3. Last Chance

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Mahir was about to head out when he heard

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Mahir was about to head out when he heard.."STOP!"

He slowly turned, facing the hall. He saw Aarya looking at him straight in the eye. She motioned him to come in the centre of the hall. With calculative steps, Mahir walked and stood there.

Before he could say anything , Aarya asked,"Mister, what makes you think that we will listen to you??"

"Ma'am, I just said what I wanted to so that I could get a chance. Besides, you are already listening, so that answers your question." Mahir replied.

Something changes in Aarya. Her face showed something. A hint of amusement maybe, but it just went away as fast as it came.

Aarya said, "Hmm, very clever, aren't you! So Mister. Clever, since you are here and we are willing to listen to you, so let's make a deal." Mahir listened carefully," You know that the interview is already over, yet I'm giving you the chance , a last chance, remember that. If you are able to prove yourself fit for the post, you'll be in. But if you fail..."

"No ma'am, I'm sure I'll pass your test", Mahir interrupted.
"Minus 1" Aarya said.

Mahir looked at her confusingly.

Aarya continued," I don't like being interrupted Mr. Clever. Remember that. When you are in my office, only I speak and you listen. When you are asked to, only then will you speak. That's why, Minus-1 on your list this time. Mr. Kadam, kindly mark it."

"Sure ma'am", obliged Kadam.

Mahir looked at her and then Kadam with disbelief. 'Woahh!!! I didn't think that it is going to be this hard. What is she? Does she have a single bit of empathy or not??', Mahir thought to himself.

He again shifted his attention to Aarya. "What you have to do is, you'll have to explain that why were you late. If your explanation is suitable enough, you will get the job, if not, then you can very well escort yourself out", said Aarya, eyeing Mahir.

Mahir thought for a second, 'Explain why I was late? Really? Is that all she will ask for?? Not what my qualifications are, neither where I studied? Nor my capabilities? Just tell why I was late and that's it? What kind of a prank is she playing? Is she for real'.

Numerous such thoughts were running in his mind at that time. He was unable to digest that all he has to do is to explain his reason for being late and he will be designated to the post of Legal Advisor of the biggest company in the country.

Aarya sensed his dilemma and said in a cold tone,"Listen mister, you have to explain your reason of delay in such a way that it sounds acceptable. Think of a way you handle your legal reasoning problems, answering simple, to the point, and the most appropriate answers. You will be a leagl advisor, the head of the law department of the company, think that way. Abide by your name Mr. Clever. And be quick, we don't have all day!!!"

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