ch. 1

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You wake up from the sun shining your eyes, making you annoyed. It was, unfortunately, your first day of school. You thought you wouldn't be able to get any sleep from how paranoid you were.

For the first day of highschool to be exact.

You didn't want to get up from your bed, the soft pillow casing and blanket was on the perfect warmth and texture. You look at the time, 5:34 AM. 1 hour and 26 minutes before you're considered late for school.

You get up and start to get ready, showering before eating breakfast. You drank the coffee your mom made and said your goodbyes, you walked out of your house and started walking to school.

Yawning in the morning felt great, no need to hide your face considering it was 6:23 AM in the morning. Not many people out, just people who take their morning jogs or water their plants.

6:37 AM, you step into the school grounds, oddly feeling a heavy burden on your shoulders. You sigh out.

'I really don't wanna do this.' You murmured to yourself.

You see students around. Talking and hanging out in groups. You felt quite lonely, but you still had hope in making new friends. It was just the first day of school after all.

You walked into the main building and changed shoes. As you passed through the busy hallways, you finally arrived at your class.

You enter the room, it has a cold yet comfortable tension as the chatter of students chime. You decided to sit beside the windows, it's more beneficial in spring after all.

After a few minutes of watching people out of the window, you turn to your right to see a boy with dark curls and a face mask. He sits down right next to you.

'He must be sick today. Could've been me..' You thought to yourself.

You thought of starting a conversation with him, maybe get to know each other considering you both might be permanent seatmates for the whole year.

You look at him, trying to find something to compliment. The boy notices you looking at him and his face scrunches through his mask. You could tell from his eyes crinkling.

"May I help you?" He asks, sounding annoyed. "Oh, um..I like your hair." You muttered. "Thanks." He looks away and continues to do his own things.

'Talk about dry ice..' You think to yourself and sigh, laying your head down on the table and looking out the window again.

"You.. have nice hair as well." The boy compliments you suddenly. You quickly sit down properly, "O-oh, thank you.." replied, touching the ends of your hair.

The awkward tension between you felt so thick, it almost felt unbearable. You slightly regret trying to start a conversation with him.

You look around again to see a duffel bag on the ground. "Do you play any sports?" You asked awkwardly.

"I do, I play volleyball." He replies, something in his voice makes it sound like he doesn't want to talk any further. You nod and look away.

He has pretty eyes.. you thought to yourself.

6:41 AM, you wish time could go by faster to end this dry dessert of a conversation you're having. A girl then approaches you.

"Hey! I like the pins on your bag! Mind if I sit here and chat a bit?" She asked cheerfully, you smile and nod.

She sits down on the chair in front of you, placing her back on the side of her desk. "I'm Kira by the way, nice to meet you!" She bows a bit as she introduces herself. "I'm [name]. It's nice to meet you too." I smile.

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A sense of relief washes over you. This angel sent straight from heaven just saved you from an awkward conversation.

You start to converse with Kira, it turns out both of you have a lot in common. You probably found your best friend for the rest of highschool, a new chapter in your life.

Right.. a new chapter. The thought of it makes you anxious yet excited. From how much media you consume about highschool life, you assume this period of your existence would be full of drama, academics and..


Yeah no, we'll steer clear of that right?

You look over to the guy who's sitting beside you. Trying not to make it seem obvious that you were admiring his looks.

Yeah, that'd be impossible.

As the minutes went by, it was finally 7:15 AM, where classes officially started. Your teacher introduces herself as she writes her name on the chalkboard. Everyone stands up and greets her.

Everyone sits back down. The teacher says she'll be taking roll calls. A few names were incorrectly pronounced as other names went through a breeze.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi?" Well, the teacher got that right. You thought.

"Present." The boy next to you calls, taking his mask off.

A pretty boy with a pretty name, how cliche.


You yawn and stretch in your seat, landing your arms on the table. "So, [name].. which street do you live on? Maybe we could walk together to school and on the way home!" She asked excitedly.

"I live near the town's convenience store, what about you?" You reply and ask back. "Oh me too! We can pass by later, I think I'll be needing a snack later." Kira sighs out.

"Let's go get some snacks, we don't wanna waste our recess just sitting here!" She grabs your hand and pulls you out of the classroom. You try to maintain your balance as you're being held.

You both arrive at the canteen and buy some snacks, finding a table, you both sit down and start to eat.

"So, see any guys you like?" Kira asks, making you almost choke on your food. "I-I'm not really looking for anyone at the moment." You stutter, face a bit flushed.

"Oh! You remember that guy that was sitting next to you? He's quite handsome don't you think?" She points over to him. You look over and see a clear view of his face.

He was eating an onigiri as a snack. He had 2 moles on top of each other, located below his right eyebrow. His face was well defined, his jaw was sharp, his skin was pale. He looked.. mesmerizing.

"I think I found the guy." Kira chuckled. You playfully hit her arm in response. "N-no you didn't! I tried talking to him and it was like the guy never talked to anyone in his life." You commented.

"Oh come on, don't be so harsh on him. He's known for being the anti social in our old school." Kira explains. "You were classmates?" You asked, "Schoolmates." Kira corrected.

"We never talked to each other, but he was known as the scary volleyball player in our school. He chooses not to talk to anyone but his cousin and a few volleyball teammates here and there." Your friend commented.

You nod along to what Kira was talking about. His looks are definitely a waste if he chooses not to talk to anyone.. you thought to yourself.

"He looks way too good to be anti-social." You say, sipping on your drink. "I know right?! He was popular in my school. Especially with the girls, you know what he did? He rejected every single one! Not even the popular girl." She exclaimed.

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