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12:00 p.m. On the road. 3rd POV.

Ben and James were drinking together discussing Georgia.

"She has been sleeping for a long time now." James said taking a swig from the whiskey bottle.

"I'm worried about her." Ben said biting his lip rings

"What happened with Denis last night?" James asked

"Okay, this begins when you left with her yesterday to do what ever the hell was going on. Sam and I needed girls. You know how it is James.. We got a brunette to come on the bus and she went straight with Sam and they had whatever sex Sam wanted and then Mandy. I called Mandy. I didn't know Denis was drinking with Cameron on the couch because once Mandy got here I gave her the slip and we did what any groupie did with us. Cameron crashed in his bunk before Mandy could do anything with him but I was in a daze so I just kind of watch Mandy flirt with Denis. He shook his head a few times until she finally shushed him. I saw her kiss him and he went with whatever she was doing."

James shook his head as Ben drank another sip of whiskey

"Anyhow- after they kissed a few times she stuck her hand down his trousers and I saw her move her hand rapidly on his cock."

James snapped his fingers and banged his hand on the table.

"Okay please don't tell me anymore."

Cameron had just gotten out of bed and he looked at an angry James and a laughing Ben. "Bathroom it is." Cameron mumbled

"Morning!" Sam yelled

"Hey Sam." James yelled throwing the newspapers that was crumpled from yesterday. There was 0 tension in the air for now until Cameron got out of the bathroom and threw everyone back to the event.

"Why is the newspaper being thrown again?"

"Throw it out." James said

"When are the two getting up?"Sam asked

"I'm about to wake them up." Ben smirked at Sam

"No please don't do that." Cameron asked Sam nicely as he went to the small kitchen sink and filled a cup of water.

"Denis first."

Ben laughed and followed Sam as James and Cameron laughed from the table.

As Ben had opened his bunk room he opened it to a sleeping Denis.

"He looks so peaceful." Sam said as Ben dumped the water on him

"WHAT THE FUCK!" he yelled "Fuck you two!" He was halfway laughing and halfway angry

"Your not angry are you?" Sam asked

"No, I expected that someday.." He wiped his face and got up to brush his teeth.

"Georgia next." Ben warmed his hands together handing Sam the cup.

"Not a good idea!" James chanted

"Don't really care." Ben chanted back.

Denis looked in the mirror in the bathroom. He had bags under his eyes for the first time in years since Make Me Famous had kicked him. This girl would be the death of him if he didn't fix what he ruined. He had his dream band. He was living his dream but this girl was his new problem, his new challenge that he had to face no matter if he didn't want to feel how he did. He was in love with Georgia. Her pale smooth skin, her layered hair falling perfectly onto her small shoulders, and those seafoam eyes staring at him. When he looked at himself he saw the girl he loved.


Georgia's POV

"Ben no..." I slurred sleepily as he gently touched my arm and I looked over to him and he dumped water all over me

"I was already up!" I yelled

"It's still funny." Sam said

"I got up and headed for the bathroom." the door was unlocked so I went ahead and opened it as I walk in on Denis in a towel. FUCK.

"I'm going to go.." I mumbled

"Georgia." He said

"Denis put some clothes on." I said trying not to look at him through the cracks of my fingers, so I turned my back to him. A part of me told me not to leave to stay and just talk it out with him but he was about to shower and this was just insane...

"Please let's talk about this." The accent got me every time. I just felt like he would burst into Ukrainian. And if he did I would melt into a candle stick..

"Okay." I said turning around and sat on the tiny floor of the bathroom. He attempted to not sit to close to me but he did because space did not permit him to sit far from me.

He was shirtless in his sport shorts. I wanted to touch his chest and trace the owl tattoo he loved so much.

He cheated on you. Remember he will do that again.

"GEORGIA!" Ben slapped the door surprising both of us.

"We're just talking." Denis said

"Okay." He said in a female voice and I could hear his footsteps move across the bus floor. We were moving our way to Alaska and although it was July it would still be cold. Denis cleared his throat.

"I know I hurt you." He spoke gently

"Why though?" I asked, that's the only reason why I didn't understand this. Why did he do it?

"I was drunk. After drinking so much this stupid blonde girl who jumped on me began to kiss me and it went down hill from there."


"You didn't even bother pushing her off?"

This wasn't easy for him to talk about, he may have a made a mistake that he could never erase but this wasn't a reflect and move on. This hurt both of us. This wasn't just on him. Anyone could tell that Denis was angry, I could tell by the look in his chocolate eyes. He didn't look like the sweet man I knew, this haunted him. Who ever she was she haunted him.

"I could not she already.." He couldn't finish the sentence.

I sighed and looked up at him.

As I had done a few weeks ago I pressed my palms on his chin and rubbed his cheeks with my thumbs gently. "I can't even express how sorry I am for doing what I did last night. You don't get how much you mean to me."His large hands touched my small hands on his face.

Don't fall into this pit... he'll do it again. Remember what James said. It's the life style...

"I forgive you." I tasted bile in the back of my throat but I didn't care.. If it's anyone's fault it's who ever she was, he made is seem that she forced herself on him and he was too drunk to say no. OR he's just a horny rock star that can't do anything with you because your only 17 here and you are not sexually appealing.

"I can't let you do that. Because you won't ever forgive me." He knew me too well. I was like an open book with him and he could read every page of me. Front cover to the back cover.

I Won't Give In (Denis Stoff [Denis Shaforostov]/Asking Alexandria Fanfiction) {FINISHED/ EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now