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The next section was the Beluga Whales

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The next section was the Beluga Whales. Aurelia's gaze was filled with wonder as she looked at the majestic white creatures. Placing both her hands against the glass, she watched in amazement as the whales gracefully danced through the water

"Look how playful they are," Aurelia said to no one in particular. Her eyes were fixed on two particular Beluga Whales that were engaged in an exuberant play, swimming and twirling around in the water. She remained watching the two Belugas as they swam upside down, coming closer to where she and Wyatt stood. With a sense of curiosity, the small whales flipped right side up and gazed at the two observers

An idea sparked in Aurelia's mind. "Wyatt," she called, turning towards the boy and diverting his attention away from the Belugas. "Could you do this for a quick second?" She formed a half-heart shape with her left hand. Wyatt, without hesitation, mimicked the gesture with his right hand, albeit with a curious expression. "Okay," he agreed, still uncertain about her intentions

Aurelia extended her hand towards his and joined the hand-made hearts together, completing the hearts. She pulled out her phone and opened the Camera app. She pointed the camera to their hands, the beluga whales still in their spots now in the middle of the heart, she took a picture

"Yup, this will be my wallpaper now"

Aurelia talked to herself as she put her phone away and dropped her hand giving Wyatt a smile as a thank you. He dropped his hand as well, and Aurelia's attention was back on the Belugas "Well hii" She cooed at them, pressing her hand on the glass, The beluga whale on her left pressed their nose on the glass right where her hand was

Wyatt smiled at her and the whale, he lifted the camera to his eye, capturing the moment in a picture.

"I want a pet Beluga now" Aurelia grumbled, She leaned her head against the glass right beside her hand. She obviously knew that was never gonna happen and that this was the closest she'd get to a Beluga. Wyatt chuckled at her, he went behind her wrapping his arms around her waist "You'll be fine"

"You never know"

She removed her head and hand from the glass as the whales swam away from them. As they watched the Beluga, Aurelia leaned her head back to his shoulder. His head leaned down against on top of hers. They stayed like that, basking in the beauty of the moment and the gentle but playful presence of the Belugas until they left for a different spot in the same section

The sea otters

Sea otters held a special place in Aurelia's heart, so when she spotted these adorable creatures, her excitement was palpable. She dashed towards the tank that housed the Otters, like a child that just entered a store of just full of candy. In this case, Candy was the Sea Otters to Aurelia. Observing them, float on their backs, toying with baby cups or with each other. While Aurelia was caught up in the moment, Wyatt hung back a bit. He took the opportunity, he snapped a picture of Aurelia up close to the glass observing the lively little creatures

SOMETHING THERE || Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now