xii: across the arachnohumanoid polymultiverse

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Around a year had passed since Peter Parker died, and the radioactive spider had bitten Miles, thrusting him into the realm of superheroes alongside his best friend and others with similar abilities. It had also been a year since he mustered the courage to ask out his best friend, and she had gladly said yes.

Rio and Jeff didn't immediately notice the change in their relationship until Miles and Y/n explicitly mentioned it two weeks after his confession. Despite the shift, their dynamics remained largely unchanged, continuing to engage in the same activities they did when they were friends.

Rio was undoubtedly excited by the news. She embraced Y/n with enthusiasm, delivering a hug even tighter than usual, and urged her to start calling her "Mama" from that moment on.

That was the only thing Y/n agreed on—until Mama Rio started rambling about certain 'urges,' prompting Miles to intervene with a furious blush on his cheeks.

Jeff approved, and that was the most relieving part, considering he could come off as someone who was very strict when it comes to Miles dating. Luckily for Y/n, Jeff had deemed her 'respectful and a good kid even though her father was Spider-Man,' earning him a glare from both Rio and Miles. Y/n paid it no mind, continuing to eat the adobo that Mama Rio had prepared.

God, she'll have to get used to calling her that.

Mary Jane and Aunt May had identical reactions, both being very supportive of them. May had a knowing smirk on her lips as she essentially said, "I knew it," leaving Y/n and Miles exchanging an uneasy look in response to her statement.

The two had discussed it beforehand, and on that same dinner night, with Y/n holding his hand tightly under the table, Miles revealed to Mary Jane that he was the new Spider-Man. Y/n observed her mother's reaction, not anticipating her to leap out of her chair and approach Miles. He, too, was taken aback when MJ suddenly enveloped him in a warm embrace.

Tears streamed down her face, but a smile adorned her lips as she told Miles that Peter would be proud of him. Miles was at a loss for words, and in the midst of the emotional moment, he felt his own eyes welling up. Y/n found the entire scene heartwarming and melancholic, a bittersweet sense of peace settling in her heart.

The remainder of the dinner was filled with lively discussions about Spider-Man shenanigans, and for Miles, there was a palpable sense of relief in finally sharing his identity with someone else.

He just wished it was this easy when it came to his parents.

Over the course of the year as crime-fighting partners, they developed a routine to navigate the delicate balance between their civilian and superhero lives. Y/n willingly passed on her knowledge, sharing not only the lessons she inherited from her father but also her own strategies for maintaining a double life.

Following their school day, the duo would rendezvous in their superhero personas on a nondescript rooftop, embarking on a 2-3 hour patrol of the area. If, by some miracle, the city was devoid of any crimes (a rare occurrence), they'd head back to their respective dorms to tackle their homework. Due to the school's stringent dorm checks, they had no choice but to complete their assignments in the privacy of their own rooms.

Though most of the time, they would sneak out and do their homework on a random skyscraper instead.

Ganke found himself caught in the middle of their escapades. Despite his repeated declarations about not wanting to jeopardize his pristine reputation with lies and excuses, he couldn't bring himself to refuse his friends. However, he remained adamant about not being the "guy in the chair."

Miles had been improving himself as the new Spider-Man. The people of Brooklyn adored him, and soon enough, his image became merchandise, with masks, makeshift costumes, action figures, and even sponsorships. However, the newfound fame didn't change him; he remained the same Miles who could make her laugh until she choked, the Miles who listened to her endless rambling about her interests, and the Miles who made everything better.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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