a small mess room, complete with old fashioned kitchen appliances that reminded you of the ones you had seen in your grandparents house when you were little.

You were shown the doors to two separate bathrooms. Sam and Dean generally used one of them and you were told the other one had been allocated to women guests, the last time their female companion had visited. There was even a laundry room with a washer and a drier and the type of equipment you'd find in a janitors closet. Mops, brooms, buckets.

There were rooms Sam had warned you not to enter, like the archive room, 7B. It was for your own safety, he had reasoned. But otherwise you were free to explore as much as you liked.

You were also shown to your own allocated room, down the hall from the one Sam had told you Dean occupied. On its door, under a star like symbol, was the number 17, both made out of brass. He explained that you were free to do what you liked with it. Move the furniture around, decorate it if you wanted. It was yours for however long you ended up staying with them. And then he left you to unpack the small amount of belongings you currently owned.

A few minutes later you heard a light knock coming from the open doorway and you turned around to see Dean leaning against the doorframe, two open beers in his hand. "All settled then?" He asked with a smile as he handed you one of the beers.

"Yeah." As much as you could be, you thought. "It's kinda cosy. Just needs some colour."

Dean chuckled at that. "Well it's yours, so you can do what you want with it. Personally, I went with guns and knives but I guess rainbows and unicorns work too."

You chuckled with him on that, but it quickly turned into a sigh as you looked around the dimly lit room. "It doesn't really matter though does it... It's not like I'm here to stay."

"Yeah." Dean agreed with you. "Just got to find the ruby slippers first."


It had been three weeks since you had arrived in the bunker. Christmas and New Years had come and gone in that short time and neither you nor the Winchester brothers had bothered to celebrate either of them. Had if not been for your phone and the time and date that you saw daily on its Lock Screen, you would have had no idea the holidays had ever come to pass. And while you were normally a creature of habit, you no longer had your employment to consume your days and so they easily blended together.

As you were essentially free loading off of the brothers, you had decided the least you could do was help Dean up keep the few rooms out of the multiple ones in the bunker that the three of you spent most of your time in. You had also taken on cooking for the boys, when they were home that was. You were no Gordon Ramsey, but you could produce more than just burgers and spaghetti that they had told you they'd usually have when they didn't buy take out. The two men were constantly coming and going, sometimes separate, sometimes together, but they always made sure to check in with you at least once a day.

They seemed to be getting on a little better too, if only slight, and you wondered if it was for your benefit or they were actually moving past whatever grievance they'd had with each other. On the days they were around, you would escape the bunker every chance you got, offering to join them on their supply runs.

Sam had taken charge of your nomad presence and finally decided to get you set up with your own credit card, fake of course to match theirs. He had also organised an ID card for the state of Kansas, where you resided with them. They had yet to arrive in the mail box they rented through the Lebanon Post Office, the closest town to the bunker.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now