Ps: english is not my first language so please ignore my gramatical mistakes srry 💕
Bella Brown a really quiet and shy girl that just moved to new york to study but there are some inconveniences in her way trought this new university.
More specific...
Ps: english is not my first language so please ignore my gramatical mistakes srry 💕
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I was talking with my new roommate when we both hear some sounds from the other room
"Who tf is there?!" Dylan shouts. As we didn't receive any answer we decided to open the door.
There where two girls? "Are the rooms supossed to be mixed?"Dylan complains.
"I'm not living with two brats" I say angry I put my things on my bed and go away from there as soon as i can.
I do not want to be around them, u don't need more girls to follow me around.
Autumn finally arrived and it showed especially in central park, i was walking all around thinking of what i can do to avoid that situation and decided to go to the bar that was the closest to the apartment
"Can I help you sir" "yeah actually i would like a glass of vodka plea-" I went silent when I saw who she was, she was one of the girls.
"No problem sir" she acted like I didn't just call her a brat 10 minutes ago and gave me the glass of vodka, at first I thought she didn't recognized me but she did she looked me in a different way she saw the other people, not that she liked me but like he hated me.
We did eye contact in some moments but she always looked away.
In some moment i got drunk, but like really drunk. It was not my intention I got drunk normally but i didn't wanna be drunk today specially knowing that my "roomate" is the bartender.
dont know when i got asleep in the bar but i did. Sudently when i was in my deepest dream somebody woke me up, it was her.
"Uhmm Ethan right?" She asked me "how do you know my name?" "Dylan told me" "I'm leaving while i was trying to get out of the chair unsuccessfully.
"Can I help you?" She asked "No, I'm not stupid i know how to get out of this shit" I yelled
"Ethan i don't wanna have problems the first day i come here can you let me be?" "No, I'm gonna ask to move out of here"
"All the rooms are mixed so you get no chose" "stop bothering me, Im not gonna sleep with two girls following me around"
"Dude, who tf you think you are? Beyoncé?" I was trying to answer to her when i just couldn't anymore and I trow up all, thanksfully i didn't stain her but i stained all the bar.
"Omfg, my boss is going to kill me" she yelled "Wait, i will forgive you if you clean it" "look I'm not feeling well and i don't care that you forgive me"
"Ill give you a pill" she said "are you gonna drug me or what?" "Look i had enough of you today you're cleaning your mess.
I putted my hands to my forehead noticing it was boiling.
"Girl i don't know your name" scream while she was looking for a pill so she could hear me
"Bella, my name is Bella" i smiled, it was my sister's name until she yelled "You would have known if you weren't a dick and asked me before you acted like a little girl"
"Bella Im seriously not well" she looked at me and went to me a little too fast.
She put her hand in my forehead "god you're boiling, if you know you put like this when your get drunk why you do that?"
'I don't know" i answered, suddenly i just couldn't resist anymore and just stop feeling