Chapter Two

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“Erm, thanks.” I threw out a weak, embarrassed smile. How could I have been so stupid as to forget my bags? Any normal person would have just left them to be stolen, but Niall had actually brought them to me. I felt my resistance to the furtive blonde boy slowly begin to melt away. “I guess that kind of ruined my exit then, huh?”

He laughed his tuneful laugh, the one that I had already begun to enjoy hearing. His bright blue eyes were focused on me.

Suddenly, I came into a collision with a running man whose path I was clearly in the way of. I stumbled, almost coming face first with the hot asphalt, but thankfully Niall caught me. He steadied my wobbly legs and then asked, “Are you alright?”

I nodded shakily, and stepped carefully out of his grasp. Falling wasn’t an unusual thing for me; I’d been blessed with my mother’s clumsy body and limited athleticism.

He gestured to a bench a little ways down the sidewalk. “Maybe we should sit down, so you don’t get run over.”

“Good idea,” I mumbled. I reach down to retrieve my bags but Niall had already picked them up. “I can carry them.” I insisted, holding out my hands.

“No way,” Niall shook his head, blonde tufts masking his eyebrows. “I’ve got it.”

“How chivalrous.” I grinned; Niall was unquestionably growing on me.

“I try my best.” He winked, and led the way towards the bench.

I sat down, letting the cool bench chill my legs, Niall sitting beside me. He didn’t sit too close to me, so it wasn’t awkward, but he was still close enough that my heart started pounding in a way it hadn’t in a while.

“So, do I get to know your name?” He peered shyly up at me through his impossibly long eyelashes.

I chuckled, feeling stupid for leaving so vastly before. “Brooke.”

“Brooke.” He repeated, a grin forming over his lips. “I like it.”

“It’s pretty common. I don’t really like it; there isn’t anything special about the name. ‘Brooke’.” I spoke with total honesty; I wasn’t too fond of my name. Although my mom loved the way it sounded with my last name—Brooke Hayes—I thought it sounded like a stereotypical girl. I wanted to be more than that; and I guess I thought a unique name would give me somewhere to start. That’s why I loved the Irish names Rory, Edward, and believe it or not, Niall.

Niall happened to be my favourite Irish name for a boy; that’s how I recognized it when Niall had told me his name. I went through a small phase when I was twelve or so, and learned the meaning of practically every Irish name in the books. Niall means champion.

“Well, I completely disagree. The name Brooke means a beautiful, prominent stream, and represents the qualities pleasing, friendly, and loving. If you ask me, I think it suits you perfectly.”

“How did you know that?” I asked in shock, causing him to chuckle.

“Brooke is a popular name here in Ireland, and I know a fair bit about Irish names.” Niall said. I smiled at him, realizing we had something in common.

“Be sure to tell your mom that she chose a name that fits her extremely pretty daughter very nicely.” His eyes fell onto my dark ringlets.

I felt an unexpected blush creep onto my cheeks. I couldn’t believe Niall had called me pretty—extremely pretty. Calling someone ‘pretty’ was so much more pleasant than calling someone ‘fit’ or ‘hot’.

“Was it okay that I said that?” Niall’s blue eyes liquidized with concern.

“Yeah, that was fine.” I felt myself blush again, and I instantly wished I didn’t have such fair, ivory skin. It was so easy to tell when I was embarrassed, which was fairly often.

“Okay,” Niall gave a satisfied nod, and leaned back on the bench. He causally stretched both of his arms behind them.

I decided not to protest; he wasn’t touching me, so really there was no harm done. If he wanted to stretch his arms, then so be it. It wasn’t my business. I impatiently skimmed the parking lot again, searching for my aunt. She was still nowhere to be found.

“Where are you from?” Niall asked, probably recognizing my dull voice didn’t carry an Irish accent, unlike everyone else’s.


He nodded. “Who are you looking for?”

“My aunt.”

“Have you ever been to Ireland before?” Niall asked.

I shook my head lightly.

“Well, if you need—”

“Brookie!” Niall’s voice was cut off by a screaming voice. A middle aged woman came running after me, her arms open wide and a huge smile printed on her face.

“Aunt Shannon!”  I jumped up and thrust my arms around the thin, fair haired lady. “I’m so glad you are letting me spend the summer with you. I can’t thank you enough,” I babbled.

Shannon laughed, and squeezed me even tighter. “You know you’re welcome here anytime, love. We’ve missed you more than ever.” Her voice sounded so much more mature than when I’d last seen them.

“Chloe!” I wrapped my arms tightly around my cousin, who had been slowly trailing behind Shannon. The flaxen-haired beauty was just as stunning as I’d remembered. Silky, straight blonde locks glided flawlessly off of her shoulder.

I couldn’t help but notice her sudden grim attitude towards me. She certainly hadn’t acted like this when she’d visited my family last summer. I pulled away when I perceived how stiff Chloe had remained in my embrace.

“Chlo...” I trailed off as I followed Chloe’s eyes that darted to Niall, who suddenly was looking extremely uncomfortable.

“Oh hi, Mrs. Murphy.” Niall slurred. “How are you today?”

“Niall, sweetie, it has been way too long. You definitely have to come visit someday, I miss seeing your smiling face in the kitchen.” Shannon dropped a kiss onto Niall’s cheek. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been alright, thanks. I’d love to come visit, if that’d be okay.” His nervous eyes suddenly flickered to Chloe, who was still glaring at him.

“Excellent.” Aunt Shannon clapped her hands together crisply. “Brooke, honey, are these your bags over here beside Niall?” She gestured to where Niall had placed them on the bench.

I nodded slowly, too confused to what was going on to form an actual response.

“Niall, would you mind carrying the bags over to the car for me? You know which one it is.” Niall nodded, proving my suspicions further that they obviously knew each other. “We can give you a ride home, if you’d like.” Shannon kindly offered, despite how awkward things were.

“Sure, thanks Mrs. M. I appreciate it.” Niall sauntered off to the car, the three of us following behind him.

I couldn’t help but notice how Chloe had yet to take her icy eyes off of Niall. From the look of pure anger on her face, she clearly wasn’t the least bit happy with him.

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Second chapter yay!!!! Hope you all liked it, please take the time to vote/comment. xoxox

Definitely (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon