chapter 28

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"mh' yeah haha" colby replied and i felt his hand move to my ass again i was too flustered to even react and there was someone right in front of us. "yall a couple?" the lady asked "hmm i guess so right baby?" colby looked at me squeezing my ass tighter. "y-yes" i managed to say out with butterflies in my stomach feeling the pleasure of colby's hand.
"thats so cute! yall definitely have chemistry! you guys should check out the otters they have just finished their nap time and they are really active!"

"okay!" colby replies with a bright smile and i pushed his hand off my ass right after the lady walked away. "dont do that in public colbs." i sighed. "why? its fun to tease you and see you get fluster-" colby says but got cut off by my
screams of excitement seeing more otter's come out of the a room. i pointed at them to show it to colby and i heard alex and nate awed being super close to the otters. we soon managed to get a table, exactly for four! and suddenly a cute otter climbed onto nate "BROOO this is adorable take a photo quick! quick!" and colby took a photo of him with the otter on his(colby's) phone soon sending it to nate after.

"guys! come here in the frame for my instagram story!" i say and colby and nate moved in closer to me

"guys! come here in the frame for my instagram story!" i say and colby and nate moved in closer to me

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i soon tapped the send button on my instagram and we took a look at the menu. "oh! im gonna have this 'otter-berry short cake'! how about yall?"

"ill get the 'very ottery orange cake' !" alex replies and colby and nate decided to get the choco-otter-chip cookie and a sugary ottery vanilla cupcake. the names of the desserts were really cute! all of them had the word otter in it!

colby helped us order the dessert and we each paid for our own meals. though it was expensive , we got to experience the otters anyways and the waiter soon came to us with the food. they looked so decorated and there were small tiny otters on the cakes made out of fondant. i definitely had to take a picutre of the desserts ! i took a quick photo of all our desserts and we ate everything, every single bit. it was delicious! it was 635pm right now and we decided to take a walk and go through shops before dinner time as we just ate some desserts. Not gonna lie, we are honestly going eating a lot during this trip.


having history rn..depressing😭💔I HATE SCHOOL
anyways hoped you liked the fanfic so far❤️🌊 please leave a vote or a comment for me to improve on or be happy about if you enojoyed it (if you can)🎀 if youre a snc fan here's my tiktok h4ppypudd1ng_ i post snc edits there and more🌨️🥰and for my instagram, it has the same username :) i draw fanart of them there sometimes✍️🥹!

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