Chapter 15

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Dove’s POV

“Dove, hurry up or we are going to be late.” That voice belong to my oh so caring mate. Note the sarcasm. Today we have a doctor’s appointment and with any luck they can take this horrid thing of my foot. It’s itchy, stinky and sweaty even though it comes with the added benefit of being carried by Xavier.

I waddle down the stairs and out of the front door without even sparing him a glance. If he could treat me like I don’t exist why should I treat him otherwise.

Xavier’s POV

Sparing a look at Dove I see her staring out of the window. I know I hurt her when I pushed her away when we kissed and haven’t talked about it since. I’m scared of all these feeling I have for her. I’ve seen how love can break even the strongest of souls and I don’t want to be a part of that. So even if it felt like heaven when she kissed me I had to get away.

Soon we arrive and we check in and not soon enough that idiotic doctor from last times waltzes in.

“Ah, if it isn’t my favourite patient. How are you doing Camilla?” He says while smiling his stupid smile. Looking up I give him a stink eye saying I dare you to call her that again.

Camilla? Is that her name? I thought her name is Dove.

“Dove, please call me Dove.”

“Well Dove, your ankle is healing nicely but you need to continue wearing this boot for another three weeks than after that we shall see if its time to remove it. But remember don’t excrete too much pressure on it and don’t walk with it.” With that he leaves.

Making our way back to the car I can tell that she is pissed by the way she is trying to walk fast even though she can’t without holding onto me. I know she wants the boot taken off so she could put a distance between us and I don’t blame her since I basically rejected her when she put herself out there. But I know something that would make her smile.

So starting the car I take us to an ice cream parlour. I know she has a sweet tooth as evidence to her undying love for Nutella. During the short ride there my thoughts take me back to the hospital room. Is her name really Camilla and why does she hate it so much?

Well if you weren’t such an asshole to her than she would probably have told you the reason.” Did Luke really think this is the perfect time to berate me but he does have a point. I push him back in my mind since I don’t feel like talking to him right now.

Helping her off the car, she doesn’t even look at me and I gotta say that hurts. Entering the small shop I see kids with their parents and I force my mind not to go to there. The little shop was simple, clean and smelled like sugar. I find an empty booth near the window and sit Dove there while I go and order.

“Thanks.” Dove replies while licking her spoon clean of her Neapolitan ice cream. A smile crosses her lips as she savers her ice cream. The first of the day.

“No problem.”

I move closer to her when I see an ice cream stain on the corner of her mouth and kiss her to remove the ice cream, my lips linger there longer than necessary. Only a few more inches to the left and I would taste those sweet lips again but the sound of a spoon falling pulls me out of that trance.

Why did I do that? A simple wipe with a napkin would have worked.

Pulling away from her I can see her eyes still closed. Half of me is happy that she enjoyed it as well but the other half is condemning me for complicating things even further and honestly I’m with the latter.

Paying for our ice cream we leave. Not wanting to go home yet I decide to drive around and enjoy the time I get to spend with her alone.

"Where are we going?" She asks when she notices my aimless driving.

"I don't know." How to tell her that I just want to prolong time in order to be with her.

"If you have nowhere to go than maybe we could go and see the aviation exhibition. I saw an ad for it and I would love to go."

She proceeds to give me the directions to the exhibition and going inside I'm surrounded by every plane, helicopter and jets a person can imagine.

It's hard to imagine that when I was younger I wanted to be a pilot but now being the alpha of a very large and successful pack, it doesn't leave too much time for hobbies.

Dove is like a child on Christmas morning in here. She pulls to me to each planes and proceeds to give me detailed explanation on each one.

"I didn't know you loved planes that much." I say.

"Well being human in a werewolf pack gives you a lot of free time so I used it to learn about planes and how to fly them. Now I can confidently say I can fly anything with a router." To say i'm surprised and impressed would be an understatement.

"What exactly do you fly?"

"I fly planes, helicopters and jets but helicopters are my favourite. I even have my own helicopter at home." She says proudly.

"Damn we got one HOT mate." My wolf replies suddenly and for once i agree with him.

"Congrats, it has also been my dream to learn how to fly as well but I never got the chance to learn."

When I admitted my deepest dream to her I didn't expect her to offer to teach me how to fly. With a little bit of insistence and the use of the puppy dog eyes she knows i can't resist i agree. We just need to transport her helicopter here for the lessons.

We continue through the exhibit while I give her a piggy back ride since her ankle started hurting her again. She is really happy being here judging by the wag she is jumping around on my back. Times like this I'm thankful I'm a werewolf since a normal human male couldn't handle the spider monkey on my back.

"Where are you going?" She asks almost whining as I set her down on a chair.

"Stay right here I'll be right back." I tell her. I turn around and try to find a bathroom for myself.

Coming back I see a tall guy with a buzz cut leaning inappropriate on Dove. His right foot is on the chair next to hers with his hand running through her hair.

"Excuse me, but my boyfriend will be here any minute now so if you would kindly please leave me alone." She says while removing his hand from her hair.

"Well we could wait for him together. I mean I can't leave a pretty doll like yourself here all alone that too with an injured foot." He says returning his hand into her hair.

Ok I can't watch anymore of this.

"My girlfriend said she's fine." I say gripping his hand midstroke. Turning to look at me I see him gulp since my eyes have turned completely black indicating Luke was there.

"So you are the boyfriend. Not bad. But if you are ever tired of him, give me a call anytime doll." He says turning to Dove and handing her a piece of paper with his number on it. I gotta had it to him he's got guts.

After he leaves I take that piece of paper and rip it into a thousand tiny pieces. I have never had an urge to kill someone as much as I do right now but if I do than our kind will be exposed.

The ride home was uneventful and eerily quiet. A good ruined by two idiots that I would love to rip them apart limb to limb, set them on fire than repeat the process.

"Are you ok?" She asks placing her hand on top of mine on the steering wheel.

"I'm fine." I reply looking away since I don't want to see the turmoil that inside me right now and the sparks I feel from our connected hands isn't helping.

I never knew having a mate could be this stressful.

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