Chapter 48: Village of Möjorhn (III).

Start from the beginning

"You say I am understanding of commoners, in my defense- I am just understanding of people in general. I see what people want, if they respect me then I will respect them back it is as easy as that." I answered and his eyes widened in surprise hearing it.

"I'm glad you did take my uncle's offer. I gained a friend and a really awesome scholar to teach me magic." I laughed softly, having a good time talking to the scholar as always.

"A friend- I am happy to be her highness' friend!"


We arrived on the lord of this province's estate and they let us in quickly after seeing the royal sigil on my carriage.

"Hmm." I hummed curiously of how well off the young lord of this place is, compared to the outside where the commoners roamed.

"Your highness the crown princess-! Has arrived! Bring out the red carpet!" A servant had to run and yell it out loud. Victoria snickered holding out the carriage door for me- I felt a little awkward seeing the servants scurry about the place just to give me a grand entrance.

Victoria helped me down and teased me.

"How fancy, a red carpet for the lovely crown princess." she whispers and I stick out my tongue at her for a second focusing at the moment at hand.

The red carpet rolled, I looked down on it and saw the young lord of the place having a woman by his arm- walking on the same red carpet they rolled out for me.

The young lord was well fed- his wife on the other hand were pale.

"Hmph." This act of rude manners could only mean one thing- these people think just because they own a province means we're on equal footing. I could already see their eyes being filled by greed-

"Your highness! Welcome! I am so glad you could visit my humble home. I have prepared a few rooms for your stay." He tells me smiling widely with his wife- I think.

"My name is Count Leo Chaubert and this is my wife." (Count Chaubert) turns to his wife who didn't introduce herself but just smiled at my direction. "Apologies- I was afraid that she might do something stupid so I forbade her to talk in your presence- after all, this is why the emperor did a good job proving a new law of act!"

My eyes turned dark hearing those words.

I was no longer in a good mood, and I imagined the red carpet burning along with him. The wife looks away looking ashamed and hurt from her husband's but still pulled on a brave front nodding with a smile-


She... didn't have to agree and go that far for him.

Now my blood boiled.


I smile towards them both- mostly specifically to the wife before replying, "You have a lovely home and province. I will be staying for two weeks in this area- but in your estate I only need a day."

"A day? Oh-! Your highness you can stay here longer-" He persuades me, even using forms of flattery- pretty words just to get me to stay at his place a bit longer.

To brag I bet.

"A day is all I need. I give you my thanks for the wonderful hospitality." I answered and walked past the couple coldly. All my companions follow, reading the room.

I did not like them, so I need not to give them my time of day.

A servant led us to our rooms- my things were carried and placed into a lavish guest room. It was half the size of my chambers, cotton sheets and feather pillows. Many decorations and accessories of the room.

They didn't dare offend the princess with a horrible guest room, I hope they gave my companions a decent room to stay in.

"Let's go in your highness, we'll need to rest up first." (Victoria) tells me and I follow. She was the only one who was allowed to room with me. I went in and dismissed the estate's servants thanking them for their service.

They all gave me a curtsy and left.

I sighed in relief and settled into my temporary room. My body ached, sore from sitting down in the carriage and seeing a soft bed made me forget all my problems but first- I had to do business first.

"I suppose this young lord is just like any other corrupt ruler." I scratch my nails, changing into my white robe and looking over at my room window, seeing quite the view. 

"It's not even night time yet I have time to make a formal letter of visit to the orphanage so we can visit them tomorrow morning." I headed to my table and started writing my letter- feeling the deafening silence. 

Taking out my paper, ink and quill- I started writing in peace.

Once I finished and melted some wax for the letter placing my seal, I gave it to my guard and the instructions for it. 

"I will have this delivered this afternoon, your highness. It is not far and I shall be quick." He lowers his head quickly, excusing himself to deliver the letter by horse. I yawned, feeling tired and saw Victoria sitting not too far away. 

"Victoria, are you doing okay over there?" I called out and she nodded in a trance, as if it was an automated response. I've never seen her so out of it, it worried me.

"Yes... just a bit shaken up being back home and seeing so many things have changed the past years I've been gone. A new lord, everyone not being able to afford clothes unlike before- and some shops have been closed- boarded up by wood."

I actually didn't notice that last part- some shops were closed and had been boarded up? No wonder she's been quiet- seeing her home changing for the worst like this must be tearing her inside!

"What if the orphanage is the same?" (Victoria) turned to me and I choked. I didn't know whether to answer her what I really think or give her something to hope on. 

Quick brain think!


"We could- um... Oh! We could sneak around the village and ask for ourselves! I know we can't make our way there unless we send a formal letter of visit because it's rude so- why not ask around?" I proposed the idea and she seemed hesitant. 

"I know this is to ease your worries, besides I can wear my disguise- act like a commoner girl for a day. No one will know I'm a princess because of a wig- and I brought commoner clothing for this mission."

After that stealth mission with my father, I found it oddly relaxing to hide your true self and forget being a princess at times. Right now I'm not going to be a spy but a normal commoner girl just shopping in the city. 

"Alright... we can go to the village- but we'll be back before the sun goes down." She gave me a condition that I could live with so I took my commoner disguise on and dragged her out of that stuffy estate!

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