The Morroco lose

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Kaia's pov

I was standing in front row with tears in my eyes holding Alana and Eva who were also crying (pretend Portugal lost to Morocco December 5th) "does this mean we're leaving?" Eva asked. I tried not to look at her. I nodd. This is our last chance to win. Our last penalty. Pablo Sarabia slowly runs up to the ball. I hold my breath and my grip tightens on Alana and Eva. He shoots it. Yassine blocks it. I start balling my eyes out with Alana and Eva next to me also crying "we lost..." I whisper. "Well, ladies and gentlemen our winners of the Spain vs morroco match is MORROCO!" The announcer yells that last word as Achraf Hakimi made the penalty. I clap because 1 it's polite, 2 he is one of my dads friends that would help take care of me when I was younger. Pablo wasn't even blinking. Trying not to let the tears out. Seeing him sad made me sad. Me, Alana and Eva put our heads together then cry. We go down to the pitch where Pablo looked like a mixture of mad and sad. I walk over to him "mi amor, you did amazing" I whisper into his ear. He nodded sadly then took Eva from me. "Your not even crying" he says. My eye brows furrowed. I look on my phone camera and my face wasn't even red anymore. "I was" I reply "well Alana and Eva seem to be the only ones who actually care" he says. Wtf he's crazy. I roll my eyes then we head out. In the car Eva came him kisses making him smile "this doesn't mean I'm not gonna see you again right?" Eva asked. A tear went down Pablo's face "I might not see you for a while, but we will FaceTime and you can tell me all about your day and we will send eachother kisses" Pablo replied with sadness in his tone. Eva started crying "what's wrong?" Pablo asked "I'm gonna miss you" Eva replied. Pablo kissed her forehead. We got to the hotel and in the elevator Alana gave him multiple kisses. When we got to my mom and dads room. Alana and Eva gave Pablo a big kiss on the lips. I took a picture as their lips touched. Alana kept her arms wrapped around his neck "I don't wanna leave you" Alana cried "I'll see you soon, okay?" Pablo asked. She nodded then walked inside with Eva. As soon as the door closed Pablo started walking straight to our room "it's okay mi amor" I say as I run my hand up and down his arms. He pulls it away from me "leave me alone" Pablo says. Pablo opened the room fort then shut it on my face. I was in shook. I'm not doing this today. I opened the door, didn't look at him. I grabbed my suitcase, my makeup/skincare bag and my chargers. I leave my key card on the nightstand by the bed Pablo was laying on. I leave the room with my stuff then slam the door. I keep crying. I get to my parents room and open the door. Alana and Eva were crying still and so was Mateo because if Spain won he would get to hold the World Cup trophy and he loves Pablo so he was sad to see him lose. I sit by Eva "sissy? Why are you crying aga-" Eva was Interrupted by me pulling her into a tight hug "Pablo's mad at sissy" I explain "mean boy" Alana says. "Okay Kaia, I'm off. The kids are your responsibility"my mom says with her suitcase. I nodd then wave to her. Jr came out of the room he was staying in "who did that to my sister!?" Jr asked "nobody, it's fine" I reply "Pablo" Alana blurted. Jr rolled his eyes. "Want dinner?" I ask. They all nodded. Eva laid flat on the ground on her back with Her arms and legs spread wide open. She really is my twin. I get up and go to my phone then order me Donald's from Uber eats. "We sound watch a movie" Jr suggested "yes!" I replied "but first we need baths!" Mateo says "yes!" Eva replied. We all nodd then get up. McDonald's will be here in 30 minutes se we have time. Jr gives Mateo, Alana and Eva  a bath as I shower. 15 minutes later I got out then changed into these pajamas.

(Just the pajamas) I get the littles dressed as jr showers

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(Just the pajamas) I get the littles dressed as jr showers. After the littles were dress jr was already out of the shower. I made popcorn and by the time it was done jr was dressed and the McDonald's arrived. We laid on the big couch across from the huge tv. Eva laid her head on my chest. We put on the grinch animated then we ate all the McDonald's and popcorn then eventually fell asleep. With everyone touching eachother. Mine and jrs leg's hooked together with him on the opposite side of the couch. Alana's head basically laid on my butt with her feet touching jrs arms. Mateo was holding onto jrs waist and his feet were touching me and Eva  while him and Alana's legs touched. Eva somehow was touching everyone. With her legs. The most comfortable feeling is falling asleep with your sibling next to you knowing there breathing.


~Kaia's dreams~

I woke up next to Pablo. He looked like he hadn't aged 3 years. "Goodmorning mi amor, can you take the kids to school today?" Pablo asked looking me in the eyes "our kids?" I ask "yeah....?" Pablo replied "what are their names?" I ask "Bella, Milan, Esmeralda, jr and lucía but lucía is still little, you know that" Pablo replied. I nodd then get out of bed. Holy shit! This place is huge. I walk into a random room and I see a sleeping 3 year old "goodmorning" I say "goodmorning mama" she hugs me. She looks like a good mixture of me and Pablo. I lift her out then kiss her cheek. I let her down and she ran downstairs. I giggled. I went into the next room I saw and when I opened the door there was a sleeping baby. I tip toe to the baby and she looked identical to me. When I picked her up I smelt pee. I put her on her changing table and a she was looking for clothes I saw a bin labeled "lucía" so this has to be lucía. I find clothes and put her in a cute onesie. I put her on my hip then we wake up the rest of the kids. They all looked mostly like Pablo especially Jr. But I wonder where the names came from because I told Pablo that I 100% wanna change the names Bella and Esmeralda. I brushed it off then I got my kids dressed as Lucia slept on her baby swing. I fed them breakfast then I was time to leave. We got into my black Land Rover. For some reason o just knew where the school was. When I parked only my 4 year olds got out "you guys gonna go?" I ask Esmeralda and Jr "mama we have daycare" Esmeralda says. I gasp then drive to the day care where I also knew the directions to. Once I dropped them off lucía started crying "Aw mami! Don't cry my love!" I try to calm her down. She kept crying til we got home. Pablo came downstairs then took of his shirt. His abs got more toned. He takes lucía from me then sits on the couch with her on his bear chest. "How do you do that?" I ask. He scoffed "you do this all the time" he replies.

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