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Melanie POV:

The sun beaming through the windows and hitting my eyes wakes me up, not happy. I sit up and look around to see me and Kim both fell asleep on the couch last night, I stand up and fix the blanket on her, and go to close the curtains so Kim can sleep better.

I get to my room and sign into my computer quickly, with everything that has been going on I've been forgetting to work. I work from home and my job is basically just write essays about whatever topic my boss gives me, and i get paid pretty decently so I don't complain at all. I get to my emails and see my boss gave me 2 essays to write so I start those.

After an hour of writing I finally finish them and send them in to my boss. I stand up and stretch before leaving my room. I walk out to see Kim eating some toast on the couch.

"Hey Kimmy" I sit next to her. "Hey melly" she smiles. A few years ago we decided to make nicknames out of our nicknames that only each other can say, so if anyone else calls her Kimmy they die.

She grabs the toast and brings it up to my mouth and I happily take a bite. "Want some coffee?" She nods and i get up to start a pot.

I check the time to see it's only 11 and I don't really have much to do today.

The coffee finishes brewing and I pour two mugs for me and Kim. I sit down handing her coffee to her. She thanks me and takes a sip. "So have you talked to Tom?" I knew she was gonna bring him up. "Nope, I'm just trying to forget he exists" She nods and keeps eating, giving me bites. "Have you talked to Bill?" She shakes her head and takes a sip. "No but he's called me a lot, but I'm just not gonna talk to him much today in support of you"

"Thank you Kim, but I don't want what happened to ruin your relationship with Bill, I know you really like him. Just call him" she smiles and gives me a hug and a peck on the cheek before grabbing her phone and walking out of the room. I smile to myself and finish the toast she left.


Tom POV:

She hates me. She still hasn't responded to me or Bill. I have no idea what to do, I actually start to like a girl and Charlotte fucking ruins it. Im pulled out of my thoughts by Bills phone ringing, we both snap our heads to each other and he grabs his phone fast.

His face lights up and I start to get happier. "Is it Mel??" He looks back at me and his smile fades a bit. "Well it's Kim, but she might be calling about Mel!" I nod and he answers it and walks out of the room.

I sit on the couch waiting for him to come back, after what seemed to be 30 minutes he finally comes back and sits next to me. "Kim didn't really want to talk about Mel but she did say that Mel is trying to forget you.." I groan and stuff my face in my hands. "I cant lose her Bill, I actually really like her"

"I know that, you talk about her more than anything" he laughs making me laugh too. "But, Kim told me she left her bag here last night so she's gonna come by and get it and Mel is gonna drive her so maybe she'll come inside and you can talk to her?" I immediately get up and start walking around the room.

"What am I going to say? Will she even listen to me? What if she thinks I'm lying? What if she-" I'm immediately interrupted by Bill.

"Tom, chill. Just be you" I nod and get upstairs to change.


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