A/N: I have no idea what I'm going to do for this book as I would usually plan it but I didn't this time so I'm just gonna wing it and hope that it doesn't turn into complete shit like the rest of my books.
(How do people manage to write 2 hour long books complete with editing and still make it amazing??)
Anyways... I hope you like my attempt of making a Malvie fanfic and Enjoy! (There will be mention of ED and SH throughout this book so please be weary of this as I would hate to trigger anyone <3)
———————————————————————Mals' Point of view
"M, Mal wake up." I heard a sweet voice say from none other than Evie, My Evie, I groaned softly trying to shoo her away so I could carry on sleeping but obviously it didn't work.
"Nooo go away Evie, I need my beauty sleep." I mumbled nuzzling into my sheets trying to get back to sleep.
"Well, for a starter you don't need beauty sleep you are already Beautiful and-" that's when I stopped listening, I could feel heat rise to my face when she called me beautiful and sure, she always calls me pretty and always says a look amazing but she had never called me beautiful. I have to admit I like Evie, as in I love Evie with all my heart, I love Evie more than I could ever love Ben. She was always so stunning even at her lowest points, she could be wearing a shirt saying 'No Chance Mal' and skinny jeans and I would still think she was the most gorgeous woman alive. But... I couldn't say that to her, I am engaged to Ben now and she is happily with Doug."M?! Are you listening to me? It's your wedding day!" Evie yelled breaking me out of my trance. Of course it was today...
"My what?! That's today?!" I jumped out of bed immediately, almost knocking Evie over in the process. "I- I don't know where my dress is, I don't have anything ready!" I yelled backing into a corner, sliding down the wall and held my head in my hands.
"Hey..." Evie said calmly, kneeling next to me and holding my warm sweaty hands in her own cold hands. "I have your dress, I was just making a few finishing touches to it last night. Dizzy, Jane, Lonnie and Celia have everything you need downstairs." I could feel the weight get taken off my shoulders when she told me that. I looked into Evie's eyes, they were beautiful (obviously); her browny-red eyes looked tired and it seemed as though she going to be sick.
"Are you okay Eves?" I asked scanning her again "When was the last time you ate?" I quizzed her getting concerned about my best friend's health.
"Uhm... 2 hours ago." She said, I knew she was lying. Evie could lie very convincingly for her age but I grew up with her and I knew that her mom would threaten her every time she ate something with even an pinch on sugar on it causing her to have some trouble eating."Evie."
"Yes Mal?" She gritted her teeth
"Come on, we're going to have some breakfast together" I told her getting up and holding out my hand gesturing for her to take it, and she did.
Evie's Point of View
I sat myself next to Mal as she handed me a plate with a croissant and strawberries. I could feel my heart pounding as I gingerly took a bite, it was alright at first but then a wave of nausea hit me as I carried on eating, I ran to the bathroom not even attempting to close the door as I threw up into the toilet. I could hear Mal behind me pulling my hair back from my face as I vomited again. Finally I collapsed against the wall breathing heavily, my head resting against Mal's shoulder. I felt terrible, I felt like I should be taking care of Mal as it was her big day but now she's the one taking care of me as I helplessly sobbed into Mal.
"I- I'm sorry. I knew this would happen but I still ate it, you shouldn't be taking care of me right now you need to get ready for your wedding." I said looking up at her.
"Evie, it's not your fault at least you tried to eat and I could care less if i'm late for my own wedding from taking care of you all I would want to know if your alright because I know for a fact your feeling super shitty right now and I don't want you to feel like that the whole day." Mal rambled. I actually found that really sweet usually when I said stuff like what I said before Mal would say "I don't care" in her harsh tone and carry on taking care of me but this- this was on a whole knew level. 'It's probably because she's in a good mood as it her wedding day' I thought"I'll be fine, this has happened a lot of times before I'll just do what I usually do, but you need to get ready or you'll be super late and I don't want that to happen." I smiled and got up, shaking a bit and feeling a bit lightheaded up other than that I was fine.
"Are you sure your alright Eves? I mean- I haven't seen you throw up like that in a while." Mal asked getting up, grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes occasionally looking down.
"Yes M, I promise I'm fine just a bit lightheaded." I said again dragging a reluctant Mal to the conservatory where Dizzy, Celia, Lon and Jena looked at me in a concerned manner."Are you alright Eves?" Dizzy asked me, at this point I just wanted to run upstairs and scream I hated when people always ask me the same questions. But I couldn't do that it was Mal's wedding day, I would hate to ruin it because of my stupid opinion about something that annoyed me.
"I'm fine." I said with gritted teeth. "I'm going to go change, Mal your wedding dress is in the workshop." I walked away quickly going upstairs to get away from everyone.Mal's Point of View
I watched as Evie disappeared upstairs and I could hear a muffled yell from her room. I really wanted to go comfort her and tell her that's it's okay and it's going to get better, but I couldn't even if I could it would be lying it was just going to get more shitty from now o
"Mal, is Evie okay? Why did she randomly run upstairs?" Dizzy asked me looking concerned for her friend.
"Evie- she's not feeling her best right now." I explained but not very well because soon after Dizzy said,
"I'm going to go see if she's alright."
I tried to stop her, I wanted Dizzy to know that Evie needed her time alone as it was comfortable for her but it was too late as Dizzy had run immediately after her.Not nearly 5 minutes after I heard a scream. I ran up stairs to the source of the scream and found out it was coming from Evie's room. I pushed open the door to see Dizzy holding on to Evie's arm with a cloth as it bled quickly. "Omg Evie what the fuck?!" I yelled but immediately regretted it when I saw the hurt look in Evie's eye. "Diz go down stairs, and get a cloth and paper towels" I ordered quickly and she left trying to get as far as she could from the blood.
"I- messed up Mal! I tried to stop the bleeding but I couldn't. I'm so sorry I really am I didn't mean to do this I swear! I messed up." Evie sobbed, I could feel my heart breaking she was apologising for something that wasn't her fault. However, I just couldn't help but want to shout at her for doing that, I wanted her to know how careless this was."Why the fuck would you do that?! That's just a stupid thing to do! Was it me, did I do something to make you do this?!" She shook her head quickly tears rolling down her cheeks. "Then why the actual fuck would you do something like this!? Is it for attention? Is it because it's my wedding and everyone is paying attention to me and you couldn't deal with that?! Jesus Evie, I get that your mother sucked because guess what my mother sucked too!" I screamed, I have no idea why I did it because I knew it wasn't true.
"I- is that how you really feel? You believe that? You believe that I would ruin your big day for attention because my mom sucked?! You know what Mal, Fuck you! I believed that you would understand! I guess not. Just get out. Don't need your help I can do it myself." Evie yelled back her beautiful face now red and blotchy tears still streaming down her face like rain drops.
"You need to get ready, we are all leaving in 2 hours." I said turning towards the door. The next thing she said broke me,
"I'm not going to your wedding..."

FanfictionI can't find any good Malvie so I decided to make my own and I want or share it 👍