chapter nine

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 chapter xiiii: national sirius day!november, 1991

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chapter xiiii: national sirius day!
november, 1991

A few things happen in the months of November and December.

Let's start with Sirius's birthday, I'd say that's  least messy out of the three.


"Aren't we too old to have surprise parties, Prongs?" Remus sighs while begrudgingly hanging up sparkly streamers.

"Nobody's ever told for surprise parties!" James exclaims hands on hips scanning the work they've done so far. James thinks it's going spectacular, he's just stressed because Lydia isn't here and she was supposed to bring  the cake.

"I'm here" Lydia says loudly and the door slams shut right after very loudly.

"Oops!" Lydia laughs carrying the cake to the dining table.

"One chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for you!" Lydia said very loudly while basically throwing the cake onto the table. This girl.

"Padfoot doesn't even like chocolate cake" James questions furrowed brow.

"Well, I do" Remus laughs. James dramatically gasps at him and Lydia acts dramatic too of course because they are best friends and they just get each other.

"Fucking liar! You gave me clear instructions to get chocolate cake with chocolate icing."

"Well, since I like it and he's my husband he must like it too. Don't worry he did the same thing to me for my birthday and bought me a fucking vanilla cake" Remus seethes.

"That's weird" Lydia laughs.

"Yes, positively" James agreed with a head shake.

Remus gave them the middle finger.

James and Lydia laugh because they take nothing seriously.

Remus laughs too.


James Potter had accompanied Lydia next door to get extra stuff she brought for the party when the phone rang.

"One second" Lydia exclaims setting down the spoons she was grabbing for the ice cream.

"Hey" Lydia said into the phone and then smiled.
James couldn't hear what the other person was saying but he heard Lydia's half of the conversation.

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