Don't know when I'll post
Gender-neutral reader :D
This is a continuation of my first book Security breach x blind child Y/N
It's been 2 year...
It was the next day, a saturday at that, I've got a full night of rest and I'm now ready for whatever comes my way.
I set an alarm for 4:30PM as I begin trying to have a productive day. 'Productivity here I come!'
Time skip brought to you by procrastination :'3 1:00PM *•*•*•*•*•*•*
I got nothing done. I tried finishing my homework but I only got like... two things done. On top of that I can't leave my desk as Michael is watching me and making sure I finish what needs to be done. I have 3 other things to finish, one of them being the algebra homework from yesterday.
God why can't I just focus. Why can't I just forget about what I've got planned for later today. I continue trying to get at least 4 of the 5 things done before I inevitably give up.
I give out a sigh as I "see" Michael next to my desk, looking down at what I've done so far. " Mikey why are you watching me do homework? You've been here since 12." I ask "looking" up at him.
He looks back down at me and grabs a pencil before writing with the same pink text I've "seen" him use before, on a blank paper next to me. "I'm just making sure that you finish your homework, as you tend to leave it until the last minute. Evan is doing the same with Gregory."
"..." well that answers that. "Now finish your work." Was the last thing he wrote before the text began to dissolve. I heaved out a sigh as I continue and try to finish most of the work on my desk. Him and Evan has acted like this since we've started 8th grade, he has tried to help but he's not that good since, from what he's told us, he was a trouble maker as a teen.
Time skip brought to you by sadness 4:28PM *•*•*•*•*•*•*
"FINISHED." I yelled, spooking Michael who was reading a book. He walked over and peered over my shoulder at the papers. He grabbed the pencil and wrote. "Ok, you're free to go, have fun and don't get in trouble."
"Yes!" I say grabbing my phone and rolling onto the bed grabbing one side of the blanket, and turning me into a burrito. I heard an exhale of a sigh as the door shut, telling me that Michael had left.
I checked the time on my phone, "seeing" that the alarm was about go off I turn it off and began to check what I had in my bag.
There was a bottle of water for hydration, a black doctor's mask incase of the dust hanging around, a few tools since I'm going to the Pizzaplex and Gregory and Michael taught me how to repair things, F/C flashlight for the dark, the illusion disk, walkie talkie, chances are that there will be more walkie talkies at the Pizzaplex since these designs look like merchandise form there, and my F/C earmuffs because it's cold.
I crawl out of my burrito roll and changed into a casual T-shirt with my F/B character on it and shorts. I grabbed the bag and opened the window next to the bed. "Looking" down I "see" a few bushes below with the window closed.
I carefully dropped the bag down onto the bush with a ruler. I then grabbed my phone and walked out my room. I plan to tell them that I'm going on a walk,. Once they agree for me to go alone I'll grab my jacket and go to the back of the house where my window is. I'll grab my bag and walk into the forest where I will then head in and take the usual route to the Pizzaplex.
"I'm going on a walk, be back in a few." I say running down the stairs. "Are you going alone." I heard Evan say at the door. "Yeah, but I'll be back soon." I said "seeing" him getting sad that he can't come along. Even though I grew up and my mind matured, his didn't.
His mindset was left unchanged over the years I've known him. I put on my shoes and wave goodbye to him and Gregory who was in the living room. Even if Evans mindset did change he probably hides it as he said he doesn't remembers who killed him.
I walk to the back and successfully retrieve my bag from the bushes. I check that nothing broke before putting the bag on and walking into the forest before running through it.
I exit the forest and walk to the parking lot up front. Once their I "see" Cassie standing there looking like she's texting someone, possibly me since we agreed on this time.
"I'm here!" I yell, catching her attention. She "seems" to freeze up upon my arrival. 'Why did she look so, sad?' I jog over to her as I thought about that.
"Huh, so you really did come. I thought you forgot." She said as I got closer. I pout upon hearing that. "I'm not that forgetful." I say crossing my arms and facing the entrance. "Anyways, do we know how to get in?"
I faced she again when I said that. She looked at the Pizzaplex and began walking towards it. I quickly follow her as we look for an entrance.
A few moments later and I spotted a way in from one of the big windows that had a hole in to not covered by newspaper. I pointed this out and then started looking for a way to reach the hole because of how far up it was.
"Hey, how about these boxes." I turn to Cassie to "see" what she means. Next to her were many big boxed stacks on top of each other, Cassie dragging one to the window. I walk over and begin doing the same, pushing the boxes inside.
Soon, we had a staircase going up to the window. I went up first and then helped her over. We then both climbed/slid down from the window into the Pizzaplex. Our journey has now begun.
A/N ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1085 words
Welcome back! I hope you like reading this so far. I had fun making this and hope that the rest of the chapters will be as good.
Photo of the day issssssssssssss 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
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