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FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THREE MONTHS, DIANA COULDN'T HELP BUT THINK THINGS WERE GOING PERFECTLY. She almost felt as if she was dreaming and soon she would wake up. James had been more than perfect to her, to think that at first he wasn't sure if he'd be able to go through with the idea of being a father, he was acting more like a father than ever.

It was getting closer to Christmas, and James had been asking nonstop whether Diana, Otto, and even her mother would come over for some or even one day during Christmas, so Diana could finally meet his parents. Diana had to ask her mother first, to which she had answered with a delighted yes, her mother of course wishing to meet not just James, who both Diana and Otto had been writing to her about on a regular basis, but also his parents, the other grandparents to be.

James had been estatic when she had told him yes, and Otto had been even more excited of getting to spend christmas with James and Sirius, who Diana had found out had taken Otto under their wing and somehow began teaching him all sorts of pranks right under Diana's nose. She had found this out when a prank Otto had tried to pull on Sirius ended up accidentally being pulled on Diana. The young girl, although telling the boys she didn't like Otto being taught pranks, couldn't help but secretly hide a smile when she saw her brother with James and Sirius, the look of pure happiness on Otto's face made her heart burst with joy, he had finally found people at Hogwarts that he loved, he had come out of his shell more, he was becoming more independent, and much to her dismay was turning into the marauder boys minute by minute.

The pregnancy was going well; it was still kept between Diana, the marauder boys, and Otto, and thankfully none of them had let it slip yet, which was ideal for Diana. She had started to show more in the weeks leading up to her fourth month of pregnancy, but happily she could hide the growing belly with a disillusion charm on her garments. The young girl knew she couldn't hide the pregnancy forever, but for the time being, she was happy in her own little bubble. Many time James would ask Diana to come up to his dorm for nothing more than to sit and put his hand on her bump and talk to the baby, apparently Remus had been doing research on pregnancies and found that talking to the baby when pregnant would make them familiar with the parents voices when birthed, and after he had told James that, there wasn't a moment where he wasn't talking near Diana's bump, which sometimes would cause her to swat his head when he would do it in the most inconvinient times. Diana couldn't help but marvel how they'd managed to keep it a secret for so long; she'd think if others saw James attempting to talk to Diana's stomach in class, it would've been a dead giveaway, but she was simply glad it wasn't out, and she'd enjoy the time when it was private.

Whilst Diana hummed to herself while walking down the corridor, Diana couldn't help but feel slightly helpful that the boys were all in class together whilst she had a free period. Diana loved them all, she really did, but she enjoyed being able to breath by herself, she enjoyed going to the library without Sirius coming with her and ending up getting chucked out for not staying quiet. She didn't understand why the boys worried about her so much, of course she knew it had to do with making sure she and the baby were okay, but nothing bad would happen to her at Hogwarts, Diana believed it was the safest place she could possibly be.

But things were changing at Hogwarts; darkness was descending; the Marauders were aware of this, especially Sirius. But Diana didn't see the darkness in individuals or the contrasts in houses. She didn't dislike Slytherins just because they were Slytherins; she saw good in them just like everyone else, but the boys didn't trust them; Sirius knew what the people in the pureblood families were like, and he knew that a new power was rising; he had fled home because of it, fled everything he knew, because he didn't want to be like them.

Diana had decided to go and take a lie down in her Hufflepuff dorm whilst waiting for the boys and Otto to finish their classes before heading to dinner, she had been in the library for quite some time, catching up on reading and just enjoying some time to herself. It wasn't too far of a walk, but the aches in Diana's body had begun increasing, especially in her lower back. Most people in the school were currently in classes, with the corridors being practically empty, Diana took the chance to rub her stomach. "You are causing me some aches, darling." The young girl whispered to her stomach, smiling softly as she said it.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the knocked up Hufflepuff." A voice said behind Diana, she turned to see Severus Snape and a bunch of other slytherins smirking at her.

"I'm sorry?" Diana asked, trying to make out that she had no idea what he was on about. Diana had never really spoken to Severus, she had known who he was, he was brilliant at potions, Lily Evan's best friend and the Marauders 'enemy' as they would say, though she didn't understand why.  The other boys around him were unfamiliar to Diana, she had guessed they were pureblooded boys who wanted to live up to their Slytherin name, but why had they come for Diana, and how did Snape know about the baby?

"Don't play dumb Marlowe, we all know you're knocked up with Potter's brat." He spat at Diana, venom practically falling from his mouth. Diana knew how much Snape hated James, she knew this was probably why he wanted to corner her to admit she was pregnant, he would finally have something to taunt James with, but Diana was not just going to admit it, she wouldn't bow down to Snape like the boys around him.

"I don't know what you're talking about Snape, look if it's James you're after, he's not here, nor Sirius, they're in class, I suggest you take it up with them." She said, turning on her heel, trying to walk away from the situation.

When turning, Snape had cast a spell, she was then stood, with her bump on show, her charm now no longer in use.

"I think you know exactly what i'm talking about Marlowe," Snape smirked, still pointing his wand at her.

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