Chapter 20: I'm done being Jiminy Cricket

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Caged Heat 1

Alexis slid out of the Impala after the handcuffed monster that Dean was pulling out. She had sat between it and Madilyn while the child slept on the car ride to meet the demons Crowley had sent. 

"You're late." One demon says.

"Traffic was a bitch." Dean tells him, handing the creature off to a demon.

"One Rougarou." Sam states.

"Now, where's Crowley?" Dean asks. 

"Banging a hooker in a sweet spot called none of your business." The demon replies. 

"So he does have to pay to get laid." Alexis leaned against the hood of the Impala, a mocking smile on her lips. "Isn't that sad?"

"Oh! Look at that, a demon trying to be funny." Dean joins in on the mocking. 

"Oh, is that what just happened?" Sam asks sarcastically. 

"Hmm, maybe go to a comedy class before you try again." Alexis smiled.

"Night, girls." The demon turned, going back to the black SUV.

"Wait, wait, hold up, hold up." Dean calls out making him stop. "Are we ever gonna see Crowley again or is he just gonna keep sending his demon extras to pick up his laundry?"

"I'm sorry, I know you're speaking. I see your lips moving, but I can't understand what you're saying because I don't speak little bitch." The demons eyes flash black as he turns to face the three once more. 

"Ooh, nice one. I'm severely wounded." Sarcasm coated each word that left Alexis's lips as she rolled her eyes. 

The demon turned, getting in the SUV and driving off. 

"Remember when we used to gank demons?" Dean asks. 

"Ahh, the glory days." Alexis crossed her arms over her chest. 


"No, man. Screw it. I'm done." Dean says as he flicks on the light to the abandoned house they were staying at. 

"Calm down--" Sam began. 

"No, we've been going on these Crowley runs and it's not getting us anywhere." Dean insists. 


"I mean, the only thing that's really changed is now I need a daily rape shower." Dean cut him off. 

"He's got a point, Sam. I mean, we're no closer to making you less annoying than we were before. Crowley's playing us." Alexis dropped her bag onto the floor and she sat down on the table, rubbing Madilyn's back. 

"Okay, you're right. Let's go with plan B." Sam sighs. "Oh, yeah, we don't have one. So till we do, sorry, dude, stock up on soap on a rope." He tosses his jacket across the room. "Dean, if you wanna get my soul back, that's what we gotta do, okay?"

"Yeah." Dean looks at Sam. "You even want it back?"

Sam gave him a look. "I'm working for Crowley, aren't I?"

"Yeah, well, like Lex said, who says he's gonna hold up his end, you know?" Dean walked around the table, grabbing a bottle of liquor. "It is Crowley. You ever think of that? Right?" Dean grabbed his glass and turned back to face Sam and Alexis. 

Sam was gone.

"So I guess the moments over. Is that what you're saying?" Dean calls out as Alexis glances up at him. No reply. "Sam?"

Dean set down his cup and pulled his gun from his coat. "Darlin'." He nods, gesturing for her to stay close. 

Alexis followed behind him as they walk around the corner and into another room to see Sam laying on the floor, unconscious. 

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