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"Mummy, can we call Mama to see how she's doing?" Lila asks.

"Of course. Finish your sandwich and we'll give her a ring." I nod to my child.

I watch as my children delicately eat their food, not rushing or causing a mess. That must be the result of Hayley, because I can be messy eater sometimes.

"Mummy, do we have any drinks?" Violet asks.

"There's a juice box in the basket for you." I reply.

"Thank you." she says as she looks through the picnic basket the servant had brought and retrieved the carton and another one for her sister.

"Thank you, Violet." Lila grinned at her sister.

"No problem."

They both have inherited Hayley's smile. Their smiles are cheeky but full of pure intent. Lila has my eyes, my hair, and even acts like me sometimes. Hayley said that it is scary sometimes how similar Lila and I are.

I wish I could say the same about Violet and Hayley, but unfortunatley, Violet is just a smaller version of Apollo. They're so similar that it is uncanny.

The two are very reserved, quite introverted around people they do not know. Violet has this need to help, something that Kathryn said that Apollo had always possessed, even since she was a young girl. Hayley loves to help where she can, but Violet takes extraordinary measures for such a young child, which is something that Apollo did.

No matter who Violet has turned out to be like, she's still a lovely girl with a big heart. Something that she had most likely inhereted from Hayley's side of the family in general. All of our children have big hearts and wonderful minds, well, apart from Georgia because she is still only a baby, and I am proud of them. I love my children more than anything.

"Mummy, I'm finished!" Lila announced.

"Come and sit next to me." I instruct, patting the spot on the grass next to me. Violet and Lila find themselves a seat either side of me, Lydia is still lying in my legs and I hold Georgia in my arm.

I diall Hayley's number on FaceTime, she picks after three rings.

"Hi, darling." she croaked. She's still in bed but she's sat up. Which is a good sign.

"Hi, sweetheart. The girls wanted to call you. We wanted to see how you were feeling." I say to my wife.

"I've been better. I'm getting there but still not quite." she shrugged.

"It's quite the nasty cold, Mama." Lila tells her.

"It is darling. However, it is nothing I can't get over. I should be alright in a few." Hayley assures her daughter.

"A 'few' what, Mama?" Violet questions.

"My Mummy said in a few hours. See? Not that long."

"Can we come and cuddle you then?" Lila quizzes.

"Of course, darling." Hayley chuckled.

"That's brilliant news, Hayley. I'm glad you're feeling much better." I express to my wife.

"Thank you, Missy. Where is Lydia? She is awfully quiet."

I point the camera to the usually loud daughter in my lap. When she sees Hayley, she lets out a loud, bellowing laugh that echoes through the gardens.

"My goodness, I heard that through my window!" Hayley gasped.

"I'm not loud, Mama!" Lydia quite literally shouts.

Hayley of WalesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang