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"Think you can keep up?"

With a mischievous grin hidden behind her mask, she quickly reached out and pressed her fingers against the web-shooter, releasing the homemade formula she had concocted with the other web-slinging hero swinging beside her. "Keep up? You forget who taught me the ropes! I've been keeping up with you since day one."

As the sun set on the iconic skyline of New York City, the streets below were alive with activity and energy. Two figures swung gracefully through the city's vast network of buildings among the towering skyscrapers. This was a scene that had become familiar to the city's residents, but this time it was different. This time, it was a father and his daughter, united by their unique powers and a common goal to protect the city they cherish.

The streets below were illuminated by the warm glow of street lamps and neon signs, casting soft shadows that seemed to dance alongside them. The distant sound of traffic and the hum of city life provided a soothing backdrop to their nighttime adventure.

Behind his iconic mask, Spider-Man's eyes showed pride and admiration for his daughter's development as a hero. He saw in her the same passion and drive that once drove him to become a hero himself.

"Looking good, Spider-Lily!" He called out, his voice carrying a hint of playful encouragement.

His partner grinned and glanced back at him, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You're not doing too shabby yourself, old man!" she teased in return.

Having ensured the neighborhood's safety from late-night crimes, Spider-Lily followed her mentor to the rooftop of an apartment complex. Patrolling the city was part of her nightly routine as Spider-Lily. She had started wearing the mask at the tender age of 11, but had actually developed her genetic spider powers from her father at the age of 3, when she was first seen crawling on the ceiling. Although her mother had been hesitant to let her daughter fight crime, she could not be more proud of her. Spider-Lily was very responsible and very much like her father, who never backed down from a fight.

After witnessing her friend die in front of her, she realized that great power comes with great responsibility. Since then, she has sworn to become stronger in order to protect those she cares about.

And for three years, she had been Spider-Lily with Spider-Man.

The two spider-people paused for a moment, catching their breaths and taking in the view of the city below. Spider-Lily watched Spider-Man sit down and remove his mask, revealing her doting father, Peter Parker. He ran his fingers through his blond hair before reaching down and grabbed the lunchbox on the concrete roof. He opened it to find four pairs of sandwiches.

Peter turned to her and casually asked, "Want one?"

Humming in response, Spider-Lily stretched her limbs after her strenuous swinging exercises. He tossed the sandwich in the air, and she easily caught it with her webs before sitting back down. The city lights shimmered below as the two sat comfortably on the rooftop ledge. They each held a sandwich, enjoying the simple pleasure of a late-night snack after a long night of fighting crime.

"Your mom makes good sandwiches," Peter noted after a moment of silence, nudging her playfully.

She nodded vigorously, her mouth full of food. A moment later, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out, earning a reproachful look from Peter. "Hey, I thought I told you no phones during patrol?" he said.

The excuse "I forgot to take it out of my suit" came easily to her lips as she shrugged nonchalantly. Her eyes returned to the dimly lit screen, which displayed a text from her best friend.

first day tomorrow!! 🥶🤟you ready?

She laughed a bit. His typings could be so goofy sometimes. Peter merely shook his head at his daughter's antics.


"I just remembered," Peter's voice caught her attention and she stopped typing momentarily. "It's your first day in your new school tomorrow..."

"Yeah, Miles and I were just talking about that," she replied, her attention drawing back to her phone. "Brooklyn Visions Academy."

Her father gazed from afar. "Oh, your mom's gonna kill me for bringing you out on a school night."

"I can easily handle going through the day with little to no hours of sleeping,"

"Well, things are going to change now that you're in a new school," Peter didn't miss a beat, watching as her mouth formed into a pout. "Visions Academy is different. I don't want to see you juggle two things at once."

She pursed her lips. "Dad, it's no big deal. I've been doing this for the last three years. I can handle it!"

"It starts with saying that you could handle it," he replied, "but then there would be a time when you have to choose between the two."

The world fell silent, the only sound the distant murmur of traffic. She let the moment hang before whispering, "You know what I'm gonna choose..."

Peter frowned. "And that's the thing; you shouldn't have to choose," he emphasized. "Right now, you should focus on your school and leave the patrolling to me—"


"-And if there's a problem I couldn't handle by myself, I'll call you," Spider-Man said as the two stared at each other. Spider-Lily looked disappointed because she knew he would never call her for help, but her father's look was one of reassurance that made her trust him this time.

She nodded absentmindedly, lolling her head to the side.

"Plus, your mother's gonna be really mad if I let you skip school for Spider-Lily duties."

Y/n let out a small laugh, looking over the streets of New York. Peter noticed that she became pensive, as he stared at the profile side of her face before sighing loudly.

"Kid, hey..." he began fiddling with his fingers as he tried to find the right words to say. "I just want you to live a normal life as early as possible," he admitted, resting a comforting hand on her shoulder. She kept looking over. "You became Spider-Lily so early, so fast. You're missing out on your other life as Y/n Parker."

She furrowed her brows. "I'm not..." she tried to say, but her words died in her throat.

Peter turned her around to face him as he smiled reassuringly. "Now, I want you to go have fun on your first day of school tomorrow, hang out with that Miles kid, and make some new friends!" He saw her face morph into an uncomfortable smile. He straightened his back. "Okay, not into it. Got it. But make sure you destroy those physics questions!"

A sparkle appeared in her eyes as she nodded once. "I won't let you down!"

"There we go, kiddo!"

Wee-woo! The piercing wail of sirens filled the air as police cars sped down the highway. The two figures turned their heads towards the sound, exchanging knowing glances. Peter pulled his mask back on. "Are you ready?"

Y/n lowered her mask, concealing her identity with the red and white cloth.

"I'm ready."



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