Chapter 1:- Here she goes again

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Yesha:- I made one mistake in upcoming chapters and that is that I have shown Abhinav and Aarushi's pov too much even though it's Krish and Tanya's story but then in further chapters I kept that in mind that that should not happen again. And if that happened again then it's a sign that there is something important in that.

A/n's pov

"It seems like you are not happy seeing us here." She said as she folded her arms over her chest.

Krish didn't said anything and just kept looking down.

"I had to come here because you weren't answering any of my calls or messages. Don't act like you are always very busy." She said in a harsh tone.

Again Krish just stood there silent, looking down. She sighed.

"I want to--- " Before she could complete the sentence, Krish finally spoke.

"You know my answer." Krish said in a respectful tone.

"See I told you." She said looking at her husband.

"But let him explain himself---" He tried to make her understand.

"What more is left to explain? When we told him to come to Canada with us, at that time too he didn't listen to me." She said feeling upset. But before Ravi; her husband could say anything, Krish left from there.

He don't want to pour down his anger on his parents. So, he left from there without saying anything.

Seema; Krish's mother, sat on the sofa feeling helpless. Ravi sat beside her and took her hand in his's.

"Maybe he has someone....." Ravi tried to explain but Seema looked away.

"But atleast he should tell us. It's for his own good only." Seema tried to keep her point.

Krish's pov

I was trying to keep myself busy in work when my phone rang. I knew who it was and I was about to keep my phone on silent, but stopped when I saw the caller ID.


I picked up the call.

"Hello?" Came out her sweet voice.

"Hello!" I tried to sound happy.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly as if she knows I am not okay.


"I already know everything so don't lie to me." She said and my smile dropped which was ofcourse not visible to Misha.

"Just tell her everything." Misha adviced.

"I....." I sigh deeply. "I will handle it. You say, how are you?" I tried to change the topic and Misha also didn't said anything maybe because she didn't wanted to force me .

"I am fine. Just missing you very badly." She confessed and my heart sank.

"We will meet soon. Don't worry---"

"YOU don't worry. I will take care of myself but YOU better take care of yourself." Misha warned me and I smiled at her concern for me.

"Hmm." I just hummed in reply.

"You know,. I am really excited to meet Aarushi. Others too but mainly Aarushi. We will become good friends, I guess." Misha tried to lighten the environment.

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