*Parker's POV*
My name is Parker Martin.
I'm about to turn 18, and I am also about to turn on to a road in Helen Georgia with only 2 houses. One of which being my dads.
My mom, Kathrine, and my step dad Paul, have decided to travel around the world. They did tell me that I should come with them. But I am not about to become a statistic and not graduate. So, I am heading to my first home for my senior year of high school.
Mom and Paul, been on a plane since I let Phoenix. Me, drove for 20 hours, passed out in a hotel, drove another 8 hours, and now, I'm finally pulling in to my dad's driveway.
And he's no where to be found. I mean, I had a pretty good of where he is, but just to be 100% sure, I called him.
D; Hello?
P; Hi, your son here, who just pulled in your driveway with no sign of his dear loving father.
D; Oh shit, I'm sorry bud, I lost track of the time.
P; Dad, it's literally 9 Am, how could you have lost track of time.
D; Because we're down at the track.
P; Don't say sorry, I'm on my way down.
I hung up, hopped on my old bike, since for some reason my new one was no where to be found, and headed a mile down the road to the dirt track he and Hal built next to their bike shop.
And let me tell you what, I pulled up to the track to the best surprise.
I pulled right up beside the person I was happier than anything to see.
"So, no one decided to greet pretty old me when I showed up." I turned my bike off.
"Park." Dyson shook his head and smiled.
"Dys." I leaned over and dapped him up.
Dyson. Dyson Cross. Even with 5 states between us, Dyson has been my best friend since we were basically born, 3 months apart might I add. Honestly, aside from my dad, leaving Dyson when I moved was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. But spending the summers with him since, best part of my year.
"God I am so happy you're home!" He nodded.
"You have no clue." I shook my head.
"Hey buddy." My dad walked over and wrapped his arms over my shoulders. "Sorry I wasn't up there."
"Don't be. I was hoping you'd be down here." I smiled. "Tracks in Arizona don't compare to the one here at MCCB."
"You're god damn right they don't." Hal walked over and hugged me. "You just better not make the brand look bad."
"Oh me? Never." I shook my head.
And then someone ripped past us on my bike.
"And uh, who the hell is on my bike?" I looked up at my dad.
"Needed someone to test run the mods." He nodded. "Call in." He looked over at Hal.
Hal lifted his wrist up to his face. "Bring it in."
"New rider?" I gave them a look.
"You really think we would put a new rider on your 450?" My dad gave me a look.
"Old rider, just not one you're used to." Hal shrugged.
The pulled up next to us on my bike, and turned it off.
Then the helmet came off and the long chocolate hair that I got all to familiar with before I left came flowing over their shoulders.
"Clutch is still slipping." She shook her head and took the helmet the rest of the way off. "I'm just going to put in springs with a stiffer spring rating." And then she looked at me.
"How about you say hi, since we haven't seen him last summer." Dyson nodded.
"How about you suck my-"
Hal cut her off. "Ans, stop it." He shook his head.
"Hi Anson." I gave her a small smile.
She roller her eyes. "Hi."
"Little more enthusiasm baby." Hal let out a small laugh.
She started slowly shaking her hands above her head. "Yay, Parker's home." She said with a sarcastic tone.
I pursed my lips and nodded.
"A for effort." My dad pointed at her.
She rolled her eyes again. "I'm going to go shower, so Piper and I can go get nails before the beach party tomorrow." She kicked my bike back on.
"He's gonna need his bike Ans." Dyson gave her a look.
"He's here now, he can do it himself." She nodded
"Ani, can we talk." I raised my eyebrows.
She scrunched her face. "No." She shook her head and drove in to the shop.
I shook my head and looked at the three of them. "Any idea what I did yet?"
"She's just being Anson." Dyson shrugged. "She was a bitch, is a bitch, and will always be a bitch." He nodded.
"Was she really just ripping my 450?" I looked at the dads.
They both nodded. "She's gonna know what's wrong better than anyone." My dad shrugged.
"Why?" I gave him a look.
"Because she's the one who built it." Hal laughed.
"Wait, really?"
The three of them nodded. "It's her first custom for someone who's not her. Just, be careful getting on it the first time, thing has some power." Hal nodded.
"She's racing?" I shook my head.
"She's been riding for 12 years Park. She started racing about a year after you left." My dad nodded.
"She's racing with us?" I looked at Dyson.
"Oh god no." He shook his head. "I mean, she 100% can, but they figured she'd have a better shot if she raced 250. Especially since she's got her 250 running like our bikes." He nodded.
She rode out of the shop, fast as fuck might I add, and just tore up the road.
"She's at the point where she can out-ride most people." My dad nodded. "So like Hal said, better not make the brand look bad." He laughed. "We will go put springs in, why don't you two head up and put your stuff away."
"Hey." Hal pointed at Dyson. "Follow her to the mall to make sure she's not hanging out with that Thomas kid."
"Now you're just trying to get me shot." He nodded.
"Garret Thomas?" I gave him a look.
"I'm serious Dyson. I do not want her around him." Hal shook his head.
He and dad drove away on the side by side and in to the shop.
"Have I ever told you how lucky you are to be an only child." He looked at me and kicked his bike on.
"Oh many times. I guess we're going to the mall?" I kicked my bike on.
"Unfortunately." He nodded.
He and I rode up to my house and parked our bikes.
"So she actually built my bike?"
"She did. The only problem she's had is the clutch. But when it's not acting up, thing has some damn power." He nodded and opened my trunk.
"So I'm not going to die if I get on that thing?"
He let out a small laugh. "Nah, I've been on it. You're good."
"I really don't get it." I shook my head. "We were fine up until the day I moved, and then nothing, and now every summer it's snide remarks and silent treatment." I started pulling my bags out of my Jeep.
"I mean, I've asked her time after time." He shrugged.
"And she says?" I gave him a look and tossed him a bag.
He caught it. "She tells me to shut the fuck up and to mind my own business." He nodded.
"How am I supposed to make it through the school year here, when she won't give me the time of day to actually ask what I did?" I shook my head as we walked in to the house.
"The same way I do, sit on her until she either talks, or threatens me with mom." He laughed as we walked in to my room. We set my bags down and walked back outside.
"I need to go see your mom before she kills me." I pursed my lips.
"See, you still know her." He nodded.
*Anson's POV*
Seeing Parker Martin, not something I wanted to do today.
Parker and I, we were just as close as he and Dyson are before he moved.
Problem #1, I was literally the last person he told he was moving.
Problem #2, He told me he liked me 3 days before he told me he was moving.
Problem #3, He left literally the day after he told me he was moving.
Problem #4, the biggest problem. He left, without even saying goodbye.
The word pissed, is honestly an understatement. Hurt, upset, angry, livid, betrayed, and un-important are more along the lines of the words that would describe how I feel about Parker Martin.
I don't trust him, as far as I can throw him. I can't throw him at all.
So, as soon as I saw him, I went home, got in the shower, got dressed, did my make-up and told Piper I was on my way to get her.
Piper Halloway, is my best friend. Since we were about 6.
I walked down to my kitchen to tell my mom I was leaving, to see Dyson and Parker sitting around the table talking to her while she started throwing stuff for dinner in the crock pot.
"Great, it's in the house." I rolled my eyes.
"Anson don't start." She shook her head.
I walked over and kissed her cheek. "I'm going to get my nails done with Piper. Permission to buy something for the beach tomorrow?"
"No butt cheek because you know your dad, and we've got a deal Miss Cross." She smiled.
"Thank you." I nodded. "That's a whole lot of pork."
"I figured Piper would be staying, us 4, plus Parker and Dan."
I sighed. "Really."
"Oh shut up Ans." Dyson rolled his eyes.
"You shut up. You're a year older, not my dad and sure as hell not my boss."
My mom shook her head. "Go to the mall Anson."
"We'll be right behind you." Dyson nodded.
"Why?" I crossed my arms.
"Dad doesn't want you hanging out with Garret." He shrugged.
"Did I not just say I was picking up P?" I gave him a look. "And I'm not hanging out with Garret. I'm not allowed to, remember?"
"Yes, because you always listen to dad, right?" He nodded.
"Good bye mom." I shook my head and started walking out the side door.
"Anson, wait." I heard Parker say.
I sighed and turned around. "What?" I crossed my arms.
"Thank you." He nodded. "For building my bike."
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "I've put 6 months of work in to that thing, so do your best not to break it." I shook my head, walked out to my truck, and sure as hell, they walked out right after, got it to Dyson's Jeep, and followed me the whole way to Piper's.
She came out, got in, and we took off.
"So, why exactly is your brother tailing us?" She pursed her lips.
"Because my dad sent him to babysit me to make sure I'm not hanging out with Garret." I nodded.
She choked back a laugh. "It was one time."
"Apparently one time too many." I shook my head. "And uh, it's not just Dyson."
"Oh god, whos' with him?" She rolled her eyes.
I shook my head. "Parker's home."
"I thought you said he wasn't coming this summer."
"Because he was spending it with his mom and Paul. He's here for the school year." I nodded.
"No fucking way, he's actually back?" She gave me a wide eyed look.
"Unfortunately." I pursed my lips.
"Ans it's been 4 years. You were like, 12. Are you ever going to let it go." She shook her head.
"Yeah, I was 12. We had lived across the road from each other for 12 years. I was the last one to know, he left the day after he told me, and he didn't even say goodbye. So no, I'm not going to let it go. He's a prick."
"You sure that little crush he had wasn't reciprocated?" She gave me a look.
"Of course it was reciprocated." I shook my head. "But, if he actually cared about me, he would've said goodbye."
"OK, OK. So uh, now that hes home, does Martin Cross Custom Bikes have a new racer?"
"Unfortunately." I nodded.
"Unfortunately? Parker's a great rider, he always has been. Is he racing 450 with Dys?"
"Yes. Even though I should be." I rolled my eyes.
"Ans, you're a great rider too, but those 450 guys are ruthless, they'd try to eat you alive." She nodded.
"They'd have to catch me first." I shrugged. "And with everything I've done on Parker's bike, I'm the one whose going to have to walk him through everything."
"You did build him a pretty great bike though. He shouldn't have any problems winning races."
"Oh just wait until I'm done modding Dyson's. They're going to be going head to head with a lot."
"And we all whose going to smoke the 250's." She smiled at me. "That thing runs like a 450."
"That and I can out ride most of the guys, which means, they're still gonna try to eat me alive."
"But, MCCB has 3 great riders because of you now. If people go crazy over you and Parker's bikes, the dad's said you could start building more. Be happy he's gonna be making one of your bikes look great."
"Uh no, the bike is going to make him look great." I shook my head.
"Is he still hot?" She looked at me.
I gave her the stupidest look I possibly could.
We pulled up to the mall.
We hopped out, and so did Dyson and Parker.
"Hey Parker." Piper smiled. "Hows it hanging?"
"Low." He nodded and then he closed his eyes and pursed his lips. "Sorry."
"Oh no." She shook her head. "Good to know."
"Pipe, you do not need to lower your standards." I nodded.
"Ouch." Parker nodded.
"Look, you two are at the mall, you know where I am. We are going to get our nails done. I don't care if you tail, but do it from a distance." I rolled my eyes, grabbed Pipers hand, and walked in.
We were in the middle of getting our nails done when I felt a kiss on my cheek.
"Hey gorgeous." Garret smiled as he pulled away.
"Hi." I smiled.
"You getting your french tips?" He pursed his lips.
"Don't I always." I raised my eyebrows.
"You and those pretty little hands." He shook his head.
"Yeah, well they still have to be mediums because these little hands still have to be able to grip a throttle." I shrugged.
"When you gonna supe up my bike?" He crossed his arms.
"Once I'm done with Parker and do Dyson's." I nodded. "MCCB racers have to come first or I can't build."
He sighed. "It sucks that you and I are on different teams." He looked on the side of me. "Hi Piper, Craig is asking about you."
"You, can tell him I'll be at the beach party tomorrow." She smiled.
"And you, you gonna be at the beach party tomorrow?" He gave me a look.
"I am." I nodded. "Going to go pick out outfits when we're done here."
"Can I come and help." He smiled.
"Not unless you want your ass beat." Piper chuckled.
"Huh?" He gave her a look.
"Dyson, is here babysitting. Dad sent him because he still doesn't want me around you."
He shook his head. "It was one time." He pursed his lips.
"Yeah, one time too many I guess. And uh, Parker is with him." I pursed my lips.
"Parker's home." He nodded.
"Unfortunately." I shook my head. "And he will also be racing his 450 for MCCB."
"The 450 you built?" He raised his eyebrows.
I nodded.
He shook his head. "How long is he home."
"The school year." Piper nodded. "Better get rolling on that bike."
"Can I help you Garret?" Dyson crossed his arms as he walked in to the nail salon.
"Nope, just talking." Garret shook his head.
"Not anymore, go." Dyson pursed his lips.
"Or what?" Garret scrunched his face.
"Or I make you." Dyson nodded.
"You and what army?" Garret raised his eyebrows.
And then Parker walked over. "You really wanna find out." Parker crossed his arms.
Garret rolled his eyes. "Parker."
"Garret." Parker nodded.
Garret looked down at me.
"Anson." Dyson raised his voice.
I rolled my eyes and looked at Garret. "I will see you tomorrow." I nodded.
He leaned down and kissed my cheek. "See you tomorrow baby Cross." He shook his head and walked out of the salon.
"Really Dyson." Piper nodded.
"Yeah, really." He nodded then looked at me. "Cause I don't want you hanging out with him either."
"Again, not my dad, not my boss." I shook my head.
"No, but dad is." He nodded.
"Keep your mouth shut." I nodded.
"Keep your mouth to yourself." He shrugged.
He and Parker went and sat down and waited by the doors.
"I ever tell you how lucky you are to be an only child?" I looked at Piper.
"Plenty of times." She nodded.

Loving Cross
Teen FictionParker Martin has spent the past 4 years living with his mother and stepfather in Phoenix Arizona. But now that they have decided to travel the world, Gavin is on his way back to Georgia to spend his last year of high school with his dad, Dan. He sp...