Chapter 10

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(warning: this chapter contains some violence)


"My little sister," I sobbed, running my fingers roughly through my hair. My chest felt tight and my mind raced. I knew it wasn't the time to have a panic attack, but I couldn't help it.

Stef came over and put her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, love," she said. "We will find Sophia." She tried to hug me, and I pulled away. She gave me a hurt look.

"Why couldn't you have just left things alone?" I cried. "Everything was going good. You should have just minded your own damn business!"

"Callie, please. Calm down," Lena said. "She couldn't have gotten far."

"You don't know that," I countered. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. "It's my fault. My baby sister is sick and scared somewhere, and it's all my fault!"

"How is it your fault, Callie?" Stef asked me.

"I don't want to talk about it," I snapped. Without looking back, I tore down the stairs and out the front door. As I ran, I heard my foster moms calling me.

I ran until my lungs burned, and I didn't stop until I got to the school. I doubled over, leaning on a bench until I caught my breath. I had to think like my sister. Where would she go? I had to find her before she got abducted or worse. She was only twelve, and she didn't have any money. On top of that, she had a fever.

I remembered that Taylor lived near Anchor Beach. Sophia had pointed her house out to me once. She might have gone there. I sprinted to the house, limping slightly because I had a cramp in my thigh, and rang the bell.

A woman answered. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"Is my sister here?" I panted. "Sophia? She's friends with Taylor."

Taylor's mom shook her head. "I'm sorry, honey. I think your foster moms called just a minute ago, but Sophia isn't here."

"Thanks," I said, my stomach dropping.

"Would you like a drink of water?" she asked.

"No thanks," I said, hurrying off the way I'd come.

As I walked, it started to rain. Perfect.

I tried to think of more places Sophia might have gone. Places she liked. We were new to this neighborhood. Maybe she went somewhere we used to go? I thought of the park our mom used to take us to when we were little. It was a long walk, but I decided to check there anyway as a car pulled up beside me.


It was Stef and Lena. I kept walking. But the car stopped, and Stef got out and caught up with me. "Callie," she said. "You're not going to find her on foot. Get in the car and we'll drive around and look for her. Brandon and Jesus are already out looking."

I paused. Stef had tears in her eyes, just like me. "Please, love?" she pleaded. My heart softened, just a little.

"Fine," I said, climbing into the back seat.

"Do you have any idea where she might have gone?" Lena asked me. "You know her best."

"There's a park about a mile and a half from the school," I told her. "We went there with our mom when we were little. Or she could have gone to the drop-in center."

"We'll check both places," Stef promised.

It didn't take long to get to the park by car. When we pulled up to it, I hopped out before the car even completely stopped. "Sophia?" I shouted, looking around. It was raining harder now, and my hair was plastered to my face.

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