The Bastard Prince

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sorry, this one is a bit bigger, I couldn't think of a way to shorten it. hopefully, you'll still enjoy it!

: sword fighting, Jace and his questionable behavior

 hopefully, you'll still enjoy it!warnings: sword fighting, Jace and his questionable behavior

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Lia thinks of her words, knowing that the warning behind them isn't empty. She looks around with caution, more often and attentive; the lively chatter and the rare singing with some yelling mixed in all merge into one hollow sound she pays no mind to. As Lia watches a string of faces, she tries picturing who'd go for murder so cruel — and she knows that any of them is fully capable. Every wicked man she's met only looked like a human and had no distinguishing traits.

Would Ser Aren tell anyone of the things he endured? Could he confess it was a woman's doing? How long would it take to make him confess?

When someone grabs her by the hand, Lia reaches for the dagger.

"Seven Hells!" Aegon instantly pulls away. "Do you go anywhere without that thing?!"

"Do you always approach people without a warning?" Lia glares at him but is mostly annoyed with herself. She should be more aware of her surroundings now.

"I did call you," Aegon comes closer the second she takes her hand off the hilt. "Thought you couldn't hear me over all the noise."

He's a tad shame-faced, a bit disheveled — and he is so sincerely friendly, she can't stay mad at him for long.

Lia missed the moment when that friendship of theirs formed but there's no denying it exists. Aegon is very open-minded, naturally kind, surprisingly witty — and he is unapologetic about everything that he is. Most of the time, he looks like a puppy, if only dogs were able to get drunk and make jokes. But there's also another, deeper layer to him, with the overflowing sadness that threatens to spill shall he only stop jesting, the one that he tries to drink away and dumb down — yet to no avail. Lia sometimes catches glimpses of it when he gets quiet, when he falls into somber thinking about something he can't voice (or maybe he is afraid to). She never blames him for having secrets — and he never presses for hers.

"You've been leaving your bed quite early these past couple of days, your grace," Lia teases.

"Jaehaerys's name day is drawing near, and I— Well, we are having a gift in preparation, and I wanted to check on it."

"Shall I take a guess?" she asks, and he turns to her with an affirmative hum. Lia needs no guessing. "It's a sword, isn't it?"

"Did he tell you too?" Aegon lets out a groan but there's a smile on his lips.

"I think he told just about everyone," Lia recalls the boy's eyes gleaming when she showed him her sword and even let him hold it (barely for a minute, under Helaena's strict supervision).

"Jaehaerys thinks he wants to be a knight. I blame the stupid tourney for that."

Lia almost forgot about the upcoming event but the moment he mentions it, her interest sparks once more. Jace never finished his story — or more like she never gave him a chance to, and she'd rather prefer Aegon's story-telling skills.

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