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Welcome to my Stray Kids Oneshot collection book 3! If you haven't read the first two, I highly recommend the newer oneshots from book 2, but it's not required to enjoy this collection!

A few rules/warnings before you go on reading that I follow.

No Smut. I don't write smut. It makes me a bit uncomfortable (yes to this day) to write and I find little joy in it. I'm open to writing heated make out scenes and will imply that sex may happen or happened in the past, but nothing explicit.

Gore. I'm a huge fan of gore and writing off-the-rocker characters. Torture may be included in this collection (as it exists in my other collections) and abuse and such other things. I've learned that I'm pretty known for my yandere-like stories and do take pride in them. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, there will be warnings that will let you know whether or not a oneshot will include this stuff as I know some people can't take it.

Mental health is also often portrayed in my oneshots. If I ever make an inaccurate representation of a mental illness, please let me know. I try to do my research if I don't personally suffer from it, but I still may mess up. This does mean subjects like self harm, suicide, and other harmful behaviors are included in some of my oneshots and again, there will be warnings as to whether or not a oneshot includes this.

If you wish to request a specific oneshot you wish to see, please leave it here on this chapter! It's much easier for me to find and keep track of requests when they are here. I may not get to it right away and I may also decline your request for any reason.

Please keep in mind that these are works of fiction and in no way represent Stray Kids as people. They are real people and I do not condone pushing any type of shipping agendas onto Stray Kids. There are places to do your shipping and it's definitely not on their lives (if they have Wattpad that's honestly on them).

Please enjoy!!

Stray Kids Ship Oneshots (Book 3!)Where stories live. Discover now