
45 1 14

Yeonjun, Beomgyu

"Open your mouth?"

Yeonjun looked up at the younger, a look in his eyes that Beomgyu couldn't quite place.

Yeonjun parted his lips, Beomgyu held Yeonjuns chin between his thumb and index finger, dragging his thumb softly along Yeonjuns bottom lip.

"Yeonjun.." Beomgyu spoke, stopping the movement of his thumb, letting it rest on the boys lower lip. "I think you're sick too."

Yeonjuns eyebrows furrowed together, Beomgyu began to add pressure onto Yeonjuns lip.

"Beomgyu that hurts-"

"That's why I think we were made to meet each other." Beomgyu crouches to Yeonjuns level, cradling his face in his hands.

"But even if fate drew us together," Beomgyu caresses Yeonjuns cheek gently with his thumb. "I don't think I'm good for you."

Yeonjuns eyes widened, grabbing at Beomgyus shirt, attempting to pull him closer but finding it hard due to the trembling of his hands.

"Don't say that. You're the only one for me."

"You said-" Yeonjun cuts him off. "I only need you, I don't need anyone else."

"Yeonjun, you said you'd do anything I-I don't think that's good you shouldn't be attached like this to someone like me it won't end well."

"It won't end. This is love, it's just love. Don't worry about how it will end because it won't."

Beomgyu stands, Yeonjun grabs the bottom of his hoodie, looking up at the younger.

"I need you Beomgyu." He breathes.

"I need you too.." Beomgyu whispers, threading fingers through Yeonjuns hair, he finally relaxes.

"Do you wanna watch a movie Jun? Let's..rest after the past few days, hm?"

Yeonjun nods, smiling.

"You can get off of your knees.." Beomgyu laughs, helping the older up, who seemed embarrassed.

"I'll find a movie, can you grab a blanket from the closet? there's a storage closet by the stairs"

Yeonjun nods, walking towards the stairs.

Yeonjun sighs, twisting open the door, scanning the array of blankets folded nicely in shelves. 

"Why the hell do you have so many blankets dude?!" Yeonjun shouts, he hears Beomgyu giggle in the other room.

"I like a selection!"

Yeonjun smiles to himself, grabbing a black blanket from the shelf.

He looks around again, noticing a blue box resting atop of the shelf, pushed back.

Yeonjun, curious, grabs the box, taking off the lid and peering inside.

Yeonjun almost flinches at the sight, it was a gun, next to it laid a folded piece of paper.

"Beomgyu why the fuck do you have this?" Yeonjun yells, voice trembling slightly.

Beomgyu rushes over, grabbing the box from Yeonjun roughly.

"Why are you going through my crap?" Beomgyu snaps, almost instantly regretting it.

"Why do you have a gun!?"

"It was my fathers." Beomgyu sighs, closing the box, placing it carefully back onto the top shelf. "The paper is his suicide note, I'm sure you can piece the rest together."

Yeonjun fell speachless.

"It's fine. I don't wanna talk about it anyways." Beomgyu grabs his hand, tugging him into the living room. "I chose the breakfast club, is that okay?" Yeonjun nods slowly, sitting on the couch, Beomgyu followed suit, throwing the blanket over the both of their laps.

Yeonjun laid his head on Beomgyus shoulder, hugging his arm close.

Beomgyu turned the movie, but Yeonjun couldn't focus. 

"It was reasonable for me to worry..."  Yeonjun thought. "I mean after what he did.. I have a reason to worry about him having a gun."  

Yeonjun sighed quietly.

"But knowing it was his dads, maybe I overstepped."

"You aren't watching.." Beomgyu sighs.

"I am.." Yeonjun lies, as if he wasn't staring at his lap for the past 5 minutes.

Beomgyu pushes Yeonjun gently back onto the couch, crawling over him, the blanket forgotten on the ground.

"What do you want then?"

"I don't know.."

Beomgyu peered down at the boy, brushing his hair back.

"I love you, nothing will change that."

Yeonjun bites his lip, looking away.

"You won't leave me will you, Beomgyu?"

"Of course not. Being your boyfriend is the best choice I've ever made."

"I don't mean breaking up with me. Will you leave me here alone?" Beomgyu furrows his eyebrows, visibly confused.  "Am I going to be too late someday?"

"Don't think about that okay?" Beomgyu shushes, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"I see a future with you."

Beomgyu hums, urging him to continue.

"I wanna be an adult with you, get out of this stupid town."

Beomgyus eyes soften, expression falling. "Yeah?"

"Move somewhere we could get married." Yeonjun laughs, tears begin to roll down his cheeks, he doesn't know why he's crying, but tears fall, Beomgyu wipes them.

"Wouldn't that be nice?"

"You want that with me?"

"I don't want anyone else. I've never felt like this for anyone, and I never will again. It will only be you."

"You don't know that Jun-"

"I do!" Yeonjun sobs, Beomgyus heart feels heavy.

This time, it was Beomgyus turn to hold Yeonjun, to comfort him, and never let go.

"Sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it." — "Brokeback Mountain"

A/N: this chapter was more or less filler before the next one, be prepared.<3

♡Exit Music (For A Film) || A YeonGyu/BeomJun Story.♡Where stories live. Discover now