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It's been a week and Peter and Val didn't spoke a word to each other since, but Peter kept his eyes on Val each time he gets

One earlier day as val was practice alone in the training room someone came in and it wss Peter

She ignores him and continue to throw punch at the air

Peter watch her as he gets ready to practice he sighed and went up to her

"You doing it wrong" He said

"That's non of your business Candor" She shot back

"So were back again to faction calling Blue?" He raised his brows

Val continued her punches into the air "Why do you even call me that?"

"Cause your from Erudite and you wear Blue clothes" He lied

He poked his inner cheeks wirh his tongue and flick it

"Why don't you fight me?" He offered

"What?" She stop

"Practice your skills on me"

Peter made his defense position as Val stood still

"I don't like hurting someone" She said

"Then why are you here?" He teased her

"I'm a Dauntless!" She lunges at him angrily

Peter got himself ready for a punch or anything but Valkyrie dove down him and lock her leg around his foot making him out balance and fall waist flat on the mat

Peter groan in pain

"Not bad for your first try" He continued to groan

She let go of him and he gets up still grunting for a bit

"How did you do that?" He ask holding his waist which maybe is dislocated

"I knew how to" She answer

"That's really not an answer Blue" He grunt in pain

She approached him and gently tap his waist "Hey you okay?" she took a look on it

"Oh my god you have a really huge bruise" She gasp

"I'm so sorry" She sound concern

"That means you habe improve more, and I'm alright Blue no need to worry" He smirk to tease her

She rolled her eyes and looked super annoyed "Well in that case..." She pushed him away "You don't need my help"

Peter groans in pain as he stumble back but manage to keep his balance

Val panicked and quickly grab him by the arm "Oh my god I'm sorry I thought you were kidding I—"

Her sentence were stop midway when Peter pulled her in for a kiss, Valkyrie was of course shock Peter moved his lips to sync with hers but she was too shock to move so he slowly pulled away looking deeply in her eyes

"That should shut you up" He said

Bal was too stunned to speak or even move, she kissed Peter Hayes her rival and her friends rival

"First kiss?" He ask

Val just look at him blankly

"You look like you've seen a ghost" He softly chuckled

"That was my first... Kiss" She spoke still in shock

"Lucky me" He smiled

Val lick her dry lips to process everything that just happened

"If you tell anyone about this" Val said warning him

"I won't" Peter leaned in close to her face again "It'll be our dirty secret Blue" He cought her lips with his and gave it a quick peck before leaving her dumbfounded.

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