Chapter 3 - Game session

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Hey guys, im sorry for not uploading anything, no excuse other than i completely forgot i had this account. But her i am

After that whole fiasco, Tori decided not to wear a diaper because she didn't really feel like going through the troubles of cleaning up again and putting another one on. Her and her friends were playing Rainbow 6 Siege, Her and her friends were playing ranked and she was getting closer and closer on getting diamond, Right now she was an emerald 1 with only 50 elo to diamond. But, with the way things were going so far, she knew she wouldnt get it tonight, she was only getting 15 elo a match and it seemed she was going win, loss, win, loss. Just a large trade. They played a game and it didnt go too well, at the end it came down to a 5-4 win, but she had gone negative. She looked at the clock and saw that it said 1:24 and decided to call it a night as she had work the following day.


Tori heard her alarm going off, 7:30 it said, she was too tired to do anything, but, she didnt necessarily have a choice in the decision on staying home or not. While she was getting dressed, she saw the diapers out the corner of her eye and then locked eyes on them, contemplating on whether or not to wear them. She was thinking for a solid 5 minutes before she realized that she isnt really ready to wear them to work due to how knew with them she was. Before she left she got some food and got some water and then headed out the door. She went to work and had a normal-ish day due to her thinking about the diapers alot. She thought to herself at work that she needed to get diaper cream and stuff like that, so she made it her plan to get it on the way home from work. The hours went by slowly while she was at work, but eventually, the time to leave came around and she was eventually able to head home. She stopped at the store on the way home and grabbed the necessities, such as baby powder, wipes, etc.

While she was there, she ended up grabbing some food and so on and so fourth. On her way home, she felt her lunch creeping up on her from her back end, she knew shed have to go soon, but she wanted to wait till she was in a diaper at least. She had finally gotten home, and she was excited for what she knew was coming, minus the cleanup of course. She got everything she bought put away and got a diaper on. She didnt go to the restroom immediately in her diaper, instead she let it grow bigger as time went on. But, after nearly an hour of waiting, she knew she wouldnt be able to keep it in much longer so she just let it happen. She released control of her bowls and she felt it come out, slowly and slowly a plump log started to come out, it was building in the back of the diaper and it looked like a large baseball was slowly coming out, it was getting bigger and bigger as the time went on, and at the end, it was nearly the size of a softball! When she finished going #2 in the diaper, she felt the pee come out, and there was alot, the diaper held most of it, but alot of it just leaked onto the floor, "Oh my" she thought to herself and she saw it leak, she never thought she could make a mess of this size in a diaper, and this soon of having them at that. She didnt want to change her diaper so soon tho so she kept the diaper on for a little while, She did clean up the leaked mess tho. After she finished cleaning up the stuff that leaked, she decided to watch TV for a bit, she sat down and felt it smush around and it felt amazing. She had never felt something as amazing as that. It gave her some sexual pleasure and she decided to use that, she put her hand on the wet diaper and started moving it in a circular motion, letting out small moans as she did it. She started moving back and fourth and was essentially riding what was left in the diaper. As time went on, she was still going, even after 5 minutes. She felt something creeping up on her while she was doing it. A large stream of pee came out and she let out a large moan and then she finished. After she was done, she decided to change out of it. It took a while to clean out of it, but she did, and put on a nice fresh diaper.


The diapered summerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang