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"Hey Maisie, how you doing" Mandy walked into her sisters hospital room to see her sat up in bed eating the food they'd brought her up. "I just wanna get out of here, the food is disgusting and the nurses look at me like I'm some child whos mentally ill" she huffed slamming her spoon into her food and pushing the plate away from her.

"Maisie we need to talk, I've put it off for 3 days now but Mickey's worried about you and we gotta know why, why did you do it" Mandy questioned lowering her voice and grabbing hold of her sisters hand to comfort her.

"Mandy-" Maisie went to tell her sister she didn't want to talk about it but the girl was quick to stop her. "We need to talk about it at some point. You put a gun in a grown mans back while having a break down, ran off, took some drugs and slit your wrists so much it could have killed you, I mean you clearly wanted to die" Mandy sighed hating that her sister refused to open up to anyone.

"Where's Lip" she asked trying to change the topic of conversation. "He's looking for Franks brothers" she told her running a hand through her hair and pulling her phone out her pocket when it started to vibrate.

Mandy pressed decline on the phone going back to face her sister who had turned to face away from her. " I don't want to talk about it Mandy" she shouted closing her eyes as she felt anger lift up from her sister as she clenched her hands into fists.


"Mandy, good to see you. How's Maisie doing" Kev smiled as the girl stormed into the alibi sitting down on the bar stool and taking a shot of vodka. "She won't talk to me, Mickey's losing his shit in prison and if he keeps going like that he's gonna get longer than a couple months. We're worried about her she just won't speak to me though" Mandy sighed and Kev squinted his eyes together, biting his lip as he tried to think of something to help them out.

"You know, Mickey could get taken to the hospital he just has to be with the wardens and in cuffs. You could try that, see if she'll talk to Mickey" Kev suggested and Mandy's eyes lit up at the idea.

"So how do you do that" she asked as she pulled her phone out her pocket. "Ring the prison he's being held in, tell them it's a family medical situation and that his sister is in hospital. They should let him out for a few hours stand outside the room while he talks to her" Kev explained to her watching as Mandy dialed the number to the prison.

"Mandy Milkovich. Brother is Mickey Milkovich, we've got a sister in the hospital. Maisie Gallagher, wondering if he'd be let out to visit her" Mandy spoke into the phone in a completely different tone rolling her eyes as the warden spoke back to her.

"She has our mothers last name instead, look she tried to kill herself and I need Mickey to see her before she's sent away" Mandy snapped sitting for 2 more minutes on the phone before hanging up a smile on her face.


Mickey walked through the hospital cuffs on his hands and ankles as four wardens walked him through. People looked in disgust as he walked past them, tattoos on his knuckles and a black eye from fighting in prison.

"You've got 30 minutes" the warden told him taking the cuffs of his ankles but leaving them on his wrists. "Yeah, yeah whatever" he huffed stepping aside for one of them to open the door for him.

Maisie looked up in surprise as she heard the heavy footsteps of her brother walking into the room. "Mickey" she cried opening her arms for the boy to hug into. "Hey Maisie" he whispered for once actually hugging into the girl.

"How you doing" he asked sitting down on the chair by her bed looking at his sister debating when the right time was. "So we gonna talk about your little meltdown where you almost put a bullet in Kash" Mickey tried to laugh pretending he didn't exactly care for her and was just trying to make conversation.

"Bad day" she lied and Mickey rolled his eyes knowing the house his sister was raised in there was no way she was opening up to them. "Look Maisie if you don't start talking your going to get put in some special home for people who are a danger to themselves" Mickey warned her shaking his head at his sister trying not to lose his shit with her.

"Fuck off Mickey, I ain't going in no home no matter what" she argued back with her brother knowing Lip wouldn't sign any consent forms for her to go anywhere. "Oh for fuck sake Maisie how fucking dumb do you wanna be, you don't give a reason for any of this and your going there" he shouted back which caused the wardens outside to look into the room their hands preparing to open the door.

"You know your just as bad as Mandy, pretending you care but really you don't. Dad beat the shit outta me and you sent me to live with the Gallagher's. A whole week Mickey and I hadn't seen or heard of either one of you that's how much you both care about me and when I did see you it was because you'd been shot in the leg by fucking Kash because you're too much of a pussy to admit your gay so like to take the mick out of it and then wonder why you get shot" she screamed and Mickey watched in shock as Maisie broke down into tears.

"You and Mandy can pretend you both care about me but you don't" she exclaimed and as Mickey was about to say something else to his sister he brought himself to a stop as he started to realise something.

"Kash and Grab, your meltdown was about Kash being a pervert, about how they should suffer, you went on about how much pain they caused kids and how you were going to make his life horrendous until he disappeared because that's what he deserves. Maisie what happened to you" Mickey muttered his brows piecing together as everything started to come to light a bit more knowing the worst had happened to the girl and he didn't know about it.

"Maisie you better start fucking talking" Mickey warned as she started to gasp for air as her brother started to yell even louder. "Get out Mickey" she whispered but when the boy refused to go anywhere she threw her drink at the wall.

"Dad beats the shit out of me every night I'm at home, I got raped one night when I was hiding out on the streets from him, my brother and sister abandoned me and I fucking hate living. I wish Carl never found me, I wish Lip didn't get there in time because I hate it here. Is that what you want to fucking hear" she screamed and as she did Mandy, Ian, Lip and Carl walked into the room stood in silence as they took everything in.

"Please leave" she begged and Mickey nodded his head shoving past the group that had just walked in and letting the door slam shut behind him. "I'm not going to a home because I don't need help" she mumbled as Lip walked over to her picking the glass up from the floor.

"I know" Lip mumbled quietly putting it in the bin and taking some fresh clothes out a bag he had gotten from home. "Get changed" he ordered pulling the curtain across so she could get changed in private. "Come on we're going home" he smiled showing the girl the release papers he had signed before wrapping an arm round her shoulder and messing her hair up.

Final chapter. Thank you so much for reading. Follow my Tiktok~ xgallavichsx for information on the next book and more❤️‍🩹

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