CHAPTER TWO. . .dragon's blood is hot

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The door to the King's chambers slammed open as the enraged Prince Viserys Targaryen stormed in. Earlier this morning, the young man heard that the Small Council was planning another marriage for him. He was furious, and anger clouded his common sense. So once he crossed the threshold of his grandfather and king's chambers, there was no turning back. Jaehaerys, sitting behind the desk, raised his head, and it was clear from his eyes that he didn't expect such behavior from his grandson, who would one day inherit the Iron Throne. Behind his chair, Good Queen Alysanne also looked at the man, his chest heaving with anger, his nostrils flaring as he marched towards his grandfather, finger extended as he spoke to him:

"My wife just died two weeks ago and you're already planning my next marriage. Why? Lyanna is fucking dead and it's my duty to take care of the daughter she left me, not chasing after some lady-in-waiting with a brain smaller than a teaspoon" he sneered, thinking of all those "noble ladies" who were just waiting to catch the eye of some rich lord or prince.

The king leaned back in his chair, clasped his hands on the hardwood of the desk, and nodded. "How do you know that?" he asked, ignoring his grandson's questions, adding to his anger. "Viserys, who told you about that?" he asked again when he got no answer.

"Nobody had to tell me that. The whole castle is buzzing with rumors about it. These idiots look at me like I'm a piece of meat, and their fathers are planning how to talk to you, how to please you so you'll approve of the relationship."

"Well." The Old King got up and stood by the window. "That's not true. Of course, I heard from my advisors asking for your remarriage." Seeing the boy wanting to speak, Jaehaerys held up a hand, effectively silencing him. "But your father didn't approve it, and neither do I. We agreed that we wouldn't force you into betrothal if you promised that when the time came you would take a wife again and give her heirs. Life is slipping through my fingers, Viserys. I will die soon." the queen's whisper could be heard: Gods, protect him. "Then your father will sit on the Iron Throne, and you will be his heir. After that, the power will pass to you, and if you don't have a male heir, Daemon or Daenerys will be your heir. You will decide, because you will be king and you will have to make difficult decisions - sometimes your decision will determine order in your own family"

Viserys felt the weight fall from his shoulders. "Thank you, Your Grace, and I promise to marry a lady of noble house when the time comes."

"Zaldrīzes's ānogar iksis bāne," said Queen Alysanne of House Targaryen, standing beside her husband and placing her hand on his shoulder. "When you're ready, we'll throw you a grand wedding. But don't wait too long - the Realm needs you." Dragon's blood is hot.

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