Chapter 15

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After a while, I feel how Sunoo's pinky doesn't holds my pinky as tight as before, so I look at him to check on him. A smile appears on my lips as I see him sleeping on my shoulder.

He looks so adorable...but fr, how can he look so beautiful even while sleeping?! I look like a fish when I sleep! Well, I don't sleep often, but if I do, I definitely look like a fish.

I take my phone and take a picture of him sleeping.
I brightly smile and immediately take this as my wallpaper for my lock screen. I know that we're still just best friends, but we're dating and I'll definitely confess today.
I take his pinky a bit tighter and look out of the window again, but then my teacher talked to me, so I look at him.
"You two look cute together" Mr. Kang says.
"Huh? Oh, thank you"

I'm probably blushing like an idiot right now...

"Are you two like..a couple or something?" He asks.
"They're dating" Ji-won says.
"Oh, congrats" he smiles and looks away.
"But he's right. You two look cute together" Ji-won says.
"We look cuter tho" Jungwon says.
I chuckle.
"Ofc we do, Jungwonie!"
He smiles at her and then kisses her forehead out of nowhere.
"What are the sleepyheads doing?" I ask as our teacher walked away.

The sleepyheads are Jay and Mi-hi. For every couple in our friend group, we have a special nickname. Jay and Mi-hi are the Sleepyheads, Jungwon and Ji-won are the Cats and even tho Sunoo and me aren't a couple yet, they called us the Sunshine's.

"They're sleeping. What else?"
I look behind me, trying not to move too much, because I don't want to wake Sunoo.
Jay and Mi-hi are so cute together. Mi-hi is laying on Jay's shoulder, while he's laying his head on her head and geht both are sleeping deeply. *mind sigh*...I'm about to cry, because they're so cute...
"I need to picture this" I say to myself and take a photo of them.
Sunoo wakes up a bit.
"Oh, no..I'm sorry...just continue sleeping, sun. We're not arrived yet" I whisper and put his head back.
"Okay" he says sleepy and takes my arm as a plushie.


I can't help it, but smile.

I wish Mika was also here. I mean, I miss him a lot. He was my best friend, but he moved out of the city and sadly we don't have a lot of contact anymore. It's sad, but I have to move on, even tho it'll be hard.

"Okay, class, we're here now. Please take all your things out of the bus and if your seat is dirty, you'll clean it! And please don't push each other while going out!" Our teacher says and everyone immediately stands up, while saying things like:

"Oh my god, I can't sit anymore"
"Finally we're here!"
"I hope the food is better then last time"
"How long do we stay here?"
"Till Wednesday"

I gently wake up Sunoo.
"Sunoo...wake up...we're there"
He slowly opens his eyes, while yawning and putting up his head.
I chuckle.
"We already drove 3 hours, so yeah"
He runs his eyes and stretches.
"You're so comfy. I could use you as my pillow" he chuckles.
I chuckle too.
"Why does everybody says that?"
"'Cause you are"
He smiles at me.
"You look so cute when you're sleepy" I say.
He blushes and chuckles shy.
"Come one, we should go" I say and take my little bag.
We stand up and walk out of the bus with the others. We also take our bags from the trunk. It already smells like the ocean here and I freaking love it!!!!

"It already smells like ocean!!! I'm so exited" I say, while doing my tiny excited jumps.

The teacher explained us everything and told us which room ours is. Luckily, the boys have their rooms next to ours. They have one room for 4, in which the hyung line is and the other room is for 3, in which the maknae line is in. And both rooms are literally next to ours, so our room is in the middle of them. In general, I think it's pretty nice that the boy and girl rooms are next to each other now. Also, every room has two keys. I have one and the other has Mi-hi.

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We arrive in our room.
"I'm so tired" Mi-hi says and lets herself fall on a bed.
"You literally slept the whole bus ride" Ji-won says.
"At least she already picked her bed" I say.
Mi-hi just nods, while Ji-won and me are closing the door and putting our stuff into the closets and everything. After we did that, we talked a bit, till someone knocks at our door.
"I'll go" I say and stand up to open the door.
I open it and see our teacher standing in front of me.
"Hello, Ladies. I just wanted to tell you that you have free time here now, so you can do whatever you want to do. You all can keep your phones. The only thing two things are: first, the eating times are set, so you have to be there at time. Breakfast is at 8am, lunch is at 1pm and dinner is at 6pm. Second: bed time is at 10pm. Which means, you have to be quiet at 10pm and are not allowed to go out. And the other rules are the basics, don't scream in the hallway, don't run in the hallway, don't break anything and so and so. Any questions?"
"No, thank you" I smile.
"Good. Then, the half of the class is already at the beach, so if you want to, you can also go"
"We'll probably will. Thanks a lot!"

He nods and wants to walk of but stops again.
"Oh, I forgot one thing, tomorrow in the evening, will be a disco party in the basement, as a good bye event, because we're going to leave on Wednesday at 10am."
"When will the party start?"
"At 7pm. You can stay how long you want to, but it ends at 11pm. And ofc there won't be any alcoholic drinks, same with the beach bar. I know, most of you are already 18, but you're still not allowed to drink alcohol on a school trip or in school."

Sad...but it's okay.

"Okay! Thank you, Mr. Kang" I bow.
He bows back.
"No, problem"
He walks off and I want to close the door, but again, something stops me.
"Yah! You're squeezing my foot!" I hear Ni-ki's voice at the door.
"Omg, I'm sorry!" I say and open the door widely.
Now Ji-won and Mi-hi are also walking up to me.
All of the boys are standing at our door now.
"Are you guys ready coming to beach too?" Riki asks.
"We wanted to get ready now" I say.
"We all will be there. I'm already going down. Y'all need too long to get ready" Heeseung says and walks off with Jake.
"Should we wait?" Jungwon asks.
"You can already go, if you want to. I know the way down to the beach" I say.
They all leave and I close the door.
"Do you really know the way?" Mi-hi asks.

"Kinda. When we walked up to our rooms, I saw a way down to the beach"
"I'm getting ready now...wait- if we go to the beach...does that mean I'll see Jungwon shirtless?" Ji-won blushes.
"Omg..and I'll see Jay shirtless"
"Haven't you guys already saw them shirtless? I mean, they're your boyfriends and y'all already had a sleepover with them"
"That sounds dirty" Mi-hi says.
"I think she means when they changed their clothes" Ji-won says.
"Oh, yea. But still..." Mi-hi says.

Okay, but now thinking of going to the beach...I'll see Sunoo shirtless... ANYWAYS!

We're getting ready now and I hope we don't spend too much time for it.


They spent a lot of time getting ready...but after they arrived we immediately went into the water and chilled a bit on the sand. It's really beautiful here. Not as beautiful as, Y/n, but very beautiful.

Thinking of Y/n, should I confess today? I mean, I've been in love with her for auch a god damn it long time and we're dating, so I think it's time. But I'm scared...what if she doesn't likes me back or just doesn't feels the same way already? Maybe she isn't ready yet or something. Nah, she probably likes me too..right?

We stayed at the beach for like 3-4 hours and now it's already dinner time. After dinner, we're going to the common room to spent more time together and I think I'm going to ask her, if she wants to go on a walk and then I'm going to confess. I think that's a good idea! She likes romantic stuff and that's pretty romantic in my head.

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