Chapter 2

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THE CAR RIDE WAS filled with comfortable silence, and Careless Whisper  had just began playing through the speakers, the tissues Leo had given me was wet by the tears I wiped off my face

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THE CAR RIDE WAS filled with comfortable silence, and Careless Whisper  had just began playing through the speakers, the tissues Leo had given me was wet by the tears I wiped off my face. Even though the silence was comfortable I was itching to say something and Leo must've saw that because he started talking. The moon that shone above could no longer provided the calming presence that I longed for

"So what happened? A fight with your boyfriend?" he questioned throwing a glance my way.

"No worse," I turned to look at him, "I found him cheating on me with my best-friend."

"Can't say I'm too surprised," he shrugged.

"What's that's supposed to mean?" I turned my entire body in my seat to get a better look at him.

"He's an entitled prick I'm pretty sure he feels like he isn't entitled to stay loyal," he didn't look at me once as he spoke, "was even surprised when he got himself a girlfriend."

"Even if he does feel like he doesn't have to stay loyal, why my best-friend," I looked ahead, "and why would she even allow it to happen. I mean I know she was drunk but I've taken care of her when she was drunk multiple times and she always had some sort of sense still in her,  she knew exactly what was happening and could kinda think on her own. They both knew what they were doing and still decided to have sexual intercourse with each other. It just hurts double because it's my boyfriend and best-friend, well, ex-boyfriend and ex-best-friend."

"Well that was a lot," he breathed, "and did you say 'sexual intercourse'?"

"Yes the shortened version make uncomfortable," I answered rolling my eyes at the grin he was wearing.

"You mean sex?" I could just imagine his grin widening as he heard me fake gagging, "and about your bitch of a best-friend, I don't know why she would do that."

"Seven years of friendship down the drain all over some stupid boy, and the worst part about it is that she always spoke about not making boys break us up," I let out a bitter chuckle, "no that's not the worst part, the worst part is that she helped me get Brandon."

"What?" the car took a sharp brake and the seat-belt dug into my stomach, "she helped you get with Brandon?"

"She sure did, I told her about my crush and the next day she told me she set us up on a date and it was history after that." 

"Now I understand why girls love gossiping so much," he muttered which caused me to let out a small laugh.

The car roared to life once more and continued its journey, the familiar voice of Tevin Campbell came on with it. Can We Talk played through the speakers and I felt myself relaxing at the familiar tune, my fingers tapped against at the armrest and I started mumbling the lyrics. The night begun to catch up on me and I felt drowsiness wash over me, my head lulled to side and I looked at the moon that was following us.

"You can sleep you know," Leo commented from beside me and with that I was out like a light.

When I woke up I was met with the sight of my house and I heard Leo calling my name, I released a groan as I try to move my neck from the uncomfortable position it was in. I looked to my right and saw him with a look of amusement on his face.

"What?" I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Nothing, you were saying some stuff in your sleep," he grinned when he saw the blush on my cheeks.

Kill me now 

"I don't sleep talk," I argued.

"Oh, yes you do," he chuckled, "I think you better record yourself at night."

"Thanks for the advice," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"My pleasure," he tipped an imaginary hat.

"Goodnight Haynes," I said as I opened the car door.

"Night Anderson," he replied.

As I walked away from the car a question popped up in my head which made me turn around immediately.

"Haynes, how do you know where I live?" I asked as I leaned against the window.

"I'll answer that question another time," he smiled, "now go, it's getting cold."

"I'm only letting this go because I'm tired," I grumbled. 

"I know," he nodded, "now bye bye."

"Bye, bye," I waved at him before running back to the house, I opened the door and heard the familiar roar of Leo's car engine coming to life.

He had waited, Brandon never did that

Closing door I could hear the familiar voice of Aaron Hotchner, as my mother watched the re-runs of Criminal Minds. She was wrapped up in her favorite blanket with a glass of wine in one and a bowl of popcorn in the other, she was so wrapped up in the show that she hadn't even noticed me.

"Mom," I whispered in her ears.

"Oh my gosh!" she screamed as she flung her head around, eyes wide with fear, "don't do that."

"I'm heading to bed," I kissed the top of her head.

"You cam home early today, something wrong?" she questioned

"I'll tell you in the morning, I'm just tired right now," I moved up the stairs.

"Goodnight, have sweet dreams," she called from below.

"You too," I replied.

Opening my bedroom door, I took off the heels that were killing me and a sigh escaped my mouth as I massaged my aching feet. I also got rid of my party outfit and changed it into night wear, then I threw myself on my bed and I was out like a light once more.

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