Technical Notes + Warnings

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Before reading my fictional world's technical notes, (and be sure to read it because it's hella important) read this warning (this is hella important too):

Huge amounts of pseudo-science and pseudo-army and extremely fictional space/army world that seriously does not make any scientific/army sense will soon follow. Seriously. Don't try to apply the laws of science or army titles in anything here.

Once again, I repeat, this is pure horribly inaccurate fiction. DON'T apply space laws or science laws or whatever laws to this thing.

I realize this can be confusing because the setting is a planet within a galaxy but there's gravity present and the sky is also the galaxy and all that contradicting stuff. The army titles are also pretty messed up and not in the correct order. I KNOW ALL THAT. But this is for NaNoWriMo and this is fiction and this is an imaginative world so just accept it.

Thanks, and may Nightshade's plasma shots ever be with you.

P.S. If you read on you'll get that joke above.

P.P.S. There will be a lot of swearing.



this is as "technical" as I can get, which isn't very technical at all, but my imagination sucks so forgive me - I hope yours is better and you can beautify everything in your head based on whatever's explained here.If, when reading the story, you come across something you don't get, you can always refer back to this - which is really why I made and posted this in advance, so you have the time to get used to the setting and all the information. I know these things are normally supposed to be explained within the story like a proper novel, but unfortunately this is my first time in this genre and I doubt I'll be able to explain properly, so here you go.


World Setting:

Two main land masses/mini-planets floating in outer space: The Confederate, and The Faction (I know, I know, don't go Divergence on me, it just so happens that faction is the opposite of Confederate). Majority of the story will be held within the Confederate, or in the galactic space between the two dubbed as The Universe (because space ships and space pirates and space battles. Weird, I know.)


Social/Political Setting:

Pretty simple: Men are strong and smart; therefore they should hold all the positions of authority and make a living for their families. Women are homemakers whose sole purpose are to become proper ladies and mothers.

By the age of 13, boys are sent to army training; if they are "too weak to be soldiers" or "unfit" they are sent to study in the Observatoire (yes spelling is on purpose) where they can be anything useful instead. As social protocol, boys in the army all have short hair, while those outside it have long (shoulders or past it) hair. 13 year-old girls are also sent to the Observatoire to study the "art of being lady" (it sounds ridiculous to me too). LGBTQ+ is a big no-no.


The Confederate:

Divided into three major parts -

Division Alpha: Civilization is here. Towns, cities, government buildings and etc., but all futuristic (because space story so).

Division Beta: Wilderness is here. Basically lots of unknown where pirates and rebels usually hide and have their base, and it's a restricted area to commoners.

Division Gamma: The "sky" is here, meaning everything above the top of the tallest building. So imagine our sky, except this sky is already literally the galaxy of stars. (I know that doesn't make sense, believe me, but isn't that hella nice? To fly with the stars?)


Galactic Army:

The all-in-one army/police force/navy/government/leaders/rulers of The Confederate. ALL MEMBERS MUST BE MALE. Since the people in this story are battle freaks, each army position basically has two roles; one when governing the land, and one when out on the battlefield. Their rankings and badges (because it'll be mentioned in the story) from highest authority to lowest are mentioned below:

General: a sun with a crescent moon in it

Commander: sun surrounded by five stars

Captain: five stars arranged into a circle

Chief Officer (each sector has their own chief; sectors listed later): four stars arranged into a square

Officer: three stars in one row

Private First Class: two stars side-by-side

Private: one star

The sectors within the army (headed by one chief each, and composed of officers, private first class, and privates):

Medic: aka doctors + nurses

Advisor: aka tacticians + intel

Engineer: aka mechanics + inventors

Patrol: aka guards + police

*I'd make a character list with all the Galactic Army people too but that would be too much of a spoiler I think.



Each section of the story will begin with a location/date/time stamp, so this is to explain that. It will look like this:

{Main Location | Sub-Location | Coordinates | Date | Time}

Main Location: Either The Confederate, The Faction, or The Universe.

Sub-Location: Will only be indicated if Main Location is The Confederate; will either be Division Alpha, Beta, or Gamma (tip: if it's division gamma it's mostly likely in a space ship or skyriding - which you'll get later when you read on)

Coordinates: map coordinates, but it's basically a bunch of random numbers just to indicate that the scene has shifted into a different location.

Date: For simplicity's sake they have the same 12 month-30 day-1 year as us, but "months" will be called "first sun," "second sun," and so forth, while days will be called "first moon" and so forth.

Time: Because I am lazy to think of something unique they have the same 24 hour day as us.


That is all. For now. Proceed with caution.

SuperlativeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon