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I felt the prickle of awareness the moment I stepped into my room. 

There was a suspicious lump sized shape in the middle of my bed, surrounding by my blankets and comforter. 

My shoulders tensed when that lump shape thing started to move. 

I swear to god, if those assholes out there were pranking me then I was going to throw more than a wooden spoon at their heads. 

More like something sharp and pointy. 

And I wouldn't miss. 

With stiff fingers, I gripped the blankets and yanked them off of my bed. 

I cried out in shock. 

"Brutus!" I threw my arms around his thick neck, plunging my fingers in his grey wrinkly fur "Oh my god! I can't believe you're here!" 

He perked up at my voice, those cloudy eyes of his seeking me out from the sound of my voice. 

"How did you get here sweet boy?" I sniffled, wiping the stupid tear that managed to escape at seeing the last piece of home I had. 

"Atlas had him camping out in his room for the night" Kassian's familiar voice "I'm surprised you didn't hear all of this poor guy's whining. He really missed you." 

I turned to find Kassian leaning against my doorframe, regarding me with an unknown emotion in his green eyes. 

I turned back to my sweet dog, bending down and touching my forehead to his. 

"I missed him more" I kissed the sharp point of his head, an after effect caused by his abusive previous owners "He doesn't like being away from any of us longer than a few hours." 

"Ah" Kassian nodded his head "That might be the reason I found Atlas passed out on the floor next to this poor guy. He was trying to comfort him." 

Brutus snuggled closer into my side nudging my hand with his sharp head.

"Huh" I hummed. 


"I never took Atlas as an animal person."

Kassian snorted. 

"Aren't we all considered animal people Princess?" 

My lips twitched at the remark. 

"I thought they sent him with my mom and brothers" I closed my eyes when Brutus flipped onto his side and pawed the air, motioning for me to continuously rub his belly "Why didn't they send him with them?" 

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