Garcia had brought in some old Nintendo DS's, so the team were playing Mario Kart, Reid in the lead.
"I'm gonna get you, pretty boy." Morgan shook his head.
"Not a chance." Reid shook his head.
"Out of my way." Fleur then took over the lead.
"My thumbs hurt." Elijah sighed.
"You're doing great." Reid nodded.
"I'm last."
"Don't worry about that." Reid pointed.
"I suppose we've all lost to Fleur anyway. Again." Elijah nodded.
"Hey, we haven't lost yet." Morgan pointed.
"I'm winning those chocolates." Fleur nodded.
"Not if I have anything to do with it." Morgan shook his head.
"Derek Morgan, you watch it."
"Guys, what does a blue shell do?" Elijah raised a brow.
"Elijah!" Fleur gasped.
"It hits the first place player." Reid chuckled.
"So I.. Shouldn't have thrown it?"
"Yes." The boys nodded.
"Oops." Elijah looked away.
Reid then overtook Fleur, going over the finish line,"Yes!"
"I did something right!" Elijah smiled.
"This games stupid anyway." Fleur muttered, putting the DS down.
"Hun, it's just a game." Morgan chuckled.
"Stupid game." Fleur shrugged.
"I'm sorry, Fleur." Elijah patted her shoulder.
"No, you're not." Fleur looked away.
"I am."
"Prove it."
"How do I do that?" Elijah sighed.
"Rematch. Me and you." Fleur pointed.
"Fleur, we've already been playing for an hour." Elijah shook his head.
"One more, please?" Fleur held her hands together.
"Will you stop being angry with me?" Elijah asked.
"I will."
"Guys." JJ walked over,"We've got a case."
"I'll battle you on the plane, don't try running." Fleur pointed as she got up.
"I wasn't going to." Elijah shook his head.
Reid took the chocolate packet, opening it and taking a bite as they walked to the Conference Room.
"The Halbert family. They were murdered last night, in their home, in the Denver suburb of Cherry Creek." JJ put pictures on the screen,"This is the third home invasion like this in the last month."
"They kill everyone." Hotch nodded.
"Parents, kids, pets, if they have them. Always families, always nice neighbourhoods." JJ added.
"What do they take?" Reid asked.
"Nothing they can't fit in gneir pockets. Cash, jewellery.." JJ sighed
"Theres hundreds of ways to get cash and jewels without killing entire families." Hotch shook his head.
"That's why home invasions are so hard to profile, multiple motives." Morgan shook his head.
"National statistics show an uptick in home invasions over the last few years. 18% in Colorado." Reid explained.
"You know it's bad when they're inviting us back." Hotch sighed.
"Back?" Fleur raised a brow.
"Things went bad after the JonBenet Ramsay case when a couple of agents publicly criticised local detectives." Hotch shook his head.
"They didn't need us to make them feel bad." Morgan scoffed.
"And that was in Boulder." Elijah pointed.
"Yeah, but the state wide media ran with it and it took on a life of it's own." Hotch sighed.
"I talked to a Lieutenant Nellis. Trust me, they want out help." JJ nodded.
"They need it. The first two invasions were twenty days apart, this last one was just nine days later." Fleur hummed.
"So, they're killing in faster cycles, acquiring a taste." Morgan sighed.
"And getting better each time." Hotch pointed.
"Home invasions typically involve the elderly and single females. The fact that entire families are being targeted suggests multiple Unsubs." Reid explained.
"Could mean gang related, revenge motive, personal business." Morgan shrugged.
"I don't think any of these victims are running around in gang circles." Elijah shook his head.
"Sewing circles, more like it. PTA moms, grey flannel dads. These guys are killing the Cleavers." Fleur pointed.
"Strange." Reid nodded.
"The pattern?" Hotch turned.
"No, the Cleavers." Reid shook his head,"Of all the names for a 1950's idyllic TV family. I mean, it's rife with violent implications. Kind of makes you wonder how the writers really felt about Suburbia."
"Focus, please." Hotch nudged him.
"Uhm, okay, what about class-based uprising, Helter Skelter?" Emily suggested.
"There's no graffiti, no messages, at least not visible ones. There's no rituals." Morgan sighed.
"You know, Manson's aim was to start a race war, there's no proof of any hate crime here either." Reid shook his head.
"The parent murders are brutal, messy, the instruments vary. Golf club, kitchen knife, iron." Hotch listed.
"Household implements, symbols of family." Elijah nodded slowly.
"But the kids were different. They died by injection, pentobarbital." Fleur pointed to the file.
"It's a barbiturate, sometimes used as an anticonvulsant for epileptics, anxiety disorders and state executions." Reid explained.
"The invasions are well planned. Phone lines cut. Ligature marks show that the parents were bound and gagged." Hotch continued.
"Looks like these guys had some robbery experience." Morgan nodded.
"And then found their true calling." Emily sighed.
"These guys don't lack confidence, targeting entire families is a high risk endeavor." Hotch shook his head.
"It's possible they're minimizing that risk by jamming cell phones inside the house so no one can call out." Reid pointed.
"High-tech, that narrows the profile, right?" Detective Nellis asked.