(PR) Trial of fate [1]

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This turned out to be much more complicated than i initially planned when i started writing this.
But oh well. 
And this is the only story I've written in only one pov. So kudos to that! 
Hope you enjoy it.

Phayu's pov:

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking quickly to adjust to the bright sunlight streaming into the room. 

I could feel the wetness of the tears that had gathered in my eyes as they slid down the sides of my head. 

I pushed myself up and wiped them as i let out a deep sigh. 

Why did i have to see them in my dreams as well?

Seeing them last night was enough already. 

"Don't have a soulmate? Personally, i can't relate. I have such a great husband after all. Well, maybe you can pray to get one. I heard there are very lucky people who get one later on in life as well. Although, i don't know if you'll be lucky enough to be one of them."  

"It must be sad, knowing that you won't have that magical moment. I could never do it, personally." 

"I would never wish it on my child, honestly. I'm surprised yours even adopted you. Most people wouldn't. I guess they must have great hearts." 

"If you're feeling lonely, give me a call. I can set you up with someone to take care of you for a night at least.. Take it as a kind gesture." 

"Don't worry, I'm sure you can find someone who's just as lonely as you are." 

I gritted my teeth as i tried to block out those damned voices. 

This is why i hate going to parties. 

I end up meeting assholes who can't keep their thoughts to themselves. 

I know I'm unlucky to have been born without a soulmate. I don't need them to spell it out for me. 

I'm already well enough aware of it. 

It's not my fault that i wasn't given a soulmate bond when i was born. 

And it's not something i can just pray away either. 

I groaned softly and scrawled my hair. 

I wish people learned how to keep their thoughts to themselves.
When i went downstairs after getting dressed for the day, Saifah was sitting at the table that was already set. 

I smiled as i went up to the table and sat down in front of him. 

He stared at me for a few seconds as i grabbed a piece of toast.

"I'm fine." I sighed. 

"Dad already took care of them." He replied. 

Of course, he did. You most definitely told him to. 
I was about to head out after helping him put the dishes in the dishwasher when he suddenly pulled me into a tight embrace. 

I sighed softly and hugged him back, pressing my head against his. 

"Don't listen to idiots like them ok? They only know how to spout bullshit." He spoke firmly. 

I chuckled. "I know. I won't listen to them."

"Good." He pulled back with a satisfied smile. "If anyone else tries to spout bullshit to you, tell me. I'll kick their kneecaps in." 

"I don't doubt it." I shook my head fondly. 

He's actually done that a few times in the past so i really don't doubt he'll do t it again. 

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