The next day (Part I)...

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Baran woke up first, his eyes immediately searching for Dilan. She was lying next to him, he could see the light coming from the window reflected on Dilan's hair. Different shades of brown could be made of her hair, with touches of gold. He was staring at his wife with pride, she was strong, honest, kind, selfless, stubborn to a fault, but beautiful, and more importantly, she loved him. Despite everything she went through, despite everything his own family put her through, he earned her heart. And like her, he also thought that it was a dream he never wanted to wake from. But it wasn't, she was real, she was next to him, he could touch her, feel her warmth, and she was his as much as he was hers.

Last night was magical, despite her shyness Dilan gave herself to him with trust and love. She matched his desire for her in every way. Which was unexpected, but then again, Dilan always managed to surprise him, he could read her like a book, still, there were chapters of her that he had yet to explore, and the idea of a lifetime together with her, to learn everything there was to know from her, excited him.

Baran saw as Dilan readjusted herself in the bed and he realized that once she woke up, seeing their current naked state, she would be embarrassed, and although it was a pleasure for him to see her with red cheeks, he wanted to make things easier for her as much as he could, until she overcame her prejudices and let herself entirely free with him.

So, controlling his every move, he got out of bed successfully, without waking her up. He went to their bathroom closet and picked out a black t-shirt and matching sports pants for him, although he only wore the pants at that moment and the t-shirt was over his left shoulder. He then came back to the room and found Dilan's babydoll on the floor, he folded it as best he could and then he placed it at the night table on her side of the bed.

Taking a look at Dilan from that angle, looking so peaceful, she was a sight to see. Her naked shoulder picking through the sheets and her hair falling down the pillow, he was transfixed with her. Her movements in bed brought him back, so he went as fast as he could to his side of the bed, placed the t-shirt on his night table, and laid himself next to her again, he then closed his eyes, breathing her scent in and waiting for her to wake up.

Dilan woke up with the sunlight bothering her eyes, once she was adjusted to the brightness, she looked next to her, and there he was, her husband, now there were no doubts that they were really married, they were husband and wife, and she couldn't be happier. This was not the path that she had set out for herself, but it was the path life had taken her and she surrendered completely to it, to him, to Baran. Last night, having her family there, and sharing her happiness was everything to her. The blood feud was a thing of the past and she was very aware of how hard it was for Baran, after all, her mother being dead and her father having a part in that was an undeniable fact. But he overcame all the hatred in his heart, for her and most importantly for their love and their future together.

While having all those thoughts, Dilan's hand went to Baran's hair, and she started to caress him. When her eyes went to his face, she saw that he was awake, he was looking at her with half a smile on his lips and laying very still, enjoying her touch. Oh god, she was caught! Every time she did this in the past, she managed to stop before he woke up, but not this time. Immediately she could feel her cheeks burning so she dropped her hand and looked down.

Baran was a little amused by her reaction, he slightly touched Dilan's chin to make her look at him, once their eyes met, Baran said with a raspy voice "Good morning" and she replied "Good morning". Then his hand went from her chin to her shoulder, skin to skin, it felt good. That is when Dilan realized she was naked, completely naked. Her eyes widen and her face became even hotter, she looked at him and saw that although he was wearing pants, he was shirtless. But she didn't have time to think about that now, she needed to get dressed. So she rapidly looked around them trying to find her babydoll, when Baran said: "It is on the night table next to you". Dilan immediately looked in that direction and grabbed it, meanwhile, Baran turned himself, so now his back was to her to give her privacy.

The Wedding Night...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें