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《《 Babysitting 》》

1317 words 

Kusuo had already took care of Yuuta by himself before but It's way different now since Y/n is there as well. Plus the dream that he won't ever talk about happened so It's more awkward than It already Is. 

The trio went out together like a little family. They were both holding Yuuta's little hands. Kusuo on the right and Y/n on the left. Everyone was giving them looks not bad looks but looks. Mainly cause of Y/n seeing her pretty face with a cute kid. 

Kusuo can hear everyone's thoughts which made him more annoyed. Y/n was glancing at Kusuo once in awhile. 

'Saiki you promised!' 

Y/n think in her head knowing Kusuo can hear. He sigh looking at her slightly bowing as a way to apologize. 

'Sorry. I'm trying.' 

Y/n just gave nod before smiling at Yuuta stopping and kneeling down to his height. 

"Want Ice cream Yuuta?" 

Yuuta nodded happily before seeing a live show of his favorite show with cyborg cider man. Y/n's e/c eyes looks towards the direction Yuuta's eyes were staring off at. Smiling before looking at Kusuo.

"I'll get you the ice cream while you and Saiki go watch?" 

'No wait y/n-' 

Y/n was about to leave to get ice cream but Kusuo calling her made her stop in her tracks.

"Oh wow you should call my name more often~" 

Y/n teased smiling at Kusuo before he rolled his eyes. Handing over Yuuta to her and looks back at her. 

'I'll go get the ice cream you guys watch.' 

Y/n was a bit startled at this before giggling knowing the true intention or main intention.

"You really wanna get away from us for a few minutes don't you?" 

Kusuo slightly chuckle before turning back his back about to walk away before saying one last word. 


Kusuo then leaves walking away already knowing what the two wanted reading their minds on what flavor they were craving. Y/n laughed before looking back at Yuuta.

Fell First & Fell Harder~{Saiki Kusuo X Fem Y/n☆}Where stories live. Discover now