Both Deckard Shaw and Luke Hobbs came out of the prison and were surrounded by Mr Nobody's troops.
"Well... that took longer than expected," Mr Nobody checked his watch.
"Hey boys," I waved to the two, "Hey bro."
"I thought you were on holiday?" Hobbs asked.
"Ye I was lying," I pointed my finger in front of my nose to be like Pinocchio."We needed her here to help with Mr Shaw," Mr Nobody let him know.
"Why?" Hobbs asked.
"Oh he doesnt know does he?" Shaw laughed facing me.
"I'm sure we can trust you to take him in your car?" Mr Nobody handed me a pair of handcuffs."You can always trust me," I took them and walked over to Shaw, "Hands out please."
Shaw held out his hands and I put handcuffs on him. When I did, he put his arms over me and pulled me towards him. My arms were by my side and I just smirked at Shaw.I heard guns being held up and loaded. I also saw Luke step forward and was going to say something, but I managed to stop him with a death stare.
"Mr Nobody?" I looked over my shoulder.
"Troops. Lower your weapons," Mr Nobody commanded.I then looked back to Shaw.
He smirked and whispered, "I missed you."
"I missed you too. Sorry about all the prison stuff," I apologised.
Shaw shrugged, "It was fun."
He then leaned down and kissed me.I held onto his waist and kissed back but then heard my brother sigh and mutter, "Fucking hell."
"Okay lovebirds!" Mr Nobody interrupted the awkward silence, "Are we ready to go?"
"Yes!" I pushed Shaws arms over my head and held onto the chains of the cuffs.
I then started to direct him to the car. I pushed him into the back and I got in the front.We made it back to Headquarters, I took Shaw to my office.
I locked the door and pointed to one of the chairs, "I brought you a change of clothes from home. You don't suit orange."
"Thanks honey," Shaw took the clothes and got changed.
It was his usual clothes. Jeans, dark t-shirt, dark jacket and some trainers.I then called Mr Nobody, "Me Nobody?"
"Y/N, how are things back at headquarters?" He asked.
"Good sir," I nodded, "I'm in my office with Deckard right now and I got him changed into something other than prison clothes."
"Good. Good. Keep him there if you can," He chuckled.
I looked Deck in the eyes, "I dont think he will want to go anywhere."
"You're right. I'll inform you when I get back. We are close," Mr Nobody agreed.
"Thank you sir. Over and out," I then hung up.I got up and walked over to Deck who was sat on one of my guest seats.
"We will probably have a meeting when the boss gets back," I told him.
Deck sighed and pulled me onto his lap, "Do we not even have time for a quicky?"
"I'm afraid not," I held his neck with my hands, "But! That doesn't stop us from making out."
Deck grinned and I kissed him.

Multi fandom One shots
FanfictionA book filled with oneshots from different fandoms, such as TWD, F&F, doctor who and Spn Key: 🖤 -F&F (Fast and furious) 🤎 -TWD (The walking dead) ❤️ -SPN (Supernatural) 💙 -ST (Stranger things) 🤍- TVDU (The vampire diaries universe) 💜- LIS (Life...