Part 10- School

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Connor and I get out of the car and I immediatley see Carter and Izzy. I look at Connor with pleading eyes and he nods and says,

"Go to your friends lexie I'll check on you later." with a smile.

I squeal and hug him saying "Thank you Con Con I love you so much."

He laughs and says, "Love you too baby."

I run to Izzy and we immediatley crash into a big hug. I love this girl so much.

"Hey Iz! I missed you so much!" I said laughing.

She sighed happily and giggles "Girl there's so much to go over and the day hasn't even started." I laughed and then looked at Carter. He grew a lot.

He looked at me and his jaw dropped. "No freaking way Mccay. You look amazing and you hair is just ugh!!!!"

I giggled and said, "Thanks Johnson. You look good too." I hugged him. I call him his last name and he calls me Mccay for short of mine. It's our thing.

and then said, "C'mon guys let's go to get out locker numbers." They nodded and we were off.

As we got to the front desk I said "Hi Mrs. Davis. Could I get my locker number and lock? Oh and my schedule?"

"Hello Ms. Mccarthy. Of course, here you go." she handed me a post it with my locker number and lock, and my classes. After that she did the same with my friends.

Carter spoke up and said "Okay muskateers, what's your locker numbers and classes. Mine's locker number 35."

I spoke up and responded by saying,"Perfect! My number is 34. What about you Iz? Please tell me you're next to us" I looked at her and she grew a grin.

"Oh Lexie Wexy my dearest bestie, how could you ever doubt me. Number 33. You and Cay Cay are so lucky." She calls Carter Cay Cay which she knows annoys the hell out of him. I rolled my eyes playfully the same as him and dragged them to our lockers.

As soon as we got there we put our locks on and started decorating and putting our books we didn't need in our lockers.

"As you both know purple is my theme and my life. How about you guys? Lex, you and me gonna put up the pamphlet for the program?" Izzy asked me and technichally Carter.

"I'm going with blue decorations and pics of u guys and my brothers. And yes Iz we should." I replied. Carter looked confused.

"I'm gonna do rainbow cuz, well you know. And what program? Am I forgetting something?" he asked.

"Me and Iz are doing the music program this year. If you want you can join, we just didn't think it'd be something you'd like. Are you mad?" I said kinda nervous. He looked at me and then at Izzy.

"No! Oh my God, finally. You guys are gonna become like the next generation RiRi and Queen B! I want a shoutout when you guys win a grammy." he said. I was so relived to hear him say that so I hugged him.

"Guys I'd love to continue the sappy and excited crap but we got class. Lex let's go. Me, you math class. See ya later Cay Cay." Izzy said inturrupting. I groaned and waved to Carter as she dragged me to math.

Izzy and I got to math and sat down. She sat down next to me and our teacher began the lesson. Fractions. Great. I can't belive I have math class first thing in the morning.

I started to write my notes when I felt a sudden chill and a feeling of eyes stabbing at my head. I turned my head to see a blonde girl staring at me with her peircing blue eyes and she quickly looked away. This should be fun.


After math class ended we had 3 more grueling clases and now it is lunch time.

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